Chapter 33

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Beth pov

I maneuvered my way through the party searching for Sam. She's been in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, and I was worried she was sick or something.

I walked up to the bathroom and knocked on the door. no one answered, so I slightly pushed the door open and peaked in.

No one was in there, I began to get extremely anxious. Maybe she had met some friends and began talking to them. .

"Have you seen a dirty blonde girl with dark brown eyes?" I asked a girl nervously.

"Uh, no. but you might wanna check upstairs. That's where people go to hook up." A friendly red head told me.

"Okay thanks." I responded, and walked over to the large staircase. I made my way up the steps quickly, trying not to make creaking noises. As I reached the top, I was utterly shocked by what I saw. It was Sam, and she wasn't alone, some frat boy was basically dragging her down the hall. I began to yell at the frat guy, which scared him, causing him to drop sam and tried run past me. I quickly grabbed onto his arm in attempt to stop him, but he was stronger than me. He got away, but not before my nails had dug deep into this skin.

"Holy fuck." I cursed, walking over to Sam.

I sat down next to her on the floor, brushing her hair away from her face.

"What the hell did they do to you Sam?" I asked , as I tried to help her stand up.

Sam mumbled something back to me but I couldn't understand what she was trying to say. She didn't move, just stood still, her eyes wide open and staring at me.

"Shit, they drugged you." I said, beginning to panic. "We gotta get you out of here." I told her. Her mascara and eyeliner was messily smudged around her eyes. She tried to reply but I couldn't make out what she was saying.


We stood outside Kian and Connor's dorm. My arm was tightly wrapped around Sam, so that I could hold her up. She looked a little bit better, but she was still really quiet.

I knocked loudly on the door, and waited for some one to answer. With in a few seconds, I heard the door unlocking and then it opened.

"What the fuck happened to you guys?" Kian questioned, standing in the door way.

"We went to a frat party." I told him, walking into the door as he moved out of the way.

Connor wasn't home, which I guess was a good thing. I also knew that Sam probably didn't want to be here, but this was the closest place I knew. She obviously needed some rest, and if I drove her home she would have to go past her parents asking all sorts of questions.

My phone rang as I walked into the dorm. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Sam's mom.

"I have to answer this." I told them as sam sat down on Kian's bed.

Sam pov

I watched Beth leave the room, and then I turned my attention to kian who was giving me a worried look.

"Uh, what happened to you?" Kian asked, sitting down on the bed, next to me .

I didn't reply, not because I couldn't, I just didn't know how to explain what just happened to me.

"Sam?" He questioned, trying to make eye contact.

"I was drugged...I think" I muttered, ignoring my pounding head ache.

"What?!" Kian frantically responded.

"I was drugged ." I told him, louder this time.

"Who did it?" Kian asked, with an intense look in his eyes.

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