Chapter 42

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Beth Pov

I was in the middle of a conversation with Connor, when I felt my phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket, and saw the caller ID said "Sam"

"It's Sam." I told Connor, answering the phone.

"Beth?" Sam's voice echoed out from the other line.

"Yeah, what's up?" I questioned, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Okay, so I'm kinda freaking out." Sam said.

"About what?" I asked, sitting up a bit.

"A million other girls." She replied. I could here the crinkle of plastic chip bags in the background.

"Are you stress eating?"

"Maybe." She responded quietly.

"I'll be over in like two seconds" I told her, hanging up the phone. Stress eating for sam, was like a code red, she almost never did it. But when she did, it was defiantly bad.

"Is she okay?" Connor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, not really. I have to go check on her." I explained to him, standing up out of the seat.

"Oh, well I'll see you around i guess." He said, watching as I pulled my coat on.

"Defiantly." I responded, grinning kindly at him.


"Sam?" I called out for her. I just showed up at her house, and unlocked the door with my key.

"Uh, one second." Sam yelled from upstairs. I listened as she stumbled her way down the stairs. She turned the corner and faced me, and she looked pretty rough. She was wearing black baggy sweatpants and a old faded purple sweatshirt with the word "cute" on it. Her hair was also pulled up into a messy bun, with strands of her dirty blonde hair framing her face. Her laptop was by her side as she tightly gripped it.

"Oh, Sam..." I said, looking at the pieces of chips that where sticking to the sweatshirt.

"I know, it's bad." She said guiltily, glancing at the floor.

"So what happened?" I asked, sitting down on the living room couch. Sam tottered over to me, and flopped down on the sofa next to me. She pulled her laptop open, and a comment section of a video popped up. She began to scroll through them, and most of them were just thirst comments.

"So what does this have to do with you freaking out?" I questioned, looking up at her.

"These are all about Kian." Sam sighed, I laughed, thinking she was joking. She seemed serious though, so I took a closer look at the comments. The more I looked at, I began to see Kians name mentioned more and more. I was genuinely surprised by how sexual some of them were, about a person they didnt even know.

"There sure are alot of them." I said as Sam continued to scroll through the comments. It seemed like the list of them was never ending.

"Alright, thats enough." I continued, shutting the laptop.

"They all think that he's single." She breathed out.

"But... he is single. it's not like you two are actually dating." I said, and sam didn't respond. "are you?"


"Well..." I bit my lip nervously, " we kinda are."

"What?!" Beth freaked out. "What do you mean ?" She excitedly shook.

"I mean, he told me he loved me." I smiled. Beth looked so flustered that she might of passed out.

"And..." She trailed off, expecting a continuation of the story.

"I told him I loved him." I batted my eyelashes. At this point, Beth fake fainted, putting her hand against her forehead and falling back against the couch.

"I think we are pretty legit now." I chucked, as she sat back up.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She scolded me, lightly slapping my arm.

"Tell her what?" My mother questioned , walking into the room. She made me jump up from the sofa in surprise.

"Uh... tell me that Britney Spears came out with a new single! lets go discuss this in your room!" Beth exclaimed.

We both scurried up stairs, and to the safety of my room.

"So does your mom even know about kian and you?" Beth asked, as I sat down on the window seat in my room.

"No, and I don't plan on telling her." I replied, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Shes gonna figure it out sooner or later. I mean, your mom is like a spy or something, she really should look into a career with the government." She said.

"Right now, she thinks that I have been staying away from him. I know I can't keep it a secret forever, but I need to keep it under wraps for now." I sighed, watching out the window as it suddenly began to rain.

"So, what are you gonna do about the whole youtube thing?" Beth asked, wrapping a blanket around herself.

"I'm sure I was just freaking out all over nothing." I shrugged and continued to stare out at the grey sky. "I mean, nothing too bad can come from it..."

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