Chapter 35

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"So do you think you're ever gonna tell your parents about us?" Kian asked quietly.

"Have you forgotten? I'm forbidden from seeing you." I chucked, resting my chin on his bare chest.

"Come on, Sam. We already kissed in front of your mom once." He mumbled, playing with my hair.

"Yeah, because kissing and fornicating are totally the same thing." I replied sarcastically. He sighed, and we both sat silent for a moment.

"Hey, do you wanna go for a drive ?" He asked, sitting up.

"It's two in the morning." I replied, pulling the blanket up to my neck.

"It'll be worth it." Kian told me, getting out of the bed. I watched as he pulled on his pants and shirt. He signaled for me to come over.

"Okay..." I agreed hesitantly, rolling out of the bed. I was already wearing grey sweatpants so I just put a pale pink sweatshirt on along with them. My gaze drifted to Kian who was fussing with my window.
"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"How else do you think we are gonna get out of here." He replied, pulling it open. I stared at him like he was insane.

"There is no way im gonna be able to make it to the ground unharmed." I said, causing kian to laugh.

"Come on, you'll be fine." He assured me, climbing out of the window. I watched him skillfuly grab onto the tree right beside my house. He then carefully proceeded to climb the tall tree until he reached the ground. It looked easy enough, so I decided to try and do it the exact same way he did. I catiously wrapped my self around the tree, and slowly shimmied my way down. I finally felt the cold grass make contact with my feet.

"I did it!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air in a celebratory style.

"Look at you, climbing trees and shit." Kian grinned, nodding at me.

"Did you bring your car keys?" I asked, resting my hands on my hips.

"Yep." He answered, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his car.


"Where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window of Kian's car. The sky was an inky black color, scattered with bright stars.

"I don't really know." He replied, driving down the completely deserted road.

"It's really quiet here." I said, listening for any noises outside of the car.

"But it's nice." Kian agreed.

"So, what's your story?" I asked curiously, glancing at him.

"My story?" He chuckled, his gaze quickly darting from the road to me.

"Yeah, you know, who is kian Lawley?" I said, using a voice that sounded like a interviewer.

"Well, I grew up in a small town just outside of L.A." He told me.

"I always thought you grew up here. You just seem like a Los Angles kind of person." I replied, feeling the cool breeze brush across my skin as it rolled in through the window.

"Oh really, where did you grow up?" Kian questioned.

"Manhattan, New York." I smiled, remembering the city. I stared out the window watching as we approached a huge football field. "Hey, they left the stadium lights on." I said, looking at the illuminated stadium.

"Oh yeah, they usually don't." He responded, slowing the car down as we passed.

"Let's go check it out!" I excitedly told him.

"I don't know Sam..." He hesitantly responded.

"Oh come come on," I groaned "you're the one who dragged me out here."

"Alright." He pulled over to the side of the road. I opened the car door and stepped out onto the sidewalk pavement. There was a large fence separating the field from the street. "So, how exactly do you plan to get in there?" He questioned, sauntering up beside of me.

"Through the gate." I replied, giving him a mocking look. He returned my look with a testy smirk. "What are you smiling about?" I questioned, eyeing him. He didn't reply, so I turned back to the gate and attempted to casually pull it open. As I tugged on it, the gate didn't budge causing my to loose my balance. I stumbled back into Kian, also knocking both of us over.

"Oh, by the way, it's locked." He told me, nodding towards the silver lock on the gate.

"Maybe we can like, guess the combination. Or we could... we could..." I hesitated, resting the lock in my hand.

"...Or we could just hop the fence." He replied, placing his hand against the medium height chain link fence.

"Oh right." I agreed, getting a firm grip the cold chain. I skillfully made my way up to the top of the fence, almost slipping a few times. Once I was at the peak, I leaped down, landing on the rubbery fake grass of the football field. Kian followed, quickly climbing the fence and ungracefully falling down next to me. He immediately got up, and began to glance around at the empty field.

"It's so beautiful out here." I said, staring up at the big bright lights that were illuminating the entire field.

"you're beautiful." He replied, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him, the light reflecting in his dark eyes. I stood up on my tippy toes, pressing my lips against him. The kiss lasted for a few moments before I leaned back.

"I've really never been on football field." I told him, leaning against the field goal post behind me.

"So, that makes this your first time?" Kian asked cheekily, trailing his hand up my thigh.

"You could say that?" I chuckled, pulling away from him to explore the stadium. I walked along side the rows of seats, gliding my hand across the tops of them. "How come I never knew this existed?" I mumbled to myself, looking down at the plastic bottom of the stands. A crisp breeze rolled past, causing my hair to blow back over my shoulder.

"Some one left a football here." Kian said, picking a brown and white ball off the ground. I gazed up, watching as he tossed the ball around in his hands.

"Are you up for a game of catch?." I grinned, jogging back over to him.

"Are you crazy? You're terrible at catch." He responded jokingly.

"Yeah right. Toss me the ball, please." I told him, backing up and nodding my head at him.

"Remember that time you told me to throw your mom's expensive vase to you and you dropped it?" He laughed, raising an eye brow.

"That was a really heavy vase!" I defended myself. "Come on, toss me the ball, I won't drop it."

"I'm not-"

"Just toss me the ball." I cut him off.

"Alright." He agreed surrender, throwing the ball at me from across the field. I caught the ball right before it could slam into me. It collided with my hands, making me wince in surprise for a moment and stumble back.

"Did you see that?! I caught it!" I cheered for myself, gripping the ball tightly.

"You're so adorable." Kian muttered, gazing at me. I felt my face heat up and graciously beamed back at him.

"Okay, let's do this." I replied confidentially, tossing it back to him. He caught it without any effort, holding it for a moment and giving me the 'are you ready?' look. I nodded, preparing myself to catch the ball. He threw the ball back to me, and I saw it flying towards me. It came faster than I expected and before I could react, the ball him me in the face, knocking me over.

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