Chapter 44

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I turned and immediately darted in the over direction of the dogs. I was just about as fast as my legs could take me, and I knew I couldn't stay at the speed forever. I began to think of a plan to escape the huge creatures.

Damn, I Should have stayed up in the tree. None the less, now I was down on the ground, running for my life. I noticed the dogs were slowly gaining on me. If I was going to do something, it had to be quick.

I saw a large pond off in the distance, maybe that was my way out. I could hear the thumping of the dogs' paws hitting the earth only a few feet behind me.

I stopped once I reached the shore of the pond. There was a dock on the other side of the, and it seemed the only way to get there was by swimming over and then propelling yourself up. It was too high for the dogs to reach, but just low enough for me to get a good grip. The water would also probably stall them.

Without hesitation I dived into the pond. The water was about the same temperature as the air, which surprised me because I had braced for it to be much colder. I quickly began to paddle towards the dock, with the dogs not in the water yet. They were probably considering if it was even worth the trouble to get wet. When I was about a half the way to the dock, I heard two large splashes behind me. The dogs were on my tail again, so I began to swim with all my might. It would of been so much easier if I could have just ran around to the other side, but there was a locked gate blocking the dock from the other side and it would probably take to much time to climb and the dogs would of caught me.

I finally reached the dock and placed both of my hands on top of the wood. Hurriedly, I pulled my self up, just as the dogs caught up to me. They began to nip at my ankles, but it was too late for them, because I made it onto the dock just in time.

I sat on the wet wooden planks for a moment to catch my breath. I glanced down at the dogs who were now howling wildly and clawing at the dock.
A shrill whistling noise made them stop however. My eyes looked up to see who had made the sound, and it was a short girl standing a few feet away. The dogs listened, instantly swimming over to the woman.

I made a sigh of relief, and felt my body relax.

"Sam!" I heard Kian hollering out to me as he stumbled through forest.

"I'm okay." I chuckled, pushing my wet hair away from my face. I turned around and jumped the fence behind me. I began to walk towards Kian, as he offered me a guilty smile.

"We didn't think things would go so wrong." He explained, putting his hands on my shoulders. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, pressing my soaking wet body against his.

"Really?" He gave me a look as I pulled away and left a big water spot on the front of his body.

"Remember that next time you leave me in the forest, asshole!" I replied jokingly.

"So I'm guessing your not up for the rest of the prank anymore?" He questioned, resting his arm around my shoulder.

"We are gonna finish this prank!" I exclaimed pointing my finger at him. I had gone through so much effort and was now soaking wet because of it, we sure as hell would finish it. "and this time helping."

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