Chapter 54

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I looked from Jc to Tiffany, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"What did he say?" Tiffany eagerly asked, her eyes lingering on my facial expression.

"I- I'm not really sure." I responded, placing the phone down on the table.

"Well?" Jc questioned me, just as ready for an answer as Tiffany was.

"He didn't really say anything..." I shrugged, not wanting to tell Jc what Kian had said.

"Oh." Jc said.

"I'm gonna check the Mac and cheese." I chuckled, awkwardly changing the subject.

I walked over the the pot that was on the stove and peeked in. It still looked raw, so I decided to leave it in a bit longer. I wanted to be prepared when it was done so I began to look for the packet of cheese but I couldn't find it. I began to open the cabinets in search for it. I looked up and noticed the highest cabinet from the ground, maybe it was in there. I tried standing on my tippy toes to reach it but it was way to high.

"Damn it." I muttered to myself.

"Need a boost?" Suggested Jc, causing me to shoot him a skeptical look.

"Uh yeah okay." I replied slowly. He got up out of his seat and making his way quickly over to me.

Jc pressed his hand on my waist and boosted me up to a height where I could manage to pull the cabinet doors open. A smile spread across my face as
I stared at the welcome sight in front of me.

"You'll never guess what I just found." I laughed, looking at my parents alcohol stash. Bradley and I had spent years upon years trying to find my parents alcohol stash, and here it was right under our noses the whole entire time. A part of me is pissed that Bradley and never found it, but mostly I'm so excited we found it.


"See-*hiccup*- the smart thing about clear colored alcohol-*chuckle*- is that you can replace it with water. And it's like no one will ever know!" I giggled, filling the drink bottle back up with water.

"Damn you are really wasted." Tiffany chuckled spooning Mac and cheese into her mouth.

"I can't believe no one else wanted to have a drink." I slurred, stumbling a bit.

"I still gotta make it home... sober." Jc responded, chuckling slightly at my sloppiness.

"Don't be silly, you can stay here with me." I explained as if it were obvious.

"Oh yeah and where would I sleep?" Jc laughed.

"With me of course." I said, with dead serious tone. Jc's mouth hung open completely, as he stared at me with a shocked but slightly pleased expression. "I'm kidding! Haha... vodka makes me slutty." I grinned, reaching for another bottle.

"I think you've had enough." Tiffany said, snatching he bottle from me and placing it back down.

"Aw your noooooo fun." I slowly spoke out and staggered over to where Jc was sitting. I almost tripped but he caught me just in time, wrapping his arms tightly around me. It felt nice to be held that way, it'd been a while since Kian treated me like that. I also forgot how much I loved the smell of men. I took a deep breath, pressing my face into his chest. I expected him to pull away, but he didn't he just kept his hold on me. Maybe he like it too...

"I used to be a lot of fun, and that's how I got pregnant." Tiffany shook her head, carefully putting the rest of the alcohol back. "Jc will you take her out to the living room and let her rest on the couch."

"I'm fine-" I stopped talking when I suddenly felt extremely sick.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jc asked, holding my arm.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine..." I continued, and began to stumble out to the living room.

Once I made it out there I immediately collapsed on the couch, letting the soft brown blanket. I curled up, feeling a headache coming on. I saw Jc crouch down in front of me, it was quite a blurry slight though.

"I probably shouldn't have drunken- *hiccup*- quite so much." I giggled quietly.

"Your laugh is so damn cute." Jc muttered, shaking his head.

Was he flirting with me? I felt my heart flutter in the slightest bit, and my cheeks flush red.

"Can you get me some water?" I choked out, my throat drying up.

"Oh yeah no problem." He said and stood up, walking out of the room.

Almost the minute he walked out, his phone that he left on the table began to ring. I could see the caller ID read "Kian.". I immediately grabbed the phone and pressed answered.

"Hello?" Kian's voice rang out.

" I miss you." I moaned into the phone.

"Sam? Wha- it's like 1am?" His voice sounded worried. I looked up as I heard Jc's footsteps approaching again.

"Oh I have to go." I said quickly.

"Sam don't-" I hung up the phone and placed it back on the table just before Jc strolled back into the room. He smiled at me and placed the water down beside me.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked, as I began to gulp down the soothing water.

I thought about everything for a moment, and not just about what Jc had just said. Everything that happened tonight, I was already having a hard time remembering what had happened. but I did remember what it felt like to be held, and felling loved. I looked up a Jc's concerned look.

"One more thing.... Will you lie with me?" I asked quietly.

"Oh Sam- I don't know..." He responded, his eyes darting away from mine.

"Just as friends." I explained, to which he nodded his head slowly.

"But only for a little bit." He said, crawling up next to be. It was so calming to feel the warmth of another body next to me again. For a moment I closed my eyes, pretending Kian was in Jc's place instead.

Oh god, what am I doing?

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