Chapter 22

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Jenna grabs a tissue and tries to make the chair clean. "Go to the toilet Ro, I'll be there in a minute" I do as she says and walks out of the kitchen.

"Why the fuck is she bleeding, Jenna??!" I hear Jonathan shout at Jenna. I can't hear the rest anymore. I reached the toilet and I get in. I unzip my pants after I locked the toilet door. I take my pants down. The jeans are black. I take down my underwear and there is blood on it. A lot.

I start to freak out, what is happening?? There is a knock on the door. "Ro, it's me, Jenna, can you open the door, or don't you feel comfortable with it?" She says from outside the door. I'm hesitating. "Jonathan is not here he is grabbing sweatpants for you," She says and I now unlock the door. She opens it and walks inside. Closing the door behind her.

I look down and she has new underwear in her hands and sanitary napkins. "Have you ever been on your period?" She asks and I shake my head. "Okay, it's gonna bleed for a couple of days and you have to replace the sanitary napkins a few times a day, I can help you with reminding you to do it" I nod and she gives me the new underwear and the sanitary napkins.

I take my old ones completely off. I place the sanitary napkins in the new underwear. I struggle with it. "Let me help you with that" she places it in and says "now put it on" I nod and do as she says.

"How does that feel?" She asks and I start talking. "Weird" She nods and chuckles "yeah I don't doubt that". We hear a knock on the door. "It's me Jonathan I have the sweatpants" Jenna's hands grab the doorknob. "Close your eyes!" She says "they were already closed," he says and Jenna opens the door.

He gives her the sweatpants and then says "they're mine because my room was nearer, I hope you don't mind" the door is closed again. I look at the sweatpants and say "no it's okay thank you" I put them on and then we walk out.

We see Jonathan standing there with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks nicely and worriedly. I nod "she's just on her period for the first time that's why she freaked out a little" Jenna says. I nod again in agreement.

"You didn't felt stomach ache before this?" She asks and I shake my head. "Not now either?" And I again shake my head. "Okay good, I'll get you some tea," she says and leaves me and Jonathan alone.

"Come let's go to the living room," he says and guides me towards the living room. "Sit down okay?" He says when we walk inside the living room. I nod and do as he says. I sit down and he wraps a blanket around me. He places himself next to me on the couch. "How is that?" He asks and I give him a small smile "it's good thank you" he nods and smiles back at me.

Jenna walks in after a while with a glass of tea. She hands it to me and I take it. "Here you go, I wasn't sure if you wanted sugar in it or not so I just put 1 in," she tells me, I look up and nod "that's alright I like sugar in it, thank you" she nods and smiles at me. I start to look down and Jenna leaves the room. Leaving me and Jonathan alone

"Do you may like to watch a movie or something?" He asks carefully. I look up to my side to see his face. He stares at me and I automatically stare back. I'm totally lost in his dark brown eyes. Now I can see his hair, his hair is a little curly and dark brown. Not too curly but just a little. I  then look at his face, he has a sharp jawline. He is truly handsome. Very attractive.

"Ro?" I hear him say and I instantly turn red. "Sorry, what did you say?" I ask him, I hear him chuckle. "I asked you if you would like to watch a movie," he says and I nod "yeah I would like that," I say and he nods, turning on the tv.

He puts on Netflix and he is looking through all the movies but gives up. He goes to the genres and chooses fantasy. I look at him confused. "Yeah I know you love fantasy," he says while looking at me. He smiles at me. "It's weird right?" He asks uncertainly. I shake my head "No it's not, well at least I don't find it weird" I tell him and he just nods.

"Choose King Kong," I say pointing to the screen. He looks at me and gives me a small smile and then nods. He clicks on the movie and it starts playing. Jonathan sighs and stands up. I look at him and pout "Don't leave, please" I say grabbing his hand when I noticed I was holding his hand I instantly let go and start looking down.

I feel like he is looking down at me. I sigh and say "I don't like watching movies-" he didn't let me finish "Alone... I know," he says and sits back next to me. "I wasn't planning on leaving you, I just wanted to grab some snacks, is that okay?" He says and I was still looking down. I just nod and he stands up. He walks out of the room.

I sigh. What is happening to me? Why do I feel slightly comfortable around him? I'm talking way more to him than I did before. This is insane.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he walked back in with popcorn and two colas. He places himself beside me and hands me the bowl of popcorn. "Here you go," He says smiling at me. I give him a small smile and start eating from it.


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