Chapter 12

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Ro's point of view

I open my eyes. I look around and I notice I'm not in my own room. I sit up straight and feel a headache. My hand meets my forehead. At that moment I start to remember everything that happened last night. That guy kidnapped me.

I look under the blanket and see I'm still wearing my own clothes. I sigh in relief. I'm so confused right now, why does this have to happen to me. I step out of bed and I walk towards the door. I try to open the door but it's locked. Of course, I could've known that.

I look back into the room, it's a very nicely decorated room. Ro what are you thinking you have to get out of here. My eyes lock with a window, I run to it and open it. I look outside and see that it's too high. Don't be a coward Ro. I was about to climb out of the window but I hear the door unlock.

My heart is beating so fast. When the opens, revealing a woman. I guess she's in her thirties. She looks at me and sees I tried to get out of here. She smiles at me and I see a plate with food on it in her hands.

"Hi Roselle, I'm Jenna!" She says happily. I look at her not daring to say anything. She looks nice and very beautiful. I don't know what to do so I just gave her a very small smile. She was about to walk towards me but I take a step back what makes her stop immediately. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to give you some food you must be hungry!" She smiles at me again.

She puts the plate on the bed. "What am I doing here?" I say shyly after a moment. She looks at me, happy to hear me talking. "That's hard for me to answer miss, you'll have to wait for him to tell you that," she says and I look at her confused. "Who is he?" I ask nervously.

"He is the one who brought you here," she says, you mean kidnapped me. I hesitate to say that but decide not to before I get in trouble. I just decide to nod at her.

"He will come soon!" She says. I start to get nervous. "I don't want to see him, I want to go home," I say. She smiles and says "just try to eat something" completely ignoring me. She walks out of the room and closes the door.

I walk to the plate on the bed. I'm not going to eat that, what if she put something in it. Then I realize I didn't hear her lock the door. I run to the door and try to open it. I sigh in relief when I see it isn't locked. I instantly walked out of the room closing the door. So they wouldn't notice I went out.

I walk through the hallway. I look around to see if there is any way I could get out of this place. I stop when I see a family picture. I look at it and I see a familiar face. I've seen that man before I think. I shrug it off and walk further.

The stairs got my attention right away. I run to it and I was about to walk downstairs when I heard a sound making me slip as a result. I fall down and before I know it my sight was again blurry and went black after.


I open my eyes and I see I'm back in the room I woke up before. I tried to sit straight but I stopped immediately when I felt my back hurt. My hand instantly touched my back. "Ouch!" I almost screamed.

"Hey easy there, not so fast before you hurt yourself!" My attention goes to the person who said that. I see Jenna sitting next to the bed. My eyes widen in shock. She sighs and starts to grab a pillow and lays it behind my back. "Just relax and lay down!" She says and I obey.

"You shouldn't try to run away like that, it's no use. There are guards everywhere!" She says out of nowhere. I sigh and cross my arms.

"Have you taken care of my back?" I ask after a while, she looks at me and then nods. "Yes I did, you fell down the stairs we saw you laying on the ground unconscious," she says and I looked at her confused by what she just said. "We?" I ask her. "Yes me and Mr. Davis! He saw you first and he then freaked out" she says with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry he is not gonna hurt you, he cares about you" she says and I widen my eyes by what she said "he cares about me? I haven't met him before how is it possible for him to care about me?" I asked confused. "He'll tell you one day".

With that, she stands up walking towards the door, about to leave the room. She stops walking and turns around. "I won't lock the door, but you have to go downstairs to eat something, or you'll faint," she says and I slowly nod. She smiles and leaves the room.


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