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The theme song for this chapter

You are the Reason - Calum Scott


3 years later...

Today... Today is gonna be the day of my life. Today, exactly 3 years ago he asked me to become his wife and today I'll finally become the wife of the beloved Jonathan Davis. To be honest I'm so nervous. I'm afraid that I would fall on the floor with the heals we bought when I walk down the aisle.

I'm afraid that something bad happens and that would be in front of everybody we've invited. My family, his family, and my two best friends will be seeing that. What if I stand on my wedding dress and it rips? 

"Stop overthinking Ro!" I hear Jenna say while she was trying to do my hair. "I get that you're nervous and stuff, but there is no need to worry. Everything will be fine" She assures me and I give her a small smile while looking down.

"You know me so well," I tell her and she scoffs. "Of course I do, I've known you for almost 5 years now," She tells me and I glance at her through the mirror. She looks me in the eyes and smiles at me. "I'm gonna make you look beautiful" She assures me with certainty while nodding her head. 

"You'll be the prettiest lady of all time," She says and I scoff. "Yeah sure," I respond. 

"Which song will be played when I walk down the aisle?" I ask Jenna what makes her laugh. "Why are you so curious about that? You've been asking me that for 4 days now!" She says and continues doing my hair. "Yeah, and you have been avoiding that question for 4 days now," I say back.

"Just wait! It was Jonathan's idea and he said you'll love it, he sounded pretty certain" She says and wiggles her eyebrows. Well, I still don't know, I'm clueless. "Don't worry, I think you're gonna love it. Look!! I'm done with your hair. What do you think?" She says and I look at the results. 

"Wow, you've done a great job," I tell her. "How are you so good at this?" I add. "My mom was a hairdresser, remember?" She asks me and I literally forgot about her mother. "Oh yeah right, sorry I forgot," I say as I palm myself mentally.

"It's alright," She says and at that right moment, the door opens revealing my mother and Leo. "Are we allowed to get in?" My mother asks us and we nod. "Yes, of course, the groom isn't" Jenna replies what makes me laugh. What if he doesn't find me beautiful?

 "Wow, you look like a princess," Leo says what makes me smile. "And you look like a little prince, sir," I tell him and he looks proud. "Handsome right?" He says and I try to hold back my laughter. "Yes, you are" I reply and look at my mom who tries to hold back her tears.

"Oh mom, don't cry," I tell her and hug her. "Your hair already looks amazing," She says and cups my cheeks. "My little girl has grown so big now," She says and a tear leaves her eye. "Ava, your make-up" Jenna warns her. "I'm sorry, I can't help it" my mom replies and tries to wipe her tear away without ruining her make-up.

"You look beautiful, darling," she says and I smile. "Thank you mom, you too," I tell her and kiss her on the cheek. "Mom? Will you give me away?" I ask her and her eyes lit up and nod instantly. "Yes, of course, I would love that!" She replies what makes me smile.

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