Chapter 48

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The theme song for this chapter

Talking to the moon - Bruno Mars


"I'm your father," He says and I freeze at his words. I open my mouth to say something. "W-what?" I ask him and he chuckles. "I'm your father, darling," He says, adding the nickname. I somehow don't like the way he calls me. What is he doing here? Why now? Why not years ago?

"Oh," I just simply say and start looking down. "I heard your application to Princeton has been accepted" I hear the man say. I just simply nod. "Congratulations!" He says and I look up, giving him a small smile. "Thank you, sir," I say and he smiles.

"You don't have to be so polite to your father, just call me dad," He says and I say nothing. I don't know why but I can't ever call this man my dad. He never came or wanted to talk to me and now he does?

"I'm here because I think you will be needing a father when you are willing to go to Princeton," He says and then it hits me. Does he think I need him? Anger comes up and I look at him with a weird look on my face. I raise an eyebrow and I see him gulp. 

"What did you just say?" I ask him with disbelief written in my eyes. He was about to say something but I was faster. 

"You think I need you? You never were there for me. You left us all alone and now you just decide after so many years to come back, because I'm going to Princeton and tell me that I need you?" I say and he sighs and glances at my mother.

"You never even send me a damn card when it was my birthday! You never called me, asking me how I was doing and now you are just showing up. How is your other family doing huh? Is your new wife okay with the fact that you are here?" I almost was yelling at him. Tears started pouring into my eyes.

"Sweetheart, calm down," My mother says to me and I shake my head. "No! Where were you all this time? You never took the initiative to contact me! Or were you just busy with fucking your new wife or raising your other two sons? Yeah, I know about your other kids. Because I was able to ask stuff about you!" I scream at him. 

"Ro, stop it, that's enough!" My mother yells at me. I glance at her and shake my head. "Be honest with me, what do you know about Leo and me?" I ask him and he looks at me with guilt in his eyes. He says nothing and looks down. "That's what I thought," I say and tears keep rolling down my cheeks. 

"Don't ever bother me or my family ever again" I say and I glance at my mom who was watching me with her mouth wide open. I turn around and run back to my room. 

As I step into my room and close the door, more tears start coming out of my eyes. I can't believe I just did that. I'm never like this. I never curse. I think my anger just all came out at once and hid my shyness. I cover my mouth with my right hand and sob. I keep on crying for a while.

"Where are you, Jonathan?" I say as I start looking outside with my gaze into the darkness. "I miss you" I add. I keep looking outside for like 5 minutes, still crying my eyes out. 

Then something gets my attention. There was something behind the tree. It looks like a person. It's moving a little. It's a person, I'm sure of it. It looks like it is walking away. What if it's Jonathan? I need to go after him!

I open the window and tried to go outside without falling to the ground. I was halfway but slipped and fell on the grass. "Ouch!" I hissed and grab my knee. It hurts a little but it's tolerable. I stand up and make my way to the tree where I saw this person.

I reach the tree but there was nobody anymore. I look around, but nothing. Where did he go? "Hello?" I shout and I was still looking around. I cover my mouth with my right hand and the other hand was going through my hair.

"Jonathan?" I shout but still receive no response. "Please, don't leave me again. I miss you!" I yell and let myself fall to the ground. Doing that hurts a little but that is not important right now. I look up and start crying. 

"Please!" I yell again and I try to wipe my tears away, but tears kept falling down my cheeks. I want him back, I need him! Then I felt something wet on my shoulder and my arms. I look up and it starts raining. I don't mind it and keep on crying.

"Please! Jonathan I-" I yell but paused for a second. I let my hand go through my hair again and I sigh.

"I -I love you!" I scream and start looking down. He probably didn't hear me, or maybe it wasn't even him. That would be so embarrassing. Or I was just imagining everything and I was just talking to myself the entire time.

Rain keeps on pouring down onto my body. I didn't move and I stay where I am. My hair was covering my face so I couldn't see anything at all. I keep sobbing and tears never stopped.

I feel someone putting a lock of hair behind my ear and I slowly lookup. My eyes widen as I see a man kneeling in front of me. It takes me a few seconds to realize who it is. It is Jonathan. He sighs and gives me a small smile.

"Baby..." I hear him say with worry.

"Baby, why did you go outside?" He asks me and I say nothing. "Come on, let's get you back inside. you'll catch a cold" He says and I just slowly nodded at him. He guides me back to my window and we go back inside.

He is now standing in my room and I honestly don't know what to say or do. "Go shower before you get sick," He says and was about to go outside again but I stop him. "Don't leave again! Please" I shout a little. He turns his face and looks me into my eyes.

"I have to baby, It's better for you if I leave. I don't want to hurt you" He says and I look down. I start crying again. I'm not gonna let him leave me again. "It's better this way, my love," he says and I instantly lookup. I shake my head furiously.

"No! No it's not. You already broke me by leaving me" I yell at him. Trying not to be that loud, so my mom would see that there is a man in my room. Tears keep falling and his eyes soften. He walks towards me and I take a seat on my bed.

He kneels and holds my hands. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't realize. I'm so sorry" He says and starts giving me soft kisses on my hands. "Don't leave me" I say and I look at him, waiting for him to stay. He gives me a small smile and closes his eyes. "I won't, never again," He says and opens his eyes again.

"Promise?" I ask him and his hand starts caressing my left cheek. He nods "I promise" I sigh in happiness and can't help but smile. My hand grabs his hand who was caressing my cheek. His face goes to my cheek and he kisses it softly.

His lips leave my cheek and make their way to mine. I stare into his eyes and he does the same. I close my eyes as I feel him coming closer. I feel his lips finally on mine and I kiss him back right away. 

I put my hands around his neck to deepen the soft, lovely but passionate kiss. So much emotion is filled in this kiss and it feels so damn right. We let go of each other's lips and he stares into my eyes.

"I love you too, my love"


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