Chapter 36

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I collapsed onto the grass, landing onto my back softly. It took me a moment to realize what has just happened. I heard kian curse and then begin to jog over to me. I sat up slowly, as he approached me.

"Are you okay?" He questioned anxiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine.... I guess I'm not that good at catch." I laughed, glancing at the football lying next to me.

"I tried to tell you." He replied, sitting down next to me. We both sat silently for a few moments, staring up at the sky.

"Hey, do you remember the first night we met?" I asked, still staring up at the stars.

"Yeah, at the bar. Why?" He responded, I could see in the corner of my eye that he was glancing at me.

" I don't really remember anything that happened that night." I told him.

"I do." Kian said suggestively.

"So how did it happen?" I questioned, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"You came on to me." He simply replied.

"Yeah, right." I chuckled, giving him a doubtful look.

"You did!" He objected, giving me a sly smile.

"What, did I look at you in a way that made you assume 'oh she wants it.'" I said sarcastically.

"No,but the way you grabbed my crotch kind of made me think you wanted it." He replied.

"I didn't ....did I ?" I questioned, trying to remember that night.

"Yep, then you invited me back to your place." He explained with a smirk.

"Man, that drink I got must have made me really horny." I responded in disbelief.

"Thank god for that." He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him, causing him to wrap his arms tightly around me in attempt to annoy me. My head was awkwardly pushed up against his chest.

"This is so uncomfortable." I mumbled to him.

"I like it." he argued, resting his chin on my head. I chuckled and maneuvered myself into a position that was comfortable. We stayed quiet for a moment, the only noise was the chirping crickets.

"I can't believe I came onto you first." I broke the silence, still utterly shocked.

"I'm glad you did." He sighed in contentment, pulling me closer to him.

"Me Too."I mumbled against him. I felt safe when I was with him, like all my problems just vanished. I looked up and noticed the sky was a bit lighter than it was a while ago.

"What time is it?" I questioned, pulling my phone out. I clicked it on and realized it was nearly 5am. "we should probably head back now." I told him. Kian reluctantly let go of me, and we began to walk back to fence.

I watched as he speedily climbed the fence, and jumped over to the other side. I then followed his lead, cautiously climbing up to the top of the fence. However, once I was at the peak, I lost my balance and fell over the edge. I braced myself, closing my eyes tightly, ready to hit the concrete. Except, I didn't hit to hard cement like I had expected. I slowly pried one eye open to see that kian had caught me, bridal style. I chuckled, while he was still holding me.

"I do!" I announced sarcastically, in a wedding like manner. Kian chuckled, placing me back down on the ground.


We arrived back at my house, and were eventually back in my room. (after a few ruthless attempts at climbing back up the tree to my window) And then we ended sleeping for a while, and waking up around 1pm.

"What are you gonna do today?" I asked Kian, walking over to where he was sitting on my bed.

"I'm going home to help my family move." He told me.

"Oh, sounds like fun, if only I could come." I replied unenthusiastically, collapsing on the bed besides him.

"Well actually..." He trailed off glancing at me.

"What are you thinking?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You should come, it'll make the whole thing go faster." He invited me.

"I don't know, I never really fair well with parents." I said, remembering how much Peter's parents hated me.

"Why?" Kian skeptically asked, glancing at me.

"I have no clue, they just don't like me." I groaned, rolling onto my back.

"There has to be a reason." He replied, adjusting his position on the bed.

"Maybe I'm just unlikable." I shrugged, staring up at my white ceiling.

"I'm sure you get along fine with parents." He laughed, assuming I was over reacting.

"Okay, fine I'll come with you today. Just to prove to you how bad I am with parents." I agreed, sitting up to face him. He just rolled his eyes in disbelief, and shook his head.

"You're on." He said, his voice full of doubtfulness

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