Chapter 30

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"Sam." A voice whispered, shaking me from my sleep.

I didn't answer, and just buried my head further into Kian's chest.

"Sam!" The voice quietly called to me.

"What?" I snarled back, sitting up in the darkness of the room.

"Your phone wont stop vibrating." I heard Connor mumble.

"My phone?" I questioned, thinking of who could be calling. Suddenly it hit me. "What time is it?" I asked him.

"Like 9pm." He replied.

"Shit." I gasped, scrambling for my phone which was resting on the bedside table.

I accidentally hit Kian with my knee while I was trying to climb over him, causing him groan loudly.

"What are you doing?" His horse voice muttered.

" I accidentally fell asleep, I told my mom i'd be home by five." I panicked.

"Well, it's too late to change that now." Kian flirted, flipping me over so that he was now staring down at me.

"Seriously, I need to get my phone." I said in a stern tone.

"Babe, why are you always so worried?" He questioned, hovering above me.

"Because I just am." I answered. I struggled to push him off of me, but he pinned me against the bed by holding down my wrists.

"I'm not getting off of you until you promise to be less worried all the time." Kian whispered quietly to me, his face only inches away from mine.

"I guess I'll just have to fight my way free." I told him playfully.

"Fight your way f-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He gave into the kiss, loosening his grip on me.

I took advantage of his momentary loss of power and flipped us back over. Kian gave me a look of betrayal, as I began to clamor to reach for my phone again.

"Just let it go." He laughed, trying to stop me from getting to my vibrating phone.

"Just let me go." I replied, stretching my arm out to the bedside table.

Before my fingers could close around the phone, Kian grabbed onto my waist, and gently pulled me back onto him. I had to straddle him so I could keep my balance and not fall off.

"I definitely like you better on top." Kian smiled up at me.

"You're so aggravating." I chuckled, putting my hands down on his chest.

"You know you love it." He replied confidentially.

I rolled my eyes, and leaned down to him, our lips colliding once again. As the kiss got increasingly intensified, I snaked my hand over to the table without Kian noticing. I quickly snatched my phone, and rolled off kian, onto the hardwood floor.

"I win. I can't believe you actually fell for that." I Chuckled, holding up my phone.

Kian sighed loudly, giving me an annoyed look.

I scrolled through my texts. Most of them were from my mom, asking me where I was. I sat back down on the edge of bed, nervously biting my lip.

"What's wrong?" Kian asked, crawling over to me on the bed.

"I told you, I was supposed to be home about four hours ago." I told him.

"What are you gonna do?" He questioned, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know, I should probably get home." I replied, staring down at my phone.

"Are you sure you can't stay the night?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." I said, glancing up at him. His big brown eyes were staring intensely into mine.

"Just tell her you're staying the night with Beth." He pleaded, kissing my neck softly.

"I have school tomorrow." I told him, pulling away slightly.

"Alright, fine." Kian said, letting go of me.


I arrived home and walked in through the front door. I threw my keys onto the small wooden table next to door.

"You're in trouble." Bradley said as he walked over to me.

"Why? Is mom really mad?" I questioned, nervously playing with my hair.

"She's pissed. where were you anyways?" He questioned, putting his phone in his back pocket.

"I was at Kian's dorm... What did you tell her?" I replied.

"I figured you were there, so that's what I told her." Bradley informed me.

"You told her I was with Kian?! I'm gonna kill you." I threatened, giving him a death glare.

"She put on the heat, I don't even know how she got it out of me." He apologized.

"Well -"

"Samantha? Are you home?" I heard my mom's voice call out to me from the kitchen.

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