Chapter 46

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I was walking through the supermarket and I was holding Leo's hand. My mom suggested me to get the salad and other stuff. I brought Leo with me because I'm also going to the candy hall and I promised him he could pick something for himself. 

I love the way he acts when he picks something. He looks so excited whenever I let him. I got everything my mom suggested me to get for her and I look at Leo, who was pouting at me. I smile small at him and nod. "Okay, let's go to the candy now," I say and he excitedly claps in his hands. 

He grabs my hand again and drags me towards the candy. Every time I promise him candy, he always picks something different. He never chooses the same as before, I don't know why. When we reach the candy, he looks around excitedly. I wait for him to pick and he finally chooses something. "This one," he says and turns to me. 

I look at what he was holding and it was the candy I loved eating when I was still with Jonathan. It was caramel covered with chocolate. There was also something in it that wasn't caramel or chocolate, I still don't know what. What I do know is that it was delicious.


I was walking downstairs to make my way to the kitchen to steal some candy. I was hungry and I wanted something to eat in my room so I could eat it whenever I want. I wanted the candy I stole last time when Jonathan caught me.

I reach the door from the kitchen and open it. I take a peek inside and I saw Jonathan back facing me. I sneak inside and I try to be quiet as a feather. I made my way towards the nearest cupboard where all the candy was.

I open it and didn't notice Jonathan's eyes were on me. I grabbed the candy and put it under my hoodie. I close the cupboard and turn around. I jump out of fear because Jonathan was standing behind me. 

"Ahh, you scared me!" I say and he raises an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," He says and I smile at him. "You're forgiven," I say and I try not to make the bag of the candy crack and him to catch me.

"Being sneaky again huh?" He asks me and I give him a confused look. "What?" I ask him in response. He chuckles and grabs the edge of my hoodie. I was holding my belly to hold the candy. He knows he knows, I thought.

He lifts my hoodie a little but his eyes were still staring into mine. My grip on the candy loosens and he grabs them. He holds the bag higher and he says "This" He says and I nibble on my bottom lips.

He smirks as he notices my embarrassment. "I told you, you don't have to smuggle them with you. You can just take them without being sneaky" He tells me and I nod my head up and down. "I know... I'm sorry" I say and he smiles at me.

"It's okay, next time grab as much as you want, okay?" He says and I nod. "O-okay," I say. Then I realize I feel his hand on my hip. His one hand was still holding the edge of my hoodie and was touching my hip too.

I look at his hand and start feeling the heat going to my cheeks. I stare into his eyes and he raises an eyebrow. He farrows his gaze to the place my eyes landed on and he immediately lets go of me. He gulps and takes a step back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he says.

I chuckle and shake my head. "You didn't and it's okay," I tell him and his eyes lit up. I start nibbling again on my bottom lips and decide to walk past him.

End of flashback

"Ro!" I hear someone calling my name and I come back to reality. I see Leo in front of me looking worried at me. I smile at him and he starts caressing my hand. "Why are you crying?" He asks and I didn't notice I was crying.

I wipe my tears away and smile at him. "It's nothing, really. We should head back to mommy okay?" I say and he looks at me as if he doesn't believe a word of what I just said but eventually nods. Together we walk back to our mom. 

"Did you guys could find everything?" my mom asks us when we reach her. We nod and she smiles. "Great I have everything too, let's go to the cashier," She says and we follow her.

After paying for everything we go outside to get everything in the car. While my mother puts everything in the back of the car I look around to see if anything was interesting. My eyes land on a man who was looking at me.

I widen my eyes when I realize he looks like Jonathan. Like an identical look alike. I blink a few times in case I was imagining this, but he was still there. I see the man open his mouth and closes it after he saw me looking at him. 

My heart was beating so fast and everything was like it went in slow motion. I wanted to walk towards him but when I took a few steps towards the man, he was gone. I look around for where he could go. No one.

I sigh and somehow my eyes start feeling wet again. Did I just imagine this? I hope not to be honest. I want to talk to him. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around revealing my mother with a smile on her face. 

"Come on let's go, I'm done," She says and I nod. I once look back but still no one. I walk back to the car with my mother next to me and I open the door. I step inside and a tear leaves my eyes. I instantly wipe it away when my mother takes the driver's seat. I start looking outside and she drives away.


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