Chapter 53

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It's been about a full week since I last spoke to or have even seen Kian. It was almost like he was purposely ignoring me, which seems weird and childish for him. Every time I'd call it would either go straight to voice mail or just ring out until it went to voice mail. I finally convinced my self to visit his dorm again but when I showed up, he wasn't there. I was beginning to seriously believe this relationship was over, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I was curled up on the couch, covered in my favorite warm chocolate brown blanket. It was Friday, which meant pretty much another night of just staying in. In junior year I would go out partying every Friday and not be back till Sunday night. But being a senior is way different, I barely have time to do anything anymore, I'm about up to my chest in SAT prep's and English essays. Not that I'm in a mood to go partying anyways, ever since Kian and I had a falling out, I haven't really wanted to do anything.

Currently I was attempting to do my math homework, this week it happened to be like fraction sort of work but on steroids. I was also half watching the price is right which was playing TV in the background, and I was fully aware that I would probably get a horrid grade on this homework.

A knock on the front door caused me to jump slightly and glance away from the TV. I heard shuffling upstairs from a brief moment, which I assumed was Tiffany. My parents were off at some fancy dinner/meeting and maybe the knock on the door could be them returning home early. I glanced at the clock, it was barley 7pm, no way my parents would be home this early. I immediately leaped up out of my seat realizing that maybe it could be Kian who was at the door. But as I began to walk to door, I thought about the fact that Kian hasn't answered my calls at all, so why would he be here?

I reached the door and peeked through the peep hole. It was that Jc kid, the one who had given me a ride a few days ago. I slowly pulled the door open and stared at the curly haired boy.

"Hey stranger." I smiled at him, looking around my porch.

"Hey, my car broke down, just down the street from here. And I remembered that your house wasn't far from here. I hope it's okay that I stopped by, I got bored of sitting around and waiting for the tow truck." He explained, shoving his hand into his front pocket.

"Yeah, no problem! Uh come in." I grinned, allowing him inside.

"Wow, your house is really nice." Jc stuttered, taking a few steps down the hallway.

"I'll show you the kitchen, you know, if you're hungry or..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Yeah, that'd be great." He responded, giving a little laugh.

"It's this way." I said, and began strolling off until I reached the kitchen.

When we got there, I told Jc he could sit at the table while I checked what we had for food. I stood up on my tippy toes to check what was in cabinets.

"I could attempt to make some mac and cheese." I suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds good." He nodded. It was at this moment that I decided this night was about to get a hell of a lot more awkward, on a count that I couldn't cook at all.

I pulled the box that was covered in golden bunnies out of the cabinet. thank god for the directions on the back of the box, I sighed to myself.
I grabbed a pot from on of the drawers and began to fill it with water. Suddenly I heard a series of thuds coming down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

"Who- eh what is that?" Jc asked in an unsure tone.

"Oh that's just Tiffany." I shrugged, cranking up the heat on the stove.

"Tiffany?" He questioned, just as she walked into her room.

"Yeah?" She replied, walking over to where he was sitting. "Who is this?"

"Oh uh, this is Jc, Kian's friend." I explained, suddenly remembering Kian I had forgotten about him for a few brief moments. "speaking of which, have you heard from Kian at all." I asked, resting against the counter.

"Oh yeah, he was at this like huge frat party, chatting up some hot g-" Jc stopped mid sentence and his eyes immediately darted down to the table. My mouth hung open slightly as I pondered what I had just heard. That sounded nothing like Kian, yet I feel like I haven't known him at all recently.

I looked back over at Jc and Tiffany and noticed that he was now staring at her stomach, with a curious look on his face.

"Yep, this is what happens when you have unprotected sex." Tiffany laughed, patting her stomach.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to-" Jc began to stammer.

"No no it's fine." She shook her head and waved it off. "So what are we having?" She asked, nodding towards the pot in my hand.

"Mac and cheese." I told her, dumping the pasta into the pot. just then a phone began to ring. Jc looked down and clicked a button on his phone and held it up to his ear.

"Uh hey...." He answered quietly, glancing slowly at me.

"Who is it?" I asked, crossing my arms in question.

"Uhhh." He responded.

"It's Kian isn't it?" I began to walk over to him.

"Yeah, I'm with Sam. Really? Okay." Jc looked to me again and handed me the phone. "he wants to talk to you."

I eagerly took the phone and pressed it up against my ear.

"Sam?" Kian's voice came out from the phone.

"Hey, I-" I began talking but he cut me off.

"Stay away from Jc, he may be my friend but I- I..." And with that he hung up the phone. I stared blankly at the floor, still gripping the phone tightly to my ear. What just happened?

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