Chapter 50

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The next day I had Dance classes. Yes, I decided to take some lessons to try it out. I found out I really liked it. Kylie was also taking those dance classes. We always stand next to each other. The only person I didn't like who went there too, was Elizabeth. She was the barbie and thinks she's the best.

I don't know why, but I'm always kind towards her. She is 20 years old. One day I got picked up by Jonathan and she was drooling when she saw him. She also smirked and when she looked at me she put on her attitude. I really hated the way she looked at him. 

"Okay, class. This was it for today, make sure to practice at home. I'll see you all next Thursday" Our dance teacher says and walks out. I made my way to my bag and put out my water bottle. 

"Hey Ro! What are you doing this weekend?" I heard Kylie ask me and I turn to face her. I shrug my shoulders and say "Umm, I'm with Jonathan this weekend, why?" I reply and she sighs. "Oh I just thought maybe we could do something together," She tells me and I smile.

"I'm sure you can come over too, when did you had in mind?" I ask her and she smiles excitedly. "Umm, I was thinking, maybe tomorrow?" She asks me and I nod. "Yeah, I will ask him if it's okay," I tell her and she hugs me. 

"Is he gonna pick you up today?" She asks me and I nod with a bright smile on my face. My smile fades when I hear the devil speak. "Is it the guy from last time?" Elizabeth asks me and I frown. I look at Kylie and she is giving her glare. 

"Yeah, why?" I tell her and she starts smirking. I give her a weird look. "He is so handsome, you know. I'm figuring out why he chose you" She tells me and I raise my eyebrows. "What?" I ask her and she scoffs. "Oh come on Ro, you know I am more beautiful than you," She says and to be honest she is right.

"And I can give him what he wants" She adds and I again raise an eyebrow. "And what does he wants, may I ask?" I ask her and she scoffs again. What is she talking about? "Come on, just look at you. You are too innocent for that kind of stuff" She tells me. Oh, I get it, she is talking about sex. 

"I'm sorry, but that is extremely rude of you. I know her boyfriend and he not a person who would force her. He is a guy who waits for Ro, he loves her and you are not going to change that!" I hear Kylie yell at her. I can't hold back a smile. She is a true friend. "Let's go Ro, he is waiting for you outside" She tells me and guides me to the door to walk out.

"Just so you know he is gonna realize soon that he needs me" I hear Elizabeth yell at me. It's enough, she is gonna pay for this. I turn around and run towards her. Before I could rip her head off, I feel two muscular arms around me. Dragging me out of the building. 

"What the hell happened out there that made you so angry?" I hear Jonathan asks me. I don't say anything and step inside of his car. I hear him sigh and he goes to the drivers seat. He steps inside and starts the car.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asks me and I turn my face to window to look outside. "Baby?" He sounds worried and I sigh. I turn my face to him and start talking. "Nothing" I tell him and he scoffs. "Then why were you about to rip her head off? Come on, tell me what she said to you" He says and I still refuse to say something.

"Baby?" He calls me again and I sigh. "She was just so annoying" I tell him. Sometimes he takes the time to glance at me and then back on the road.

"Just annoying?" He asks me and I shake my head. "Well, what did she say?" He asks me while caressing my cheek with one hand, the other one was on the steering wheel. "She said that I couldn't give you what you want and that she can" I tell him and I hear him chuckle.

"And what do I want?" He asks me while he glances at me and then back on the road. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Umm... ehh. Sex" I say and I instantly turn my head to the window to look outside. 

"Baby? I told you I would wait for you, right?" He asks me and I nod. "Even if you wouldn't be ready for it your whole life, then sex doesn't exist for me. You are to important to me and I can't lose you" He tells me and I look at him weirdly. "Really?" I ask him and he smiles at me and he nods. 

I give him a small smile. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. "I love you, Baby" He says and I giggle. "I love you too" I say and he smiles. Still not letting go of my hand.


Jonathan and I were sitting on the couch watching a tv soap series. My head was laying on his chest and his arms are around me. We are watching the vampire diaries. I really like it. I was caressing his arms when a make-out scene came up on the tv. Soon turns into a sex scene.

I don't feel uncomfortable or anything but I start blushing. I feel that it was getting hotter in here. I start imagining how it would be with Jonathan. Somehow a part of me wants to rip his clothes off but there is still a part of me that I would be nervous.

I think I'm ready... to give my first time to him and make love. It's not that I want to prove to Elisabeth that she is wrong about me. I slightly glance at him and he was fully focused on the screen. Should I just tell him? Or would that be awkward? I don't know what to do.

"Am I handsome enough?" He asks me and I widen my eyes. He knew I was watching him. He turns his head to me and smirks. "You were looking at me" He says. I start looking down. "Everything alright?" he asks me and I just nod.

I see him turning his head back to the tv. I'm just gonna say it, I want him. I lean to his ear and start whispering.

"I want you"

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