Chapter 44

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I was walking through the forest on my bare toes. I was wearing a white dress and I looked at it like it was the most disgusting thing I had ever worn. I never wear such clothes. The sky was clear and the sun was shining bright. 

Birds were chirping and flying around. The forest was beautiful and it looked almost magical. I saw a bunny jumping around and it stopped in front of me. I smiled and kneel in front of the bunny. It looked fluffy and his coat was white.

The bunny looked at me with his cute face. I start caressing the bunny and I guess he loved it. But suddenly the bunny ran away into the forest. My eyes followed him and the bunny ended up standing next to a man. I could only see his back. 

He was wearing a tuxedo. He turned around and I somehow instantly looked at his face. My smile went brighter when I saw him. The man I loved the most in my life. Jonathan Davis. His smile became brighter when he saw me. His beautiful smile.

He mouthed something to me and I could clearly say what. 'I love you. I scoffed in happiness and I wanted to run towards him.  I mouthed the same as he did. 'I love you. I decided to run towards him.

When I almost reached him I saw him slowly fading away. My smile faded as well. "No, don't go!" I screamed and I started to fasten my pace. I opened my arms and I thought I hugged him when I reached the spot, where he was standing. My eyes were closed.

I realized I was holding air so I opened my eyes. I looked in front of me but no one was standing there. I looked around but saw nobody. Tears started pouring and eventually fell down my cheeks.

It started to get darker and darker in the forest. I began screaming. "No! No-no-no. Nooo!" The sound was loud. "No! Don't go. Please don't go! Nooo!" I screamed again. I let myself fell to the ground and my hands were on my face. I looked up "Noooo!" I cried out...

"Noooo!" I screamed and I felt a pair of arms around me. "Hey, hey open your eyes. I'm here" I heard a female voice say to me. I opened my eyes and saw my mother embracing me. I put my arms around her and hugged her tight.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm here," She says and I was still crying. "It was just a dream!" She adds and strokes my hair to calm me down. She was wrong it was a nightmare. She placed herself next to me in my bed. She pulls me against her and hugged me tightly. She places a sweet kiss on my hair.

I have those nightmares since I got back home 2 weeks ago. I haven't slept much in those weeks. Sometimes I lay the whole night with my eyes open and when I do sleep I end up having a nightmare.

Every night when I go to sleep, I open the window and look outside. I keep it open with the hope he comes back. But he never does. I could still remember the day when he left me. I stayed there for a while until it started raining. I went back to the house and a guard was already waiting for me. 

He told me Jonathan called and told him to take me home and that Jonathan never came back to the house. He went alone... in the forest... without a coat on and it was freezing and rainy outside. I was so worried and I hope he is doing alright.

I could also still remember the look on my mother's face when I got back. She hugged me so tight that I almost couldn't breathe. The next thing she did was calling my grandma and she came right away. They gave me a cup of tea and a blanket.

She called my friends too and they didn't hesitate to come over. They asked me what happened but I said nothing. The next day the police came to ask me some questions about the kidnapper. I wanted to protect Jonathan so I told them it was a woman. Otherwise, I said nothing about it. Furthermore I 'couldn't' remember anything but that was a huge lie.

I could remember every single thing that happened there. And every time I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile. I could remember the days he taught me how to play the piano. I got pretty good at it. 

When the guard brought me back home I literally hugged him. I made a new friend there. His name was Taylor and I figured he was 26 years old. He told me it was nice having me around because I was the sweetest soul he had ever met. That's something Jenna told me too.

The cops came over 2 more times to tell us they didn't find anything. I was happy about it, to be honest. I don't want him to go to jail, who knows how long he has to stay there. I miss him. I miss him a lot...

I never took off the necklace he gave me. I wore it all the time. My mom asked me how I got it and I just told her that I found it somewhere in my closet. She never leaves me or my side. When we go shopping and doing the groceries, she always holds me tight not wanting me to get kidnapped again.

I know he left me because he wants to protect me and avoid hurting me. I don't blame him, but he doesn't realize that leaving me hurt me the most. I can tell my heart broke in a million pieces.

I went back there one more time because I wanted to talk to him. Jenna opened the door and looks shocked.


I was walking towards the front door from the beautiful house in front of me. I reach the door and I thought about it for a second. Should I really do this? What will he do if he sees me? I decided to just press the bell.

I waited for a few seconds till the door opens. I nibbled my lips when I look at the person in front of me. It was Jenna. She looks shocked to see me standing here. "Ro? What are you doing here?" she asks me with curiosity. I give her a small smile before start talking.

"I'm here to see Jonathan," I say and I look down. I hear her sigh "He is not here, I haven't seen him since a week ago" she tells me and me instantly look up. "What? He didn't come back?" I ask her with worry written over my face.

She shakes her head in guilt. "I'm sorry Ro. His parents are worried about him too. We are trying to track his location, but we haven't found anything" she tells me and I sigh. I let my hands go through my hair in frustration. 

"I'm sorry Ro, I will let you know when he comes back. Please just don't contact him or anything, he will probably hurt himself a lot" she tells me and I stare into her eyes. "O-okay" I stutter while hesitating to agree with her. 

I was about to turn around and go back but she stops me. "I will let a guard bring you back home safe," She says and I just slowly nodded at her statement. I came here by train but if I go back with taking the train, I need to wait for two more hours.

I waited for the guard to bring me home. Taylor was the driver and on the way home he tried to make me laugh but I just simply smiled softly. And so he brought me home safely.

End of flashback


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