Chapter 20

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The theme song for this chapter

Lynx - Jon Winterstein


1 week later

Ro's point of view

I'm here in this mansion for a week now. Kidnapped. I mostly spend my time at the library or in this room that they call my room. I've cried every day. I tried to run away again but a guard caught me and brought me back. It's useless and I can never get out of this place.

Jenna has been bringing dinner to my room every night. I think she noticed I didn't want to have dinner with him. I think I've been a little too hard on him. I feel guilty for declining his offer to join him with dinner a week ago. He kidnapped me, I know, but still, I'm not that kind of person to be mean.

I have seen him a couple of times but the moment we had eye contact he looked away. He always looked very sad and scared at the same time. He had bandages around his hand and I was very curious about it, but I never dared to ask about it.

I noticed his stares were making me nervous and his stares were always very intense. When he saved me, that I never thanked him for but I will, but when he saved me I felt his touch and it truly made me feel safe... Ro what are you thinking?? This man kidnapped you! Just the thought of it gives me goosebumps all over my body. I shrug it off.

I almost finished the book he gave me. Caught by Christina J. Michaels. It's a good book. I'm now sitting in the library and I'm starting to feel bored. I look at Mario, his dog. He is laying with his head on my leg. He is the only friend I have. I pet his head, he is so soft. It's a husky and it is very beautiful. I smile at him.

I hear someone walking in and I look up. I see Jonathan walking towards me with a dog leash. Mario sees him too and instantly runs towards him excited. I smile small at the sight. Jonathan is petting Mario now and hugging him.

"Hey boy, wanna go for a walk?" He says playfully to him. Mario looks very excited while jumping around. Jonathan looks at me and I instantly stop smiling and start getting nervous again. What is this man doing to me? I gulp when I see him staring at me.

"Can I borrow him for a few minutes?" He asks kindly and smiles at me. I look him in the eyes and noticed that I needed to answer him. You are so stupid Ro. I just simply nod. He nods and puts the leash on Mario. He was about to leave the room but turned around.

"Do you wanna come with me?" He asks nervously, I hear the uncertainty in his voice. Kinda cute to be honest. I decided to tease him a little. I look at him with disbelief in my eyes. He is getting nervous and looks down. "I'm sorry, stupid question" he turns around and starts walking.

"I would love to," I say before he leaves the library. He instantly stops. I try to hide my smile. He turns around and looks at me confused. I stand up and walk towards him. Together we walk out of the library. "To get some air," I say. He just nods.

We walk towards the front door. I open the door and I was about to walk out but his voice stopped me.

"Here, wear one of my coats. It's cold outside" he says and gives me a coat. I nod and put it on. I look at the coat when it's fully on. I open my mouth wide open. He looks at me and says "what's wrong?" He asks worriedly. Boy, you don't need to stress.

"It's really big," I say. He smiles at me and puts on his own coats. "Then you won't catch a cold," he says and I shake my head because that's true. Think about it, it's a big coat. Imagine how big his muscles would be. I start to blush. Ro what are you thinking, stop thinking like that?

He chuckles when he sees my cheeks. He knows what I'm thinking about. You are screwed, this is awkward. He grabs Mario's dog leash and says "come on, let's go" Guiding me outside. I see a guard ready to get me back inside. Jonathan stops him and says "we are just going to take a walk with Mario" and the guard nods.

"Should I go with you, in case she tries to escape?" He asks while whispering it to Jonathan. You stupid man, I can hear you. He just nods.

We start walking, the guard is walking behind us taking space between us. Out of respect, I guess. It's silent for a moment. Mario is sniffing around. Jonathan kneels in front of Mario and unties his dog leash. Mario instantly starts running around excitedly. He truly is a beautiful dog, especially when he runs and jumps.

I chuckle at the sight of Mario being excited. I feel I'm getting goosebumps. Jonathan was right it is cold outside. I grab my arms. Jonathan notices and takes off his scarf. He gives it to me and says "here take my scarf". I shake my head "no it's okay".

"It wasn't a question," he says. I sigh and take the scarf. When I take it I feel our hands touch and I instantly pull away. Wrapping the scarf around my neck. "Thank you" I thank him kindly. He nods and says "no problem, I'd rather be cold than I see you shiver" he smiles at me. What a beautiful smile. Stop it, Ro.

"So how was your week?" He asks with a nervous tone. I look at him and he instantly looks scared and looks down. "I'm sorry, the stupid question again".

I chuckle softly and say "it's been quiet". He looks at me surprised not expecting me to answer. He nods and says "I know, I'm sorry. You could've been with your friends right now" I nod and say "then let me go" I look at him and he instantly looks at me shaking his head. "I can't, I'm sorry," he says and I sigh.

I cross my arms up to my chest. It's not fear. I turn around and I walk back to the house. I can't deal with him. I hear him shouting Mario and then I suppose he ties him on the leash again. I almost reach the front door.

I hear him running towards me. My heart is raising and is beating so fast right now. I open the door and I walk in. I put off the coat and hang it on the coat rack "Ro please!" He shouts at me but I don't stop walking. "I'm sorry!" He shouts after that. I walk upstairs.


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