Chapter 8

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"I'll be right there." I shouted to Peter. I turned my gaze to Kian. "stay quiet." I whispered.

I jumped up off the bed, and sprinted to the door.

"Hey." I said to Peter, opening the door open a crack.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. We should hang out again sometime." Peter said confidentially.

"Yeah, definitely." I replied.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school." Peter smiled at me.

"I guess so. okay bye." I said, closing the door.

"You two go to the same school?" Kian asked.

"Yep, we can't all be high school graduates ." I said, grabbing a magazine, and sitting on the cute light blue couch in my room.

"Sorry that I came out of my mom first." Kian said.

"Were you a mistake? I feel like you would be that bastard child that came too early." I said, flipping through a few pages of the magazine.

"Don't be a hater just because you want to be me." He laughed.

"You got me Lawley, I just dream of being you." I sarcastically said, as kian walked over to the couch.

"She's hot." Kian said, pointing at some girl in the magazine.
"Yeah, she also makes more money a week than you are worth." I laughed.

"Someone is feisty tonight." He said, sitting next to me.

"Girls aren't objects, Kian" I turned to face him.

"I know, I know." He smirked at me.

"Hey, this is a very problematic topic." I ranted. Kian didn't say anything, but instead leaned in to kiss me. I smiled, dropping the magazine and melted into him.

After a few seconds of kissing, I pulled away.

"I have school tomorrow, I have to get some sleep." I said, leaning back into the soft comfy couch, and pretending to not hear Kian's groan of annoyance.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm going off. It was entirely too early.

"School, yay." I muttered to myself, with my eyes still closed.

"Can you shut that damn thing off?" Kian groaned from the other end of the large couch.

I reached for my phone on the shelf above me, and turned the alarm off. Then, reluctantly, I rolled off the couch, and walked to my bathroom.

I jumped at the sight of my reflection in the mirror. Not the best way to wake up the first day of my senior year. My dark brown eyes glistened as I gazed at
My mess of hair.

I took a shower and then I grabbed my hair straightener, and began debating what hair style to wear.

I ended up just leaving my hair simple and straightened. The outfit I wore was a white blouse, a short flowy black skirt, and a small gold heart necklace.

"They are going think you're the teacher if you're wearing that outfit." Kian said to me as I walked by him lying on the couch.

" What would you rather I wear? A crop top and mini skirt?" I asked, selecting a few a rings out of my jewelry box.

"Well, is that option available?" Kian replied cheekily.

"Hey, I gotta go, so you do too." I said.

"It's like 6am." He complained.

"I like to get a early start, I'll see you later." I said. Luckily Kian lived close enough to me so that he could walk home.

I walked out to the kitchen, where Bradley was sitting eating breakfast.
"Hey. Where are mom and dad." I asked, grabbing a banana out of the fridge.

"Probably sleeping, they're super jet lagged." Bradley said.

"Oh alright, well I gotta go. Have fun at college." I said, and rushed out the door.

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