Chapter 35

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His eyes were filled with tears, his face showed confusion and disbelief when I told him I didn't run away. His face showed disbelief, why doesn't he believe me. Probably because he thinks I hate him. I truly don't but I'm scared to tell him. But he needs to know. Someday...

"I didn't run away," I tell him again. I see him calm down a little. I sigh and turn to the bag to grab it. I look back at him and he looks confused while looking at the bag. I hand him the bag and he looks at me. "What is this?" he asks me. 

"Just open it," I tell him and he obeys. He grabs the bag and looks inside. When he sees what I bought, his eyes went wide and he looks at me with surprise written on his face. "How? Why?" He asks me and I start laughing.

"I couldn't see you in pain any longer. So I decided to just go and when I got there, a man was about to lock it but I begged him sort of telling him that my boyfriend was in pain. With the hope he would let me in" I blurted out, I'm not sure if I should've told him about the boyfriend part.

He looked at me shocked but eventually smiles small and I start to look down. This is getting embarrassing. I'm so stupid for telling him that.

"How did you afford it?" He asks after a while. I look at him and I see his eyes sparkle. he is not crying anymore but you still see a tear on his cheek. I move closer to him and he again looks surprised. "the guard" I tell him while wiping his tear away and he nods. I give him a small smile.

"You don't have to be angry at him or anything, please don't fire him" I beg him and he scoffs. He looks me deeply in the eyes. He shakes his head eventually "Don't worry, I won't" he says and I start smiling widely. He smiles back.

I feel his arm around me, moving me closer to him. I don't say anything and I let him do what he wants. He pulls me into a hug and I lay upon him. I hug him back. The side of my head is on his chest and his chin rests on my head. We lay down like this for a while.

"Why did you actually buy it? You said that you bought it because you didn't want to see me hurting" He asks after a few minutes, taking me out of my trans. I move a little and look at the ground. "Yeah ehh... I care about you" I say and I glance at him. I instantly lay back not wanting to see his expression.

His hold on me tightens. "You do?" he asks and I gulp. I nod and I feel his lips on my hair. "Why?" He then asks me with concern. I shrug my shoulders "I don't know" I say and I lied, I do know why but it's not like I'm gonna tell him that I like him. Well not yet... I just don't want to rush things.

We stay like this in silence for like 10 minutes. You could hear the clock ticking. My hand was laying on his chest. His hand around me moves to the hand on his chest and he holds it tightly. I was looking at our hands and noticed his big hands. My hands are so little compared to his. It's insane.

His next sentence made me blush hard and I was sure that I looked like a tomato. "So... boyfriend huh?" He says and I tried to hide my face with my hair but it had no use. He already saw my face and he started to chuckle.

My heart started beating uncontrollably fast. I really hoped that he forgot about that part. "Is he handsome?" He asks me and I have a feeling that he has a smirk on his face. I playfully hit his chest with my hand. He starts to laugh at my response.

"Calm down princess, I was just joking," He says and I again start blushing hard when I heard him calling me princess. Did I hear him right? He usually calls me Ro and that is how I like it, I just hate my full first name. I kinda like the nickname princess, to be honest.

Again there is an awkward silence "Are you still feeling cold?" He asks me after a while with worry, probably because I have goosebumps all over my body. I nod "Slightly." I let out and he starts rubbing my arms to warm me up a little.

"You should take a shower, I don't want you to catch a cold," He says and I look up to meet his beautiful dark eyes. I shake my head "I won't catch a cold" I simply say. I smile at him but he doesn't look convinced by my words.

"Please just take a shower, I don't want you to get sick," He says while caressing my left cheek. I give him a sigh and then eventually nod in obedience. He smiles at me. God, I love his smile. I love the way his eyes are almost closing when the corner of his mouth goes up.

"Good girl," He says while patting my head like I'm some sort of dog. I fake glare at him, acting like I'm offended by his words. He starts laughing at me. "I'm not a dog, Jonathan," I tell him and he starts looking up like he is thinking. 

I hit his chest playfully and he starts laughing again. "I'm not!" I yell at him and I start faking my anger. I get off of him and I cross my arms. "Aww, don't be angry, princess. I'm sorry" He says while opening his arms for me to hug him.

I just sit there looking at him, doing nothing but I keep on acting like I'm angry at him. He starts to pout and It looks adorable. I can't stay angry at him if he gives me those puppy eyes. I tried to stay angry but I can't help but smile a little.

He smiles at me and I move closer to him. I put my arms around his waist and hug him. "Am I forgiven?" He asks me while hugging me back. I slowly nod and hugs me tighter. I feel his lips on my hair. 

"Now go take a shower before I put you under it with your clothes on," He says, loosening his grip onto me. I laugh at him and I stand up, making my way towards the door. I can't help but smile when I walk out of the room.


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