Chapter 27

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My eyes slowly opened the next morning.

I felt Kian's arm lazily draped over me, and his head was buried in my neck.
The noise of my phone beeping knocked me out of my thoughts.

Kian groaned as i sat up and reached for my phone

"Can't we just stay in bed all day?" He mumbled, stretching out.

I had 6 missed calls from Beth, and a bunch of mixed texts.

"Damn, what am I gonna tell Beth." I mumbled to myself, checking my voice mail.

"Just tell her you stayed over here." Kian mumbled in his morning voice.

"Yeah uh okay I'll tell her that." I lied, and uncomfortably shifted my position.

"Why are you acting weird again?" He asked, sitting up next to me.

"I don't know kian, I just feel like we are making a mistake with this relationship."

"You do realize we aren't gonna stop hooking up, we will be having secretive sex for the rest of our lives." Kian said, resting his forehead against mine.

"That is where you are wrong. Someday we are both gonna grow apart and find new people, people who we actually love. We will get married to them and have kids and never even remember that these times existed." I argued, putting one hand on the back of his neck.

"But later into what you thought was your happily ever after, things will start to become less passionate between you two. You'll start to yearn for the old times in your life, times when you actually had fun. Then you'll remember me, and the way I used to make you feel. We will eventually end up together after all." Kian pointed out, putting his arm around my waist.

"In your dreams, Kian Lawley. The relationship between my future husband and Me will be ten times better than this." I said, staring into his dark brown eyes.

"Oh really?" Kian laughed.

"Yep, you'll soon be nothing more than small thought , pushed to the back of mind." I smiled.

"Maybe this will give you something to remember." Kian said, pushing his lips up against mine. The kiss only lasted for a few moments, before I pulled away.

"I have to get home before my parents notice I'm gone." I said.

"Come on, I'll be quick." kian said.

" Not today." I whispered to him, moving my hand off his chest.

I glanced over to the table that was beside his bed, and saw a pair of large black rimmed glasses.

"Are these yours?" I asked, leaning over and picking up the glasses.

"Oh, yeah." He said sheepishly.
I laughed, trying them on.

"Oh my god! You're a nerd!" I gasped jokingly.

"I am not." Kian objected.

"Why did I never know you had these?" I asked, pushing them up to the bridge of my nose. I could barley see through them.

"I wear contacts most of the time." He grinned at me.

"What?" I questioned why he was smiling at me.

"You look cute wearing my glasses." He said, leaning in to kiss me. I fell back onto the bed and he climbed on top of me.

"Kian, I really have to get back home." I warned him.

"I know." He sighed, rolling to the other side of the bed.

"Can you drive me home?" I asked, lying sideways to face him.

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