Chapter 12

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"Thank god it's finally Friday." I said, attempting to fish tail braid my hair.

" Your first week of school is officially over." Kian said, uncomfortably shifting the position sitting he was in.

"Thanks for repeating what I just said." I replied.

"If you were anyone else, I would have dumped your sarcastic ass by now." He mumbled.

"You can't actually dump someone you were never dating so..."

"See, I just love it when you do that." Kian said.

Before I could reply with another witty remark, my door creaked open.

"Hey sweetie can you feed the fish?" My mom asked. "Oh, do you have a friend over!" She said excitedly, pushing the door all the way open.

"Oh this is Kian. We are working on a school project together." I said, covering for us.

"Well hello Kian." My mom said, "I'll leave you two to do the school work." She said, walking out and closing the door.

I sat silently, trying to get stray hairs to stick to my head.

"Why don't you just tell your mom we hook up? she seemed pretty cool about you having a boy in your room." Kian asked.

"That is only because she sees me as a perfect child. She still thinks I'm a virgin." I said, taking my purity ring off my finger to show him.

"Isn't it a sin to wear that if you aren't a virgin?"

"Maybe." I replied, sliding the ring across my make up table.

"You're not going to wear that to the party?" Kian said, leaning against a wall.

"Nah, whenever I do, guys always make creepy pick up lines about stealing my 'virginity'." I said, now carefully applying eye liner in the mirror.

"So are you gonna find a new guy tonight?" Kian asked quietly.

" You know it. Then I'm going to fuck him in front of you." I laughed.

"Really?" He nervously asked.

"No!" I said, throwing a pastel blue pillow at his face.

"You can if you want to. I mean, it's cool." Kian said nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, I know we are a kinda of exclusive thing." I turned to face Kian.

"We aren't an exclusive thing." Kian shot back.

"But we kind of are." I replied, leaning on the make up table.

"We really aren't."

"When was the last time you slept with someone else?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Kian hesitated for a moment.

"That doesn't make us exclusive." He insisted.

"But it really does." I teased him.

"Let's just go." He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed my coat.

"Wait!" I said, grabbing Kian's hand to stop him from leaving.

"What?" He asked annoyed.

I reached my hand into a drawer and pulled out a head band with a sparkly mini top hat attached to it.

"Snazzy right?" I smiled, putting it on top of my head.

"I was thinking a lot of guys would wanna hook up with you tonight, yeah, I'm not worried anymore." Kian laughed.

"Okay well first of all, that's offensive." I replied, adjusting the headband. "Second of all, you were worried? That's cute."

"Come on we are gonna be late." Kian said tugging me to the door.


"Why is it so loud in here!" I yelled to Kian over the loud music.

"Maybe because it's a party!" He yelled back to me.

"Nice hat!" A friendly looking brunette girl said to me.

"Thanks." I smiled widely. "See Kian, I told you-" I stopped talking when I realized He was no longer at my side. "okay, I guess I'm on my own." I said to myself.

I walked slowly through the huge crowd of people.

After a while of searching for familiar people, I ended up at the bar section of the club.

"Hey, can I get a beer?" I said, hopping up on one of the tall bar stools.

"A beer girl , huh?" The cute green eyed bartender said, locating ones of the taps.

"I've actually never tried one before." I said as he placed a overfilled filled glass of amber colored liquor in front of me.

"Adventurous, I like your style." He said as I handed him the money.
I took a sip of the cool alcohol, and recoiled at the taste.

"How do you like it?" The bartender asked.

"Um it kind of tastes like old piss." I laughed, shoving the glass back slightly.

"So what's your name, beer girl?" He asked, wiping off the table with a cloth.

"I'm Sam." I smiled brightly.

"I'm Jack." He returned the smile.

"Well, nice to meet you Jack."

"So where is the asshole boyfriend?"

He said, glancing around the party.
"Huh?" I questioned.

"Oh come one, I've worked in a bar long enough to know that nice girls like you usually have an asshole boyfriend." Jack replied

"Well, I have an asshole boy, but i don't think we are putting labels on things. Just having 'casual' sex." I said, taking another sip of my drink.

"Ah yes, those are the worst kinds." he sighed "Let me guess, he dragged you to a crowded party with no one you know, and then left you in the dust."

"That's it." I said toasting the drink to Jack. "Just follow the trail of thongs and I'm sure you'll find him."

"How long have you been casually hooking up?" He asked.

"Like 3 months." I shrugged.

"wow, you know what, I think you need the hard stuff." Jack said, pouring a round of shots.

"Let's take one for every time this boy has been a douche." He said, holding up a shot.

i stared hesitantly at the large round of tequila shots.

I glanced back at Jack and picked up a shot and raised it next to Jack's.

"To terrible people, but great sex!" I shouted out, downing my first shot

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