Chapter 15

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Kian Pov

"Is anyone here for Samantha Green?" A nurse asked, coming into the waiting room.

It has been many hours of waiting in the emergency room, and we were beginning to get bored.

"That's us!" Beth said standing up.

"Well, she came in pretty critical condition, but she is doing better." The nurse said, reading off a clipboard. "Come with me."

We both got up and followed the nurse down the dark hallway until we reached a room with the numbers "256" on it.

The nurse gently pushed the door open and smiled into the room.

"Hey honey, you've got some visitors." She said, as we followed her into the room.

"Hey guys!" Sam said loudly. "I'm on drugs!"

"Um, yes she is on some medication to numb the pain. I'll be right back." The nurse said, walking out of the room.

Beth hugged Sam who was still lying in her hospital bed. She smiled up at Beth, and laughed.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Beth said, grabbing her hand.

Sam nodded, and then glanced past Beth, at me.

"Hey Kian, when did you get here?" Sam asked.

"A while ago." I said, walking towards her bed.

"You watch yourself mister, just because I'm on drugs doesn't mean I don't remember why I got into that accident." Sam pointed her finger at me.

"Well actually you just came up and started yelling at me for no reason. Then you stormed out of the bar." I said matter-of-factly.

"Don't be a smart ass, I almost died." She laughed.

"Maybe you guys should go, she needs some rest." The nurse said in a friendly voice.

"okay, we'll see you later Sam." Beth said, letting go of her hand.

"Wait, did my parents come?" Sam asked, nervously looking around.

"I don't think they can make it, um, big business meeting." Beth said

"Oh..." Sam said, disappointedly. "that's okay, I have you guys." She smiled.

"Bye Sam." I said, leaving the room with Beth.

Once we were in the hallway, I turned to face her.

"So, where are her parents, really?" I asked quietly.

"I called them and told them what hospital to come to..." Beth began to talk.

"What'd they say?"

"They said that they were at an business dinner and probably wouldn't come." She said.

"Are you serious?" I asked shocked.

"Oh I'm not surprised. One time they didn't show up for her sweet 16, then they apologized by getting her a car. I think see another new car in her near future."

Sam P.O.V

I sat silently in my uncomfortable hospital bed. The room was completely dark, and the only noise was the constant beeping of my heart monitor. I felt the pain drugs slowly wearing off, as I gained a piece of mind again. Though, the pain kicked in again, I felt my forehead throbbing from where the stitches were.

I stared at the plain white wall with a sticker of a yellow fuzzy duck on it, stating "I bet I can quack you up."
I was in such a terrible mood, I couldn't even appreciate the intelligence of that pun.

How did my parents just not show up? Their only daughter is in the hospital recovering from a car accident. Yet, they have better things to do.

I was distracted as a dark silhouette moved into the doorway, staring at me. I couldn't see their face, but I could tell who it was by their height.

"Yes, Kian?" I said quietly, I told the nurses I would be sleeping. He stumbled a back a little.

"Oh you're awake." Kian said, walking over to my bed. "So are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you, to be honest I can't even remember why I was so mad at you in the club." I said, straining to remember.

"Well, you said something about me being a dick head, and taking advantage of you." Kian laughed in a cute way.

"Oh, I guess I was really drunk off my ass, huh." I said.

"Yeah, your alcohol level was off the charts. That's not exactly great considering you used a fake id." Kian said.

"That's probably gonna be an issue, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it." I laughed.

"well I guess you should probably get some sleep." Kian suggested.

"You should stay." I said, staring into his dark brown eyes.

"Okay, I will. we probably can't both fit in that bed." Kian said.

"Wanna bet?" I said, scooting to one side of the tiny hospital bed.
Kian attempted to climb in next to me, which was successful. The bed was inevitably pushing us towards each other.

"See, I told you." I said, my face only
Inches from his.

"Isn't Beth going to get lonely?" He asked, I could feel his body heat warming up the once cold hospital bed.

"She can join if she wants." I chuckled, as Kian wrapped his arm around me.

Beth Pov

What the hell is taking him so long? Kian said he was going to talk to Sam, it's been like an hour.

I got up, and began to walk to Sam's room.

The lights in the room were turned off, but the window let the moonlight in enough for me to see there were two people in the small bed.

I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes, leaving the room.

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