Chapter 38

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After we had finished loading all the boxes into the truck, surprising still nothing bad had happened.

"Look who made it through the day, curse free and all." Kian laughed, sitting on the carpet in his (now empty) old room.

"The night is still young, there are still plenty opportunity's for me to screw things up." I told him, staring out the window at the purplish colored sky. It was about 7:00pm, so the sun had just about set.

"Listen, my mom and my sister are going out to a movie together tonight. You should go with them, just to prove you're not cursed." He recommended.

"What if the curse shows it's self again, but this time, in public." I whispered the last part, nervously biting at my nail.

"You're ridiculous." He muttered, standing up and walking out of the room. I curiously followed him out into the main room, where his mom and sister were standing. They were laughing about something and putting on their coats in front of the door.

"Hey guys, so Sam decided that she wanted to go with you to the movies." Kian said, causing both of them to turn in our direction.

"Oh good, but aren't you gonna be cold wearing that. The movie theater gets really cold." Izzy asked me, looking at my outfit. I was wearing a white flowy crop top that showed my midriff, and a pair of light blue jeans.

"I'll be fine, I don't get chilly that easily." I told her, and slowly began to approach them.

"Alright, have fun." Kian said, watching us from the hallway.

"What are you gonna do while we're gone?" His mom questioned, pulling the zipper up on her jacket.

"I'll probably just cry until you come back." He replied sarcastically. His mom just light heartedly chuckled and rolled her eyes.


"I'm surprised that kian didn't want to come. He usually loves movies like this." Izzy said, leaning back in the passenger seat.

"He probably stayed home to make one of those videos again." Kian's mom chuckled and Izzy joined in on the laughter. I Suddenly became very confused, what were they even talking about.

"Videos ?" I questioned from the backseat.

"You know, one of his YouTube videos." Izzy explained, looking back at me.

"I'm not following you..." I replied, trying to figure what they were talking about.

"Kian has a YouTube channel, where he just uploads a bunch of funny videos." His mom informed me. I furrowed my brow, I wonder why he had never told me about it.

"Does anyone watch him?" I Asked.

"Oh yeah, he has alot subscribers. He even has a few friends he met over the internet, whom he FaceTimes with a lot with . " Izzy told me. I didn't reply for a moment, this was a lot of information to take in at once.

I zoned out as the two girls began to talk about something else. Why was kian hiding something so big from me? I continued to ask myself this for the duration of the time I spent out with izzy and Kian's mom. Even during the movie I couldn't get it off my mind. Though, it was pretty easy to not pay attention to the movie, it was just another cheesy comedy, complete with semi famous actors, and a shitty plot. I normally enjoy things like that though, but the whole kian thing was nagging at me the whole time. I had so many damn questions

By the time we returned home,i still had the topic fresh on my mind. Atleast the night had not gone as bed as I suspected it would. We had fun, which I can't often say about people who I have just met. I mostly kept to myself tonight, in an effort to not bring back the whole "parents hating me" thing.

"Hey, how was the movie?" Kian asked as Izzy , his mom, and I walked back into the house. He was sprawled out out on the tan carpet in the living room and staring at his phone.

"It was hilarious!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Do you guys wanna join Izzy and me to dinner at Panera tonight?" His mom asked Kian and me.

"Uh...." He trailed off, and looked to me, raising an eyebrow. I gave him one of those 'I need to talk to you' looks.

"Not tonight, I'm kind of tired." He replied politely, getting up off the carpet.

"Aw, well maybe next time." Izzy said, looking disappointed.

Kian said his goodbye's to his sister and his mom, as I quietly stood near the door. We eventually left the house, and stepped back out into the crisp weather.

"So, what's up?" He questioned, as we walked back to his car.

"What's this whole youtube thing?" I blurted out, skeptically looking up at kian.

"What do you wanna know about it?" Kian asked casually, opening the car door for me.

"What... is it?" I asked.

"Uh, it's just like a fun hobby." He shrugged, getting into the driver's side to the car.

"So you film yourself, and then upload the videos online?" I suspiciously asked, glancing over at him.

"Basically... but then there's also the fans." He explained, starting the engine of the car.

"You have fans?"

"Yeah a few. They're pretty harmless, though, and really sweet for the most part."

"How many are there?" I curiously questioned.

"Uh, like one million."

"What?!" My voice cracked out of shock. "How come none of them come up to in public?"

"They do sometimes, you're just never there when it happens I guess. Maybe they find you intimidating." He chuckled, looking to me for a moment.

"How had I never heard about you before? Is that how everyone in this damn town knows you?" I had so many questions.

"I don't know, there are lots of people with one million subscribers, some even have more than that." He answered.

"Yeah, bu-" I began to ask more questions, but kian cut me off.

"Babe, I've told you mostly everything." He said, obviously bored.

"I'm sorry, you're just way more interesting than I would have ever thought."

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