Chapter 28

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*one week later.*

Beth, Zoe, and I all were sitting at one of the lunch tables in our large school cafeteria. My eyes slowly drifted up from my gross looking lunch as Elizabeth Sommers walked into the room.

"Oh shit." I mumbled as she began walking towards us.

"Just ignore her." Zoe said, staring down at her lunch box.

"Well hello, Samantha." Elizabeth said in a mocking tone, sitting next to me.

"Don't you have an orgy to be at or something." I replied, turning to face her.

"So, I heard you're hooking up with Kian Lawley." Elizabeth taunted me, her icy blue eyes burning into me.

"Did you hear it from your drug dealer?" Beth chimed in.

"You know, I used to date him too." Elizabeth announced, grinning slyly at me.

"Go away Elizabeth." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"The way he made me feel was amazing." She sighed.

"Seriously, leave." I said in annoyance.

"You know what, maybe I'll go visit him again tonight." She said nonchalantly.

A loud bell rang, signaling that it was time to go back to our classes.

"Have fun with that." I replied to Elizabeth, standing up from the table.


"I'll see you tomorrow." I said to Zoe, standing near my locker in the school hallway.

"Bye." Zoe said, walking away, leaving me alone in the empty hallway.

I opened my locker and pulled out my back pack and a few books I needed to take home.

"Hey." I heard Elizabeth say as I was picking up my chemistry text book.

"Hello Liz." I replied, glancing up at her. She was leaning against a door, with her long blonde hair draped carelessly over her shoulder.

"Kian and I used to be pretty serious." She said, slowly pacing towards me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, completely uninterested.

"I was thinking about getting back together with him." Elizabeth said, standing in front of me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I questioned, putting my backpack on.

"What?" She asked innocently, twirling her hair with her finger.

"You know exactly what you're doing." I said, pointing my finger at her.

"So what? I like kian, and you better not mess this up for me. Stay away from him." She threatened, taking a step towards me so that our faces were only inches apart.

"You can't just decide you don't want some one, and then want them again." I replied, staring back fearlessly at her.

"I can do what ever I want." She laughed, slamming my locker shut behind me.

"What's wrong with you?" I snarled at her.

"Nothing." She smiled at me, stepping back.

I watched cautiously as she walked away, my back pressed up against my locker. Before she turned the corner, she grinned and waved at me. I rolled
my eyes and began walking in the opposite direction.


"Hey kian." I said as he came to the door of his dorm.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I have to talk to you." I told him.

"Uhm, okay. Come in." Kian said, stepping aside to let me in.

I brushed past him, walking into the dorm. Connor was lying on his bed, staring at his laptop.

"Connor, I thought you fell off the face of the earth." I said sarcastically, tilting my head.

"What?" Connor asked, turning to me.

"You completely stopped talking to Beth. What is wrong with you!?" I yelled, slapping his shoulder.

"I-uh- I..."Connor hesitated, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Come on, lay off him." Kian said, walking over to his desk

"I'm not done with you." I said to Connor, squinting my eyes at him.

I sat on Kian's bed and lied down on my back.

"So what do you need to tell me?" Kian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you know an Elizabeth?" I replied, staring at the ceiling.

"I know your friend Beth." He said, putting his glasses on.

"No, not her. Elizabeth Sommers." I explained.

"Oh... yeah uh, I do know her." Kian mumbled, staring down at his textbook.

"Why are you acting weird now." I asked him skeptically, rolling onto my side.

"It's because Elizabeth Sommers used to be his lover." Connor told me, still staring at his computer.

"Are you kidding?" I questioned, my mouth hanging open.

"Yep, she was his first." Connor laughed.

"Your what?" I shot up.

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