Chapter 32

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Ro's point of view

I wake up to see the light shining through the curtains. I rub my eyes and yawn. Last night was amazing... To be completely honest I want to be in his arms again. This man is giving me so many feelings, I can barely describe it. He is so nice to me and he is trying so hard. I appreciate it.

The moment he moved closer to me last night and I thought he was about to kiss me, I really hoped he did. I think. He didn't, and I was overthinking a little. I think he doesn't want to rush things or make things worse.

You can tell he is very insecure when it comes to me.

I decide to not lay down any longer and I step out of the bed. I decide to put on something comfortable like I actually always do. It just makes me more comfortable if I wear something oversized rather than something tight. I never wear something tight.

When I'm done changing I open up the curtains and I look outside to see the garden still covered with snow. I smile at the sight, I love snow. I decide to grab a new book I have never read and to read it outside in the cold weather. I usually don't mind the cold but when I feel like freezing I go inside immediately.

I walk downstairs and on the way to the backdoor I meet Jenna and she smiles at me. "Goodmorning, sweetheart," she says and hands me a glass of milk. I smile back and say "good morning and thank you, where do I owe this kind of kindness from?" I ask her.

She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "it's my job remember, there is some soup for you in the kitchen if you are hungry" she replies and I drink all the milk. I smile and give her the empty glass back.

I nod at her sentence and she says "Merry Christmas by the way" I look at her and I suddenly see all the memories with my family in front of my eyes. This is the first time I spend Christmas without them. My eyes start getting teary and I quickly say "Merry Christmas" before walking to the backdoor as fast as I can to hide my tears from Jenna.

I reach the door and I put on a coat, gloves, scarf, and a beanie. I open the door and walk outside closing the door behind me. I walk into the garden to find a spot to read my book. I see the bench where I sit usually. I place myself on the bench and start reading my book.

The cold breeze is kind of relaxing and so is the sound of the wind. You can hear some birds chirping. All that together is like music to my ears. If someone would be playing the piano it would be more perfect than it already is.

A tear escapes my eye when I think about my family again. I miss them so much, I'm just scared to ask Jonathan if I could see them again. I'm scared he would get angry at me or anything. A month ago Jenna told me he has a short temper. Since I know that I'm too scared to ask him things.

I quickly wipe my tear away before someone would notice. I rub my eye to fully dry them so there won't escape any other tear. I keep on reading my book Pride And Prejudice. It's a good book. I have only read the first 2 pages but I really am impressed and interested in how it will end. 

"Goodmorning" I hear a familiar male voice say. I look up to see Jonathan standing 5 meters away from me with his hands in his pockets. He smiles at me and I start to blush. "good morning" I respond and I close my book. I don't want to be rude.

I look down and I feel him walking towards me, placing himself next to me. I lay down the book on my lap. I glance at Jonathan but instantly look away when I see his gaze on me. I feel him smiling and I look down.

"It's a great book," He says and I look at him confused and hum in response. "Pride And Prejudice," He says pointing to the book on my lap. Of course, I'm so stupid. I mentally palm myself.

"Oh yeah... I- ehh just started it" I tell him and I look him in the eyes. He nods and chuckles. "It's a romance," He tells me and I nod "Yeah I- I know". Great, I'm stuttering, why am I such an embarrassing person.

It's silent for a while. The only thing you can hear properly is the wind and the birds chirping. I glance at Jonathan and he is looking down as I did a few minutes ago. I can see him opening his mouth as if he was about to say something but closed it soon. 

He looks at me and he sees me looking at him. I look at him with concern and he starts breaking the silence.

"Do you maybe..." he says not finishing his sentence. I look at him confused. He presses his lips together and starts talking again. "Do you..." he says again not finishing. He looks nervous. I decided to hold his hands to calm him down.

"It's okay, just say it," I say and he looks at me. I give him a small smile and he breaths in and out before talking.

"Do you- ehh maybe consider this place as your- ehh... home" he finally blurted out. I give him a surprised look. I let go of his hands and start looking down. I glance at him and he looks Insecure. I look down again and I see him balls his hands into fists.

I think he is angry at himself for asking me this. I glance at him again and he looks like he is about to break something. He stands up and starts walking away. I run after him and hug him from behind to stop him.

"I do," I say loudly. He immediately stops walking and turns around. He looks at me confused. I sigh and say "With my mom, it's home... But here too" I add. His face brightens up and his eyes start sparkling.

"Really?" he asks me and I nod. He starts smiling brightly as if I said yes to a proposal. I smile at him and he puts his arms around me. Hugging me tightly. I eventually hug him back.


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