Chapter 18

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The theme song for this chapter

Mother Night - Alessandro Ligi


Jenna was showing me around. This place is huge. I haven't said a word when I got breakfast. I just couldn't do anything I guess. It was like my mouth was sewn shut and my eyes couldn't look at him.

I was shocked when I saw he has an own gym in his house. There was even a bowling room. And also a spa. Jenna told me his mother comes there every week, like 3 times. His parents are now on a business trip.

Now I'm thinking about his parents. What would they think about me being kidnapped by their son? Maybe when they come back they will let me go. Jenna and I we're walking towards another room. She snapped me out of my thoughts by speaking.

"This is one other room after this one," she says and opens the door. We walk in and my eyes widen as I see a pool inside the house. It's not a big one but still a pool?! Can this house be more insane?

"You can go here whenever you want, I have put a bikini inside your closet. I didn't know your size but if it's too big or something just tell me and I'll change it" I look at her and say "well I'm wearing a bra now and it's a little tight, to be honest" she nods and says "what size do you have? I'll go to the mall!" She says.

I hesitate to tell her my size. I decide to look down and say nothing. She noticed and says "hey it's okay I won't tell Jonathan if that's what you're worried about" I look at her and eventually tell her my size.

"Let's go to the last room alright," she says and I nod. We walk out of the room and she closes it behind her. She smiles before moving to the last room.

She stops when we reach a big door. I look at the door, what could be behind this door? At that moment Jenna her phone rang. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and looks at the caller. She looks at me and says "I have to take this, it will be quick. Just go inside already okay, I'll be there in a few minutes" she says and walks away while picking up the phone.

"Hello?" She says but the rest is hard to hear clearly. I look back at the door and decide to open it. I walk inside and when I fully see what's behind the door my eyes widen. It's a library. Oh my god. It's so big and there are so many books. My mouth is wide open.

I blink my eyes a few times in case I'm not imagining this. It's real, it's a real library. In someone's house. "Wow!" Is the only thing that comes out of my mouth.

I walk towards some bookshelves. I take a book out and look at it. It looks old. I look at the rest and I see that most of them are first prints. Wow, that must have been expensive. The whole house must have cost a billion. Or more.

I walk towards another bookshelf and take a book out. Clarissa: or, the history of a young lady. This book was published in 1748. Wow, that's old. I turn the book around and start reading the back of it. I see that this book is also the first print.

"Do you like it?" I hear a manly voice say. I jump because he scared me. I turn around and I see Jonathan standing behind me. I didn't hear him walking in or even standing behind me. He was standing very close to my body. I take a step back and put the book back on the bookshelf.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He asks worriedly, I just nod. "I'm sorry," he says again and looks down. I also look down and eventually say "it's okay-y ...". I stutter and I feel him looking up. I also look up a little to see his expression. He has a smile on his face. It's not a small smile like he always gives me. This one is brighter and full of happiness. My statement made him feel happy?

"Do you like it?" He asks again and he looks at me with hope in his eyes. "Like what?" I ask while stuttering and start looking down again. "The library," he says and I nod. I don't just like it, I love it. I look up and he is smiling again. To be honest it's really cute. "I knew you would," He says and starts walking to another bookshelf. He grabs a book out of it and walks back towards me.

He holds out the book to me. The title of the book is, caught by Christina J. Michaels. I take the book and start to read the back of it. "I think you would love this book, you can read it if you want," He tells me and gives me a small smile. It's an insecure smile as if he is afraid that I would decline.

I just nod, not daring to say anything. I just start to look down again. "How is your back?" He asks after a while. I look up and say "it's-s ehh getting better-r, it doesn't hurt much anymore-e," I say. Why do I keep stuttering? He nods while sighing in relief. "That's good," He says and I nod.

"I was just wondering ehh.." he says not finishing and I see him hesitating. I look at him curiously. He looks at me and sighs.

"W-would you like to join me for d-dinner tonight?" He asks while stuttering. I look at him in disbelief. Does he really think that I would join him for dinner? He kidnapped me, is he insane? He gulps at my expression.

"I-it's okay, I understand," he says while looking down. I see Jenna standing in the door frame. I start to walk past him. I decided to walk out of the library still holding the book he gave me. I look back at him and I see his both hands going through his hair. Is he mad at himself? I turn around and walk out of the library.

"Is everything okay?" She asks me and I don't say anything. I shrug my shoulders and I say "I'm going to my room" she stops me and starts speaking "did he say something wrong to you?" She asks kindly and I shake my head. I turn around, leaving and walking towards my room.


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