Chapter 32

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I've been trying my best to stay away from kian for like a week now. I decided that it best for the both of us that I keep my distance. Because, judging by my moms reaction when I told her I was just hanging out with him, I don't think things would pan out very well if she ever found out the real truth.

"Do you feel 18 yet?" Beth asked, as we were sitting in her car.

"I don't know, I guess." I shrugged, staring at my reflection in the car mirror.

"Well, tonight we are gonna party our asses off in honor of your birthday tonight." Beth smiled, her hands placed loosely on the steering wheel.

"Where are we going anyways?" I questioned, glancing at her.

"It's a surprise." She said slyly.

I felt my palms begin to sweat as Beth pulled her car into the parking lot of the college kian goes to.

"Uh, why are we here?" I asked nervously.

"Surprise! I'm taking you to one of the biggest frat party of the year!" Beth excitedly squeaked.

"Oh, a frat party." I responded, unenthusiastically.

"What? Why- oh yeah, I forgot kian goes to this college." She said sheepishly, giving me a guilty look.

"No, it's fine. Let's just go have fun." I said, trying to sound excited.

I opened the car door and got out into the chilly December air. I followed Beth, who began to walk in the direction of the loud frat house.

"I can't believe you're already eighteen." She sighed, carefully strolling down the side walk in her high heel.

"I know, it's insane." I replied, listening to the dubstep music that was coming from the party.

Luckily, today I hadn't worn that much of a provocative outfit. I was wearing a long loose dark red dress, with matching dark red high heels. My hair was down and curled slightly at the ends.

"So, are you gonna hook up with anyone tonight?" Beth asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you crazy?! I think I've had enough of college boys for a while." I chuckled to myself.

"Come on, you are officially of legal age, not like that stopped you before or anything." She said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes, and we kept going till we eventually reached the party entrance.

"Welcome to the party, ladies." Some tall guy began to hit on us.

I just ignored him and walked through the front door behind Beth. Immediately when I walked in, I began to have flashbacks of the last time I was here. At Least this time I had Beth with me.

I noticed a few familiar faces, like the blond girl from the last party who convinced me to talk to Joey. She glanced at me for a second, her amber colored eyes following me around the room. After watching me for a little, she turned back to her conversation with a guy who was wearing heavy eyeliner.

"Do you think we will run into kian here? Because if so, we can leave" Beth said loudly over the party music.

"No, it's fine. I don't think he goes to these things anyways." I shrugged.

"Come on let's go get some drinks." She replied, grabbing my hand and dragging me out into the kitchen. As soon as we walked in, some one handed me a red cup. I accepted, smiling politely. Beth picked one up off the counter that was untouched.

"what is this?" I questioned, looking down into the cup at the clear brown liquid.

"I don't know. But I do know it's alcohol." Beth replied, and began chugging it down. I followed her lead and also began to take a few swigs.

"I'm going to find the bathroom, I'll be back." I told her, and began to track down the toilet.

I walked around the house for a while, trying to figure out which room was the bathroom. I couldn't shake the weird feeling that I always got in this house, it was like someone was following me.

After a few minutes of searching for the bathroom with no prevail, I decided to go back to Beth.

Suddenly, I felt a weird feeling in my body. I felt like I was kind of losing control. my legs felt like they were going to collapse under me, so I just decided to sit down on the floor for a minute.

Something was definitely not right, I felt like I was going to pass out for a minute. I put my hand on my head and the room felt like it was spinning. I couldn't tell if this was a dream or real life anymore. It was too loud here, I needed to find some where quiet.

I began to Climb up the big stair case that led to the next level of the house. It took a while, but I pulled myself carefully up them, holding on tightly to the railing. It was far more peaceful up there. Maybe there was a bathroom up here anyways.

I tried to push myself a little further down the dark empty hall, and I fell. But I didn't hit the hard cold ground like I had expected, someone had caught me. I looked up to see who it was.

It was a boy with darkish brown hair, I could tell he was in the frat because he was wearing a shirt with the logo of the frat on it. I kind of remembered his face, he might of been there the last night that I was here. My vision became kind of blurry and I couldn't see the expression on his face. I blinked a few times but it didn't fix anything.

I expected the boy to help me stand up again or find one of my friends. But instead of that, he began to tug me down the hall, basically dragging me.

"No!" I tried to scream as loud as I could, but it only came out as a small whimper. "Stop...please." I mumbled.

"please no." I continued mumbling, I was scared and confused. I wasn't even sure if the words that I was saying were even audible anymore. The boy didn't reply, and continued pulling me.

Then suddenly, to my surprise, I heard a loud scream come from behind us.

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