Chapter 31

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I slowly made my way out to the kitchen, where my mom was sitting. She was on one of the tall stools, with her hands wrapped around a colorful mug filled with coffee. Our granite table was in front of her and there was an empty chair on the other side of the table.

The room is painted a dark grey cloudy color, and the fact that the lights were dimmed down made it even harder for me to see. One of the windows in the room was cracked open slightly, allowing a cool breeze to roll through the room.

I began to get goosebumps because of the creepy silence that filled the kitchen.

"Uh, mom?" I questioned, standing behind her. She was staring down at a book until I called her name.

"Take a seat, Sam." My mom quietly said, over her shoulder at me. Her vibrant green eyes stood out against the darkness of the room. They watched me carefully as I strolled to the chair across from her, taking a seat.

"Hey." I greeted her, adjusting to the uncomfortable chair.

"I need to discuss a few things with you." She said, flipping her light brown hair out of her face. I felt my heart rate instantly sped up.

"Um, okay." I replied, glancing at the dark sky through the clear window.

"Where were you this afternoon?" She asked, her eyes firmly staring at me.

"I was at a friends house." I told her, avoiding eye contact.

"And by any chance, would this friend happen to be a boy?" She raised her eyebrow, giving me a skeptical look.

"Yes...." I hissed out.

"The boy who you've been frequently hanging out with lately?"

"Uh which one?" I asked, avoiding the question.

"The one with all the tattoos, the dangerous looking one." She took a sip from the coffee mug in front of her hand.

"Oh him, yeah." I responded.

"so, what were you guys doing together? You know, hanging out till this time of night." She questioned, her long bangs falling in front of her face again.

"Just... studying." I shrugged, reaching for an un opened water bottle that was lying on the table. It felt like a show down, my mother against me, and it was like she was ready to shoot me down at any moment.

"This boy seems a little bit old to still be in high school." She said, squinting at me.

"Yeah, he is really tall." I agreed uncomfortably. Trying to hold off on giving answers for as long as I could.

"Oh really, because I did some detective work." My mom replied, with a sly look in her eyes.

"Really?" I questioned, through gritted teeth. She looked at me deeply and nodded.

"Bradley told me this boy's name, or should I say, Kian Lawley." she said.

"God dammit Bradley." I mumbled under my breath.

"So, I called the school, and turns out no student under that name attends Ester High." She said, talking another sip of her tea.

"Huh, that's weird. They must have accidentally messed something up." I laughed casually, taking a sip of my water. My mothers face turned from calm, to extremely aggravated with in mere seconds

"Are you having sex with this boy or not?!" My mom shouted loudly, causing me to choke on my water.

"What-I-No-I-" I stuttered over my words, not sure how to respond.

"I will go to his home, and personally cut his balls off. You better start explaining some thing." Her eyes began widening, as I took a deep breath.

"He's in college, he's only 19 though. And he's one of my best friends." I truthfully explained.

"Sam, why are you hanging out with a college boy?" My mom asked desperately.

"I don't know, we just have fun together." I said.

"But darling, you're only in highschool, you really shouldn't be hanging out with a random, tattooed, college boy." My mom worriedly pointed out.

"He's different, not like how you'd think. Besides you've met him." I pointed out.

"When I met him, his tongue was down your throat." My mom angrily replied.

"That is true." I wasn't sure what to say.

"So are you dating or just friends?" She questioned.

"I honestly don't know." I replied, staring down at the table again.

"I'm forbidding you from seeing this boy." She strictly said.

"Wait, what?" I questioned, shocked.

"I don't want you to see him anymore from This point. You need to come home immediately after school now." She said.

"You can't do that!" I argued.

"You're so confused. I'm helping you, you don't need someone like him in your life. You need to focus on school."

"I do fine in school." I objected.

"If I see you with this boy, You're in big trouble." She informed me.

"I'm not letting you take away the best thing going for me right now!" I shouted at her.

"It's for your own good honey." She told me.

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