Chapter 37

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"My old house is just down the street." Kian told me, staring out the car windshield. I nervously sat in the passenger seat, watching out the window as green bushes and colorful flowers zoomed past.

I can still remember the first time that I realized that parents disliked me. It was with my middle school boyfriend, his name was Norman. It was a typical middle school relationship, you know, one where you decide you're in love with each other after a week. Things were great, until I met his parents. The first time I met his mom I bumped into her, spilling her glass of wine all over her beautiful new dress. Then, I was introduced to his dad, after I accidentally fell into his lap of course. That was the day I realized that I was the definition of taboo to parents. Although, that incident could of just been seen as the awkward clumsiness of a middle schooler. Until, I came met Jimmy's parents.

Jimmy was my freshman love interest, and we were pretty into each other. Then, one day Jimmy was sick, so I decided I would be the cutest girlfriend and bring him some soup. So, I went over to his place, and he texted me and told me to come right into his room. I walked down the hall, searching for his bedroom. I walked up to a door that I could hear groaning noises inside of, I assumed it was him mumbling in annoyance because he had a cold. Unfortunately, it wasn't Jimmy's room, it was his parents' room, and I happened to walk in on sexual activity. That accident was the reason why Jimmy's parents got a divorce, not because of me, but because of the fact that Jimmy's mom was not the person in bed with his dad. Needless to say, I was not a very welcomed face in their household after that.

"Are you okay?" Kian asked, bringing me back into the present.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I replied, noticing we were stopped in front of a house with a moving truck in the drive way. There was a brunette girl standing outside, holding a heavy looking cardboard box.

"Well, we're here." He informed me, looking out at the grey house.

"I can't wait to see what lasting bad impression I make on your family." I responded sarcastically. Kian ignored me, and opened his car door. He stepped out onto his lawn and walked over to the girl who was holding the box. I awkwardly got out of the car, and watched as the two hugged. My eyes examined the house, it was an average sized home, but in comparison to mine it was much smaller. I liked it though, it was a cloudy grey color, with faded white accents.

"Who's this?" I heard a voice say. It was the brunette, who was now standing beside of kian, and was staring at me.

"Oh that's Sam." Kian replied, signaling for me to come over to them. I hesitantly strolled over to where they were.

As I got closer, I got a better look at the girl. She had long light brown hair, and bright brown eyes. She was wearing a pastel purple dress with a short faded blue jean jacket over it.

"Uh, hi." I said quietly, giving a small smile.

"This is my sister Izzy." He told me, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey." She responded, grinning at me.

"Where is mom?" Kian questioned, looking around the yard.

"She is inside waiting, she saved all the heaviest boxes for you." Izzy answered him. she got a better grip on the box she was holding, and then continued her way to the moving truck.

I followed kian into his house, and immediately as we walked in, we saw his mom. She looked up from the TV show she was watching and a large smile spread across her face as she saw kian.

"You made it." She excitedly said, standing up to hug him. They embraced, while I silently stood by the door, waiting for myself to say or do something stupid.

"I missed you." he told his mom, pulling away from her.

"I missed you so-" his mom stopped talking as her eyes shifted to me. "i see you brought a friend." she said, eyeing me down.

"Yeah." Kian responded, as I slowly approached where he was standing. "This is my girlfriend, Samantha." He introduced me, beaming brightly. His mom's eyebrows raised at the mention of that word.

Girlfriend? I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked up at kian, and realized the deep feelings I had for him. It's like they suddenly just exploded inside of me and all I wanted to do in that moment was love him. His mom said something that knocked me out of my thoughts though.

"Alright, well I'm gonna need some help bringing these boxes to the car. so let's get a move on it." She said in a breezy tone, clapping her hands together.

I nodded, and picked up a large cardboard box labeled pillows. I cautiously carried the box outside, watching my step. It was a wise choice for me to not carry anything of value, or anything breakable at all. After all, I was still waiting for something to happen to make Kian's mom hate me.

I safely made it to the moving truck, and lightly placed the pillows box in a corner. Kian sauntered up behind me, and put another larger box into the truck next to where I sat mine. The label of his read "plates and glasses." messily written in black sharpie. I nervously took a step back from the extremely fragile looking box.

"Why so anxious?" Kian asked from behind me, causing me to jump a little bit.

"Um... it's nothing." I replied, wiping the sweat from my palms onto my jeans. Kian gave me a curious look for a moment.

"Is this because you seriously think that you have some sort of parent curse on you?" He questioned, leaning his shoulder against the moving truck.

"No." I muttered, avoiding is eye contact.

"Holy shit, you actually think you're cursed!" Kian began to laugh in disbelief. I uncomfortably shifted my standing position.

"It's because it's true! Some higher power decided that I would not get along with parents for as long as I live." i whisper yelled, leaning in closer so he could hear me.

"Things seem to have gone okay this far." He pointed out

"Just wait. Something will happen." I said, and began walking back to the house.

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