Chapter 63

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I rushed into the hospital, tears streaming down my face.

I got so many weird looks from strangers as I pressed though the crowd of people standing around.

"Are you okay?" A guy who I bumped into asked. I didn't have time to answer, because my legs were moving faster than my mind was.

I screeched to a stop when a reached the front desk. The receptionist who was sitting there gave me a bewildered look. I didn't blame her. I probably looked equivalent to a drowned rat from the rain storm that had occurred on my way here. The fact that I have been crying none stop the whole way here probably didn't help my appearance either.

"Can I help you today?" The receptionist asked, putting on a kind smile.

"Yes, I need to see someone." I told her, my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"Okay no problem. Can I have the patient's name please." She asked politely.

"Tiffany Holland." I said, excitement building up in my stomach.

"She is in room B285." The lady replied.

"Thank you!" I said, and began to rush to the room.

The events that just unfolded moments ago replayed in my mind.

*flash back*

"Look out!" I screamed as I saw the truck heading right towards Kian.

He quickly jumped on the side walk beside me, and out of the path of my truck. I took a deep breath, glad that he didn't get hit. But suddenly I remembered that I was pissed at him. I shouldn't be relieved he dodged the truck. I should have wanted it to hit him. To make him feel a fraction of the way I felt right now.

The only thing was, I didn't want that. Deep down I know I still cared for him, even though I know I shouldn't.

"Sam." I heard him call, causing me to turn my head. "I-" He was cut off by the noise of my phone buzzing. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared down at it. The caller ID said it was Tiffany, so I answered.

"Hello?" I asked, into the phone.

"Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God !" Someone yelled in the background of the call.

"Tiffany?" I asked nervously.

"Uh- hi Sam, this is your mom... Tiffany is in labor right now, and she asked me to call you." My mom said calmly into the phone.

"Sam get your ass here! Now!" I heard Tiffany scream in the background.

"Yeah she really wants you here." my mom continued.

"I'll be there." I replied hanging up the phone. Kian gave me a confused look.

"I have to go." I told him.

"Sam wait." He said, but I didn't listen, I ran off to my car.

I found Beth waiting in the car in the parking lot. I hopped into the passenger side, and looked over to her.

"You need to get me to the hospital." I begged her, out of breath.

"What? Are you okay?" Beth asked, sitting up and turning the car on.

"Tiffany is in labor."


I rushed into the room labeled "B285". I saw my mom sitting in a chair besides Tiffany, who was laying in one of the hospital beds.

They both looked over to me as I walked in. Tiffany's forehead was coated in sweat and she looked miserable. My mom on the other hand, looked relieved.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Tiffany groaned, looking back up at the ceiling.

"Damn, what got into you?" I raised an eyebrow, slowly approaching her.

"Apparently satan's baby." She snapped
back at me.

"Uhm... so when do you give birth?" I questioned, awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. I was afraid if I got too close to her she may try to attack me.

"I don't know!" She shouted at me, causing me to take a step back.

"As soon as she has contracted wide enough." My mom answered.

"Oh okay..." I said quietly.

"Shit!" Tiffany yelled out, gripping the side of the bed.

"I'll go get more the doctor!" My mom said, basically running out of the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked anxiously.

"Do I look okay?" She growled at me.

"Damn." I mumbled, walking over to the window in the room.

Soon enough, the doctor came in alongside my mother and told us that it was time to deliver the baby.

"Now?" Tiffany asked, a worried expression spreading across her face.

"Yep, we are gonna roll you into the delivery room." He told her, as a nurse came into the room.

"I'm not ready." She nervously answered, looking over at me.

"Well, your body says otherwise." I told her, as the nurse began to wheel her to the door. I followed closely behind.


Suddenly the room was filled with the shrill cries of an infant. I felt a smile spread across my face, as I looked down at Tiffany. She looked absolutely exhausted, but her eyes had a spark of excitement filled in them. I watched as the nurses went to go clean the baby off.

I suddenly remembered Beth was still sitting in the car, but she had told me she didn't want to come in. I hoped she had left and got something to eat because we were in here for a while.

"Er, so we have some news." The doctor said, walking over to Tiffany and me.

"Good or bad." Tiffany asked, her voice wavering.

"Depends... The sonograms were read wrong, the baby is actually a boy." The doctor said slowly. Tiffany let out a laugh, sitting up slightly.

"Well can we see him?" She asked, looking up at me and then back to the doctor. He nodded, and smiled at one of the nurses as she brought over what looked like just a bundle of blankets.
The nurse carefully handed him over to Tiffany and we both stared down, amazed.

"Oh my god." I said quietly, grinning down at the baby.

"He's perfect." Tiffany smiled widely.

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