Chapter 45

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The theme song for this chapter

Better days - Joel Harvey


The next morning was like usual. I was sleepy because I couldn't keep my eyes closed. My mom was making breakfast for me and she looks tired too. I feel sorry for her that I keep her awake. I was watching while I was standing in the door frame. She turns around and jumps small.

"Oh good morning sweetheart, you scared me," She says and I smile small. I walk towards her and place myself on a stool. "Goodmorning," I say and she looks at me with a worried expression.

"How did you sleep after the nightmare?" she asks me and I shrug my shoulders. "Like usual, not," I say and she nods. She stops doing what she was doing and starts to think. "Maybe it's good for you to see a doctor, maybe he can help you to sleep better" she suggests and I look up.

Maybe it is good for me to see a doctor, these nightmares are killing me. I don't want to cry myself to sleep every night and end up having a nightmare. I'm sure if Jonathan comes back I won't have them anymore, but he won't. I just slowly nodded at her and she smiles. "I will make an appointment as fast as I can," she says and I nod. She continues making breakfast. 

She places a plate in front of me and puts an egg on it. "Thank you," I say and she smiles. "Will you go get Leo out of bed?" she asks and then the house phone rings. I nod at her and she makes her way to the phone.

I stand up and I was about to leave the room but my mother stops me. "Ro! It's for you" she says and I immediately stop walking. Can it be true? I turn around and I see her walking towards me. She hands me the phone and I take it. 

"I'll go get Leo," she says and I nod. She walks past me and when she fully left the room I let the phone reach my ear. "H-hello?" I say while stuttering, waiting for an answer. My heart is beating really fast right now.

"Hi Ro, It's me Jenna" I hear her say and I sigh. "Hello, how are you?" I just simply ask her. "I'm doing great, how about you?" she asks me and I hesitate to tell her about my nightmares but I just simply say "Could have been better, why did you call?" I ask her and I hear her scoff.

"I'm calling to tell you that he came back..." she pauses, am I hearing this correctly? Is he back? I suddenly start smiling. "... but he came back with a lot of bruises and his face was covered with blood" she adds and my smile soon faded. I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my god, is he okay?" I ask her without hesitation. I hear her hum in response. "He is now," she says and I sigh in relief. I'm glad he is okay "Thank god!" I say. It's silent for a few seconds until she speaks again.

"Remember... Do not contact him, he might hurt himself if you do" she says and I can remember very clearly that she said that. I want to see him and touch him, but I also do not want him to hurt himself. "I-i remember," I say.

"Hey, who are you calling?" I hear a male voice in the background. It's Jonathan, I'm sure of it. I smile because of hearing his voice. Tears start pouring into my eyes. "I have to go now, bye" I hear Jenna say and she immediately hangs up. 

I'm so happy he is okay and alive! A tear leaves my eye falling down my cheek. I place the phone back where it belongs. I wipe my tears away. I think I would have gone crazy if she told me he had passed away. 

Hearing his voice made me so happy. His deep and precious voice always affected me. I want him back. 

"Hey sweety, is everything alright?" I hear a female voice say and I turn around facing my mother, hand in hand with Leo. I give her a small smile and nod. "Yes everything is fine, why did you ask?" I ask her, acting innocent.

"Well, you were kind of staring at the phone for a few seconds," she told me while placing Leo on a stool. I decide to say nothing and take a seat too. I start eating from the egg she gave me and I help Leo with cutting the egg.

"I was planning on going to the grocery store, will you babysit Leo for me?" She tells and asks me at the same time. I look up and start talking "Can't I go with you? Leo can go too right? I want to get out" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah sure, why not".

I finish my breakfast and I help my mother clean up. After that, I go to my room to change. 

I open my closet and grab a random hoodie. I put it on and look at it. Why am I always tearing up so soon? It was the hoodie I wore the night Jonathan left me. It was his hoodie. Why is this so hard? Why is it so hard to control and hold back my tears?

I put on some jeans and make my way towards the bathroom. I look into the mirror and I can see the puffiness under my eyes. I looked terrible, tired, and extremely ugly. I think I've never looked this bad. Well, I always looked bad, but this? This was much worse.

I brush my hair and I part it in the middle. I have to do it with what I have, I think when I look back into the mirror again. Puffy eyes make me look terrible. Like I haven't slept at all, and it was true after all.

I made my way back to the kitchen where I find my mother, helping Leo putting on his coat. They looked at me when I walked across them, grabbing my coat and I put it on. When I was done I saw my mothing grabbing her keys, ready to go.

"Come on, let's go," She says while Leo and I were following her outside.


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