Chapter 39

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The next day, school went by so slow I wanted to hurl myself out a window. All I could think about was Kian's youtube channel. The previous night after kian dropped me off, I had forgotten to look it up and went straight to sleep. Then in the morning I over slept, and basically was brushing my teeth as I ran out the door of my house.

It's period 8, the finally period of my school day. I had chemistry, luckily though, today my chemistry teacher had a mad hangover so he just put on a video.

I tried my best to pay attention, but the sound of someone repetitively clicking their pen over and over again was distracting me. I glanced up at the clock, the bell was going to ring soon, I happily began to get my stuff prepared to leave. As I closed my binder, I got a look from Mr.Allen.

"Please don't pack up your things until I dismiss you." He preached, trying to make it sound like a general announcement, even though he was staring right at me. I groaned quietly, opening up my binder again and pretending to look interested.

Within a few moments, the sound of the final school bell rang. I immediately stood up, slamming my binder shut loudly just to piss off Mr. Allen.

I rushed out into the hall, and traced down my locker. I began putting my things into my book bag, as I noticed Beth walking up to me.

"Why are you packing so fast?" She questioned, watching as I carelessly threw a book into my backpack.

"I found out that Kian has a YouTube channel, and I wanna see what his videos are like." I explained as speedily as I could.

"A what?" Beth asked in a confused tone.

"I'll explain it later." I told her.


I arrived at my house and swung the front door open. I knocked into someone, causing me to fall straight onto my butt. I looked up and noticed that I had also knocked the other person over, and it was Tiffany, Bradley's girlfriend. She was on the ground and glaring at me, her emerald eyes were filled with rage.

"What the hell Sam! You could of hurt... me." She yelled at me. I was surprised she even remembered my name.

"I'm sorry." I replied sheepishly, standing up. Bradley walked into the room as she slowly got up.

"What's going on?" He questioned skeptically, looking at us.

"Uh nothing." Tiffany answered quietly.

"Sam, mom is taking us all out to lunch. She wants you to come to." Bradley told me.

"Why?" I asked nervously.

"She said something about family time." He shrugged, as my mom shuffled into the room.

"Is everyone ready?" She excitedly questioned.

"Uh, I have to do a lot of homework. Maybe, I should just stay home." I lied.

"Nonsense, you're coming." She announced.

The whole car ride was really awkward and quiet, which was odd because usually Tiffany is a really talkative person.

We arrived at some low budget Mexican restaurant called "Me and my Amigos!"

We were seated at a table right next to the kitchen, so we could smell all the lovely scents drifting out from the stoves. Tiffany looked like she was about ready to throw up from the smells, her face was turning a odd pale color. We took our seats anyways, and began too look over the menus.

Soon enough the waitress came over and asked what we wanted to drink. I watched painfully as my mom tried to pronounce the name of a Mexican themed drink and failed miserably.

"What do you want, Tiffany?" Bradley asked her.

"Um, I'll just have water." She said politely.

"Its fine, don't worry about price honey, I'm paying. She'll have the island margarita." My mom said, changing her order.

"Water really is fine." Tiffany told the waitress.

"No I insist-"

"I just want water." She loudly blurted out over my mom. My mom didn't argue anymore after that. I gave Tiffany a suspicious look, raising an eyebrow, but she ignored me.

I ordered my iced tea, and then asked to go to the bathroom. I left the table and found the restrooms. It was one of the restaurants with only one room with a single toilet and sink in it as a bathroom. Though, it was relatively clean, so I ventured in and locked the door behind me. I pulled out my phone, and connected to the wifi labeled "est loco wifi." Assuming that was the restaurant server. I pulled up the YouTube app and searched for kian lawley. When I did, hundreds of results started popping up.

Before I could click on a video, a loud knocking started coming from the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes and assumed they would realize that the door was locked, but the person continued frantically knocking.

"Some one is in here!" I shouted. Yet, the knocking persisted. I opened the door to see what the issue was and noticed that it was Tiffany standing at the door.

"What's u-" I was cut off by her brushing past me and running over to the toilet. She began to throw up, like a lot, more than you would from just the smell of something. I slowly shut the door again, and pressed my lips together tightly.

Tiffany stopped after a while, and sat silently on the bathroom floor for a moment. She looked up at me, quivering.

"Can you keep a secret?" She asked quietly.

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