Chapter 33

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We just had dinner and we were all cleaning everything up. I was putting everything in the dishwasher. When I was done I turned it on. I looked at Jenna and I say "Now we just have to wait" I smile at her and she nods.

"Ro?" I heard Jonathan say and I turned around to face him. I look at his hand and he had a little box in his hand. I look back at his face and he smiled small. I looked at him confused as he was walking towards me.

I look at Jenna who was walking out of the room. My eyes meet Jonathan who was now standing in front of me. He hands me the box and says "Merry Christmas". Does he have a present for me? Now I feel guilty because I have nothing for him.

"I don't have anything for you," I tell him and he shakes his head. "Not necessary, just open it," he says and I obey. I take the box and open it.

I gasp when I see what's in it. I look at Jonathan and I shake my head. "No Jonathan this is too much!" I say and I hand the box back to him. He pushes the box back in my hand and shakes his head.

"I bought it for you, please accept it," he says and his eyes were begging you. I looked at the box and open it again. It was a necklace, the pendant was a rose with a little diamond in it. I look back at Jonathan and then eventually nod.

"Thank you... it's beautiful" I say and he smiles. he takes the necklace out of the box and says "come on, let me put it on your neck" he turns me around. My back was now facing him. He pushes my hair aside and his fingers were touching my skin.

I have goosebumps all over my body. He notices and chuckles. He puts the necklace around my neck. I feel his lips on the back of my neck what is making me have more goosebumps. He turns me around and looks at me.

He smiles and says "Beautiful" I smile at him.

His facial expression changes and he grabs his ribs. He looks like he is in pain. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Ouch fuck!" he screams and I immediately start holding him.

I start to freak out, I don't know what to do. "Jenna come here!" I scream and after a few seconds, she barges into the kitchen, running towards us. "What happened!" she shouts and I look at her. "I think he is in pain!" I shout back in response. 

"Jonathan what the hell did you do?!" she yells at him. I look at her confused, what did he do? He is in pain he didn't do anything. "Nothing!" Jonathan says. Jenna looks at him in disbelief. "Are you sure?" she asks him and he looks at her with an expression, I can't tell what kind of expression.

He groans in pain. I look at him with a worried face. "Okay, let's go to your room," she says and we both help him out of the kitchen and upstairs. 

When we reach his door Jenna opens the door and we all walk in. He places himself on the bed and Jenna walks out, probably to get him medicine or something. I look at Jonathan and I hold his shoulders. 

He is in a lot of pain. I look around and I see a picture on his night table. It's a picture of me. I can't help but smile a little. He groans again in pain and my expression changes in worry.

Jenna walks in and I instantly look at her. "We don't have any pain killers anymore!" she says. "Then get some," I say quickly and a little rude. She looks at me confused and I apologize "sorry...".

"The pharmacy will close in 10 minutes, I won't make it," she says and I sigh. "what do we do now?" I ask them and I feel an arm around me. "nothing, I can handle a little pain" Jonathan says and I look at him.

I shake my head not accepting to do anything. Jonathan sighs and says "It's okay, just go downstairs and wait there for me okay?" he says and I eventually nod. I stand up and walk out of the room.

I walk downstairs and I stop when I see the door. No way I'm gonna let him feel pain the rest of the night. I put on a coat and open the door walk outside. 

A guard sees me and walks towards me. "You should go back inside miss," he says trying to push me back into the house.

I stop him by saying "No, he is in pain. I need to go to the pharmacy, can you take me there?" I asked him nicely and his expression changes. His eyes widen and he eventually nods. 

I walk past him but he stops me "but isn't the pharmacy closing in 5 minutes?" he asks me and I nod "yes but I have to at least try," I tell him and he nods, guiding me towards a car. I step inside the car when he opens it.

"drive as fast as you can!" I tell him and he starts driving away really fast. Why am I doing this you might think? I think I care about him. I just don't like to see him in pain.

- 5 minutes later...

We reach the pharmacy and I immediately step out of the car and I run towards the door. A man walks out and closes the door and is about to lock it. I run faster and stop him by shouting at him "Sir, I have to buy something!" I say and the man looks at me.

"you had a whole day for that miss, I'm sorry but we are closed now," he says and starts walking away but I stop him by grabbing his arm. "Sir please... please my... boyfriend is in pain and he needs medicine," I say, I can't believe I just said that.

I look at him with hope in my eyes and he smiles at me "alright, only this time" he says and I sigh in relief. "Thank you so much, I need the best pain killers!" I say and he unlocks the door. We both walk in.


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