Chapter 54

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Kylie and I were just walking in the garden. Just talking about the girl's stuff. "So talking about Daniel, he has been like always with Carlos. It's driving me insane" Kylie whines what makes me chuckle. "He is just happy with him," I tell her and she nods.

"I know, but he barely speaks to me or texts me" She whines again. "Well, you've got me," I tell her and she nods. "Yeah right, I even haven't seen you often. You look so hopelessly devoted to this man" She says while crossing her arms. I start laughing.

"Kylie, That's called being in love," I tell her and she scoffs. "Yeah just like Daniel is. I feel like I'm losing my best friends" She says and she starts looking down. I stop her from walking and let her look me in my eyes.

"Hey, you are not losing us. I'm sorry about the fact that we've spent less time together than usual. I didn't realize, I'm sorry" I tell her, and she starts smiling brightly. "It's okay, besides I really need to stop being so jealous," She says and I chuckle.

"You too, by the way, Elizabeth is nothing compared to you. She is never going to take your place in Jonathan's heart" She says and I smile at her. "Thank you, Kylie, I really needed that" I thank her and she smiles back at me.

"And It's your choice when you decide it's gonna happen or not," She says and I look at her confused "That what is gonna happen?" I ask her with curiosity. She giggles and says "You know, like having sex or how you might call it, making love," She says and I start to blush.

"Yeah about that..." I start and she stops walking immediately. She looks at me with wide eyes. I start to laugh and she starts smirking. "You mean like, you have already..?" She starts and I don't let her finish by nodding my head and looking down.

She starts clapping her hands excitedly. "Oh my god, Ro! When?" She asks while shrieking and covers her mouth. "Umm, y-yesterday night," I tell her and I bite my bottom lip. "How was it?" She asks right away. I chuckle at her excitement.

"Umm, like really good, I guess. He made me feel very comfortable" I tell her and she smiles brightly. "Oh my god, Ro! My shy best friend has been completely vanished" She says and I start laughing. "Oh, believe me, I'm still shy," I tell her.

"Hey girls, I need to do something real quick. Will you girls have fun?" We hear Jonathan asks us as he walks over to us. I look at Kylie and we both start nodding. "Yeah sure, what're you going to do?" I ask him.

"That's a secret, baby," He tells me and I pout. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "You'll find out soon, baby," He says and kisses me softly on my lips. "Ugh, get a room. I'm feeling single as fuck when I'm around you two love birds" We hear Kylie whine and we both start laughing.

"I'm gonna go now, I love you," he says and kisses me softly on my lips again before walking away back to the house. I look at Kylie and she shakes her head. "Oh no, I know what you're thinking and he's not, trust me" She assures me and I look at her weirdly. "What d-do you mean?" I ask her and she scoffs.

"Oh don't tell me you weren't thinking about him fucking another girl," She says and I cross my arms. She wasn't wrong at all. "I-i'm not," I tell her and she looks at me with the 'Bitch, I don't believe a single word about what you just said' look.

"O-okay, maybe I was," I say and she scoffs again. "I knew it! Besides, I don't blame you, that is like every girl's fear" She tells me, and yeah she was right. He won't do that to me, right? He loves me. I just need to be less jealous and just trust him. Not that I don't because I do.

He is like the guy everyone wants so yeah. I have the right to get jealous. He is handsome, sweet, and caring. Who doesn't wants a guy like him? I mean a man like him... can make you feel so good... Oh god Ro, what are you thinking? Did I just think in a dirty way about him? I'm blaming him, he did this to me.

"By the way, now I'm thinking about it. How did you guys meet? You never told me that" She asks me and it makes me shook. I almost choked in the air. How am I going to tell her that, we didn't meet as usual people do? That he actually kidnapped me in the first place. I can't lie to her.

"Well, do you remember that abandoned house we went, almost 2 years ago?" I ask her and she nods. "Remember when I almost bumped into someone?" I ask her and she nods while widening her eyes. "Was he??" She starts and I nod.

"But how did you two kept contact?" She asks me and I'm sure that I can't tell her about the whole kidnapping situation. I never told anyone, not even his parents and I'm gonna keep it that way.

"well, he gave me his number and told me to text him when I got home" I lie to her and she nods. "Wow! That's sweet of him" She says and I nod. "Why haven't you told me that back then?" She asks after that. "I just didn't think it was that necessary" I lie again. I feel bad about lying to her. She nods at me and she widens her eyes and I look at her confused.

"Did he scare us out of the house too?" She asks and I start laughing but soon stopped because then realization hits me. "I don't know," I tell her, and she starts laughing. Did he maybe do that so he could have a chance to have a moment alone with me? It sounds realistic as I know he was obsessed with me.

I'm definitely gonna ask him when he gets home. I'm really curious about it, just as I'm thinking about it. "You know what? I'm just gonna ask him when he gets home" I tell her and she chuckles. "What if he tells you he was?" She asks me and just then an evil idea pops into my mind.

"Then I'm gonna punish him," I tell her while smirking and she widens her eyes while laughing hard. "Oh I can tell he is gonna be speechless as fuck" She says and we both start laughing at the joke I just made.


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