Chapter 40

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The next day I decided to swim in the swimming pool. A few weeks ago I wanted to swim to but Jenna gave me a bikini, and yeah I didn't felt comfortable with wearing that. So she got me a black swimsuit. It was just a casual, simple swimsuit. I didn't want her to buy me an expensive or revealing one. 

I was wearing my swimsuit and the bathrobe was covering it. I was also wearing bath slippers. They were also black and it was in the shape of a bunny. I really liked them. In my hair, I had a messy bun, because I wanted to avoid my hair getting wet.

I was holding a towel and I walked downstairs, making my way to the swimming pool. I haven't seen Jonathan today, not yet. I was kinda sad about it. But I also wanted to avoid him somehow, because I am kind of embarrassed, and facing him wouldn't make it easier.

We kissed... I was and am happy about that, but I always feel kind of shy after kissing. I had that when I was with Brandon. When I was with Brandon I had a lot more issues than just the shyness when I'm around Jonathan. I didn't felt comfortable about anything when I was with Brandon. I wanted to get over it and just try harder but nothing worked. 

He never made me feel comfortable or wanted. He was always cold and my stupid heart still loved him. I'm now completely over him, which I'm happy about. I hope I'll never have to see him again. He is just so heartless, but Jonathan... he is just... something else.

He makes me feel comfortable, wanted, special, loved, and a lot more things I didn't felt with Brandon. Jonathan is a real man and respectful. He respects his loved ones. Well... he did stalk me and watched me sleep. But after that, he is a great man and I gave him a second chance and proved himself.

I opened the door from the swimming pool and I walked inside, closing the door behind me. I place the towel over the chair along with the bathrobe. I was about to walk into the pool, but a knock on the door stopped me. Making me grab the bathrobe and put it on.

"Yes?" I say and I question myself who it can be. Then I hear a deep and manly voice respond. "It's me, Jonathan, can I come in?" He asks. I smile at the thought of him being very polite and gentle. I hesitate to say something, but I also don't want to be rude so I just simply say "Yes, come in".

The door slowly opens, revealing Jonathan. He steps inside and gives me a small smile. "Hey," he says, you can hear the shyness in his voice. I just give him a small smile and then look down at my toes.

"I saw you walking inside..." He pauses and I glance at him. He is wearing bath slippers like I am. He is also wearing a hoodie and shorts. Maybe his swim shorts, I don't know. To be honest I really like his hoodie. It probably will be very oversized if I wore it. 

"... and I thought, maybe you would like it if I join you" He finishes and I look him in the eyes. "Can I?" he asks after that and starts looking down. I smile at the sight of him acting like this. His face looks up again and his eyes start staring into mine. 

I slowly nod and stand there not knowing what to do now. He smiles at me and he takes a few steps towards me. While walking he takes off his hoodie, revealing his bare upper body. I instantly look away and my cheeks are heating up. My heart starts beating uncontrollably fast. 

He chuckles and I hear him placing his hoodie on the chair. He walks past me and starts walking into the pool. God his back... It's so muscular like his thighs and arms. I gulp, how am I going to survive this? I ask myself in my thoughts. I don't know what to do so I just keep standing there.

"Are you coming?" I hear him asking. I glance at him, trying not to look at his upper body. Damn it... I fail. I'm as red as a tomato right now. I'm scared to take off the bathrobe, what if he doesn't like the way my body looks. I feel like stressing out. 

He notices my embarrassed expression. "Look me in my eyes, Ro," he says and I do as he says. My eyes meet his and we start staring into each other's eyes. "I won't look at your body, I'll keep my eyes on yours. I promise" he says. I have never met a man like him, he is so gentle.

"I can turn around if I make you feel uncomfortable," he says and with no hesitate he turns around. I sigh in relief. I really appreciate his actions. I let the bathrobe fall on the ground. I cross my arms and I take a step into the pool.

When I can feel my toes touch the ground I start walking towards him. I cover my breasts with my arms. My gaze meets the water and I slowly start talking "You can turn around" I tell him and he does as I say. His eyes are on me. Probably looking at my body.

I glance at him and he was staring at my face. He smiles at me and says "I told you I wouldn't look at your body. Your body isn't important to me, well if you didn't have one you wouldn't be alive. I want you to be alive. You know what I mean right?" He asks and I chuckle. I nod at him.

My eyes accidentally meet his upper body, but this time I didn't look away. He is extremely muscular, well not extremely but I mean like not too much and not too less. My eyes slide down to his abs. I feel my cheeks heating up. Not just my cheeks though. Damn this man is really attractive.

But then my eyes meet some tiny white lines on his chest. Some look like new. Has he been cutting himself? He has them on his arms too. I move closer to him and grab his arm. He notices where I'm looking and shrugs his arms out of my hand.

I look at him with a confused expression. "What are those?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "It's nothing, I swear," he says and I'm sure he is lying to me, not wanting me to worry. But I already do so I ask him again.

"Jonathan, what are those?!"


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