Chapter 41

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The theme song for this chapter

Epiphany - BTS's Jin


I was still looking at him like a saw a ghost or something. He doesn't share a single glance with me. Anger fills me because of the cuts I see on his body. They're healed now but still, it hurts me that he did that to himself. 

Why? Is he in some sort of depression? Or did someone else did this to him? Those questions keep bouncing around in my mind. 

He doesn't reply to me and I sigh. I step closer to him and I place my hand on his cheek, caressing it. I keep my gaze on him. "Jonathan?" I say his name, but it sounded like a question and he still doesn't reply to me. His gaze is still on the ground. I'm losing my patience.

"Please, look at me," I say and you can see him hesitate. He eventually looks up and his eyes immediately meet mine. I caress one more time before talking again. Not hesitating to ask him the question.

"Are they cuts?" I ask him and my face shows worry. I see him pressing his lips together before slowly nodding. I sigh and close my eyes. I wait a few seconds to process his answer. I open my eyes again and he is again looking down.

"Did someone hurt you? Did someone made those scars on you?" I ask him and he looks up instantly shaking his head. "No" he replies quietly. I sigh and bite my bottom lip. "Did you did this to yourself?" I ask him making him go silent.

I see him play with his fingers but a word never left his mouth. "Jonathan?" I say again losing my patience. He slowly nods and I close my eyes again. I am breathing in and slowly but loud, out. "Why?" I ask him and I open my eyes.

Revealing him clenching his jaw and I again receive no reply. His eyes never left mine. "Why?" I ask him again sounding more impatient than before. I hear him sigh but still, no words. "Please Jonathan. Please... you can talk to me about it" I tell him. Somehow he gives me the feeling that he did this because of me. I'm not sure. 

He gulps before talking. "I needed to punish myself," He says and I look at him with a weird look on my face. Did he need to punish himself? Why? I grab his hand and I get closer to him as if I wasn't close enough. My chest is now touching his fabulous abs... Making me look up high.

"Why did you needed to punish yourself? Did you do something wrong?" I ask him and he now looks at me in disbelief. "Did I do something wrong? Yes of course I did. I'm keeping you here, I kidnapped you, I've been stalking you not realizing it was wrong and stupid. I'm a monster because of it. Especially because I've been hurting you and your family. I'm a monster, Ro!" he blurts out and I take a step back because he was raising his voice.

His eyes soften and he looks down. He let his hand go through his hair and looks up again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you" He says and comes closer to me. His hands are going up, to my face. When they reach my face he starts cupping my cheeks.

I give him a small smile and my hands are now holding his hands. "It's okay, I understand why you're angry," I tell him and he nods. I kiss his inner hand and he gives me a small smile.

"And there is no need to punish yourself. I forgave you and even..." I pause for a second before realizing I really was going to say that. He looks at me with curiosity. I give him a smile before speaking again "and I even fell in l-love with y-you" I say. Great, I'm stuttering.

He looks at me with adoration and then chuckles. He nods "Yeah... I figured. You don't kiss someone you don't like or fell in love with" He says and I immediately turn red. I playfully hit his chest.

He starts acting offended and says "What did I deserve that for?" I scoff and give him a fake smile "You just wanted me to say it, don't you?" I ask him.

He looks up making it look like he was in deep thoughts. His eyes meet mine and he nods. I again hit his chest and he starts laughing. "Okay okay, I'm sorry," He says and I smile. 

"I like it when I affect you," He says and starts hugging me. I hug him back and I feel his lips on my hair. "My shy girl," he says and steps back. His right hand caressing my left cheek and his other hand are now around me. We stare into the eyes of each other.

His face comes closer to mine and I look at him with plump lips. I look up to meet his eyes. He comes closer and closer and I eventually close my eyes. I feel his breath on my lips making me shiver. His lips finally connect with mine and I feel my heart beating faster.

The kiss is soft and sweet. Not a make-out yet. The kiss feels real and full of love. He is so gentle and really wants me to feel comfortable, not wanting to ruin everything. He pulls back, leaving my lips bare. I want his lips again on mine. 

"Promise me. You'll never cut yourself ever again" I tell him and he starts looking down. He sighs and I'm still waiting for an answer. He looks up into my eyes and nods slowly. "Okay, I promise," He says and I smile.

"Come on, it's getting cold in here," he says and walks out of the pool. I turn around to see him grabbing the towel. Well, I got to be honest, he has a great butt for a man. As soon as I realize I needed to go out too, I couldn't move. 

He will see my body if I step out. I'm sure he won't like it if he sees it. He looks at me and his face shows confusion. But soon turned into a smile realizing that I didn't dare. "I will go first, okay baby?" He asks me and I nod.

I want to the edge of the pool and he walks towards me. He kisses me on my forehead before leaving the room. I smile at the thought of him. He is so nice, caring and so understanding.


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