Chapter 49

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1,5 years later...

It's been 1 and a half years since Jonathan and I got back together. It's summer and my mom and I were in the backyard, relaxing. A lot has changed. First, we kept our relationship a secret but decided to tell my mom about it. 

Jonathan made an incredible first impression and soon my mom knew his intentions with me were only the good ones. At first, she was a little shocked about my choice and the age difference, but soon saw how happy I was with him. She respects my choice and supports me. 

I and Jonathan haven't done anything yet if you know what I mean. I mean we have been making out and stuff, not rough. But sex? We haven't been talking about that often. There was one day that the make-out we had started getting rougher. I pushed him away and he kissed my forehead. He told me that it was okay and that he would wait for me.

My mom has also met a man. His name is Chris and I think he perfect for her. He makes her smile like no one else did. She told me a week ago that he proposed to her. Like in marriage. I was so happy for her and I truly think he will make her happy, unlike my own father did. Did I mention that my father never came back after yelling at him? Well, yeah he did and I'm happy that he will never bother us again.

When I first met his parents, they instantly treated me like their own daughter. They immediately accepted the age difference, because his parents differ 9 years from each other. I don't see them very often, because they work mostly outside the country. His dad is like a father I never had. He and I became very close and we always liked to tease Jonathan. 

We have pranked him a few times. For example, on his birthday when he turned 23. We let him take a shower and we turned the hot water into cold water. He was a little pissed when he came out of the bathroom, but his father and I were just laughing so hard. He came out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Damn that man has a body. Okay, back to reality.

"So what are you planning on doing this summer, still together with that man of yours?" I hear my mom ask me and I glance at her. "Yes, we are still together and we are doing fine. I'm planning on sleeping over for a few days if that's okay?" I ask her and she starts wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mom!" I shout and she chuckles. "What? You never know what can happen. I'll be fine here, Chris is also here to help out. So have fun!" She says and I smile at her. "Thanks, mom!" I say and I keep on relaxing.

"Use protection," She says and I almost choked in my cola. I glance at her and she chuckles again. "Mom!" I yell and she acts innocent. "What? Just saying. It's normal and you are old enough to experience those kinds of activities" She says and she is right, to be honest. If Jonathan and I would like to try it it won't be illegal anymore.

"By the way, Taylor is picking me up before dinner. Jonathan was busy helping his father with some of his work" I tell her and she nods.


I place my suitcase on the ground and Jenna hugs me as she opened the door. "Hey, nice to see you again. How are you doing?" She asks me and I smile at her "I'm doing great, how about you?" I ask and she lets go of me. "Great too," She says and I pick up my suitcase and we both walk inside the mansion.

I didn't have a coat on because of the hot weather. So I had nothing to hang up. I was about to grab my suitcase and bring it upstairs, but a male voice stopped me.

"There is my girl!" I hear Jonathan say and he walks towards me with a big smile on his face. I smile back and when he reaches me, he picks me up and hugs me tight. I chuckle and I feel him kissing my cheek softly. He puts me down but his arms never left my waist.

"How have you been, my love?" He asks and I look up at him. "Great, how about you?" I ask back and he smiles. "Good actually, just finished working with my dad. By the way congratulations on your mother's engagement," he says and I thank him.

"Let's go to the kitchen, alright? My mother is cooking dinner and she is excited to see you" He says and I nod. He leans in and gives me a quick kiss on my lips before walking towards the kitchen, with our hands intertwined.

"Hey Ro, welcome. Congratulations on your mother" Jonathan's mother says as we both walk into the kitchen and I smile at her "Thank you, it smells amazing here. Pancakes?" I ask her and she smiles. She nods and looks at me "Yes, is that okay?" she asks and I nod. "Yes," I say.


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