Chapter 57

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The theme song for this chapter

Do it for me - Rosenfeld


Last night I gave Jonathan a massage and he was impressed by my skills. I sat on his butt when I was adding the oil to his muscular back. I went to his broad shoulders as I was massaging him. He groaned a lot and to be honest it turned me on, but I was hiding it. I told him I was pretty tired after massaging him so we decided to go sleep earlier than usual.

I woke up with his arms around me as the light from outside was hitting my face and I couldn't help but smile. I turned my face to him and I saw him admiring me. He does that like every morning. I never wake up before he does. "Goodmorning baby" He greets me "Goodmorning" I equally say not knowing how to nickname him. I like to call him baby boy, but he doesn't. So I have no clue what to call him.

He kisses me on my cheek and I crawl more into his embrace as I fully turn around to face him. He starts caressing my arm, going up and down with his fingers on my skin. It calms me. "How is your back?" I ask him with curiosity. He scoffs and says "Feels amazing, I never had such an amazing massage before" He explains and I nod.

"Good," I say back as he sits up straight and grabs something. He turns to me while holding a tray full of delicious food to eat in the morning. I gasp and smile at him. "I made this for my girl," He says and I sit up straight as he places the tray on my lap. I look at him and give him a soft kiss on his crunchy cheek.

"Thank you, you didn't have to," I tell him and he nods. "That's my job, my love. To make you feel special every day, so I start from the moment you wake up" He explains, making me pout. "You are so sweet, thank you" I thank him while I take a bite from a piece of bread.

"But so you know, even without doing all this, you make me feel special more than enough," I tell him while smirking at him.

He looks back at me and scoffs. "Oh, do I?" He asks and kisses my shoulder. I nod furiously and take another bite. He goes from kissing my shoulder to my spine as he gives me goosebumps all over my body. I feel the heat go up to my cheeks as he starts massaging and rubbing my thigh. Making him almost knocks over the tray.

"Watch out, before it falls!" I warn him, making me grab the tray with both of my hands. I look at him seeing him chuckle. "It's not gonna fall if you quit moving your legs," He says and I glare at him. "I won't move my legs if you just let me eat peacefully" I snarl back at him.

"I'm making you nervous, don't I baby girl?" I hear him whisper into my ear as I freeze at my spot. He chuckles again when he notices me gulp. "I am I guess. You should put the tray away if you don't want it to fall" He tells me and I give him another glare. I grab the tray and place it on the bedside table.

I turn to face Jonathan and before I know it I feel his lips on mine. I instantly kiss him back without hesitation. He grabs me by my hips and places me on his lap. I can feel his already hard bulge under me. I blush because of the feeling. I always get shy when it comes to this kind of stuff.

He pulls back and starts kissing my neck. He finds my sensitive spot and starts sucking on it. I let out a small moan making him tighten his grip on me. He pulls back and looks at me. "Kiss me," He says while pointing to his neck.

I widen my eyes and start to feel terrified. He grabs my hands and kisses them. I don't know what to do, I have never done that to him before.

"It's okay, baby. You can do it" He says calming me down a little. "Don't be afraid, I've already been inside you. This is a lot less scary" He explains and I nod, still blushing. I lean into his neck and place my lips onto his skin. I place soft kisses on his skin until I hear him speak.

"Try licking it," He says and I nod. I lick the skin of his neck and he tightens his grip on me. Did I found his sensitive spot? I keep on licking that spot making him groan softly. "You're doing great sweetheart. Try sucking it" He tells me and I obey. I love the way he says try in case of demanding me.

I suck the sensitive spot on his neck. He starts to breathe heavily while I'm doing that. I let go of his skin and look at the purple stain I made. I look at Jonathan with insecurity. He smiles at me and says "You did great, my love" making me smile small.

He grabs my ass pulling me closer. Making my clothed womanhood rub his clothed erection. I gasp at the feeling. I give him an insecure look. "W-what are you doing?" I ask him and he keeps staring into my eyes. "Can you ride me, princess?" He asks me and my eyes go wide as he asked me that question.

"Huh?" I ask him, he licks his lips. "W-why?" I add and he gives me a warm and small smile. "I would like that, you don't have to be scared. I'll help you" He tells me and start nibbling on my bottom lip. He gives me a questioning look.

I look down and slowly nod. His hand grabs my chin, making me look at him. He starts caressing my cheek. "It's okay if you don't want to baby. I'm not forcing you to do anything" He explains and I nod. "No, I want to try" I inform him and he nods.

In no time our clothes were off and we are now both naked. I sat on his lap while he was kissing my breasts. "You're truly beautiful Ro," He says. He pulls me closer to him, making me feel his bulge on my womanhood. I gasp at the feeling and he groans softly. I'm soaking wet and he can probably feel that.

"So wet for me, baby," He says huskily, I knew it. He moves my hips onto him with his hands on my hips. He groans louder and at the same time I let out a moan. After a few minutes of rubbing my body onto his, he starts kissing me.

I move my lips onto him while he cups my right cheek. He pulls back and stares into my eyes. "Are you ready?" He asks and I slowly nod. He looks down placing his length at my entrance. He puts his tip inside and looks back at me. "Slowly let yourself down, okay?" He says and I nod.

I slowly move down as I feel his length going deeper inside of me. I let out a loud moan and so does he. "Yes baby" I hear him groan out. It feels so good. "Fuck... still so tight, baby" He groans.

I move my body up and down. He kisses me again with so much love and warmth. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. "I love you, Ro," He says making me smile at him. I start blushing again and kiss his cheek.

"I love you more, my love," I say back.


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