Chapter 22

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"Okay brides maids, please line up with the grooms man you will walk down the isle with. " one of the wedding planners said.

I looked around to figure out who was my grooms man.

"I think we are supposed to be together." Someone said from behind me.

"Oh okay." I said, turning to face the person. It was the mystery boy from before. I stared into his clear blue eyes.

"Let's do this." He said cheekily linked our arms.

The music began to play and all of the brides maids and grooms men began to walk out in pairs.

The boy and were last in line, so we had to just stand there and wait.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" The boy asked out of no where.

"I mean technically no, but-"

"Here's my number." The boy said, handing me a white piece of paper.

"I really don't-"

"Okay you two, go." the wedding planner said to us, and we began walking out in the middle of the isle that was littered with rose petals.

I noticed Kian in the crowd to my left, I'm smiled at him, but he just glared at the boy I was walking with.

We reached the place we were supposed to stand the whole ceremony.

"Who's this asshole staring at us?" The boy whispered into my ear.

I saw Kian grow even more angry when the boy was only a few inches from my face.

This was going to be a long ceremony


The couple finally kissed, and became bounded for life and what not. We then all walked to the reception, which was under a huge tent.

The bride and groom cut the cake together, commencing the party.

"So why are you a bridesmaid?" The boy asked.

"I'm the brides cousin. How are you and the groom related?" I asked, making small talk.

"He's my brother. So I guess we're kind of related now." He winked at me.

"What's your name?" I asked politely.

"I'm Henry." He said smiling .

"I'm Sam." I replied.

"I know."

"What?" I asked confused.

"You think I'm not going to know the name of the prettiest girl in the room." he said, and I laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Kian. I turned my whole head in his direction, watching as he looked around the room. He glanced in my direction and and began walking my way.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who was staring at us during the wedding?" Henry said as kian got closer.

Kian basically walked into me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Kian this is Henry. Henry this is Kian." I said, introducing them.

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?" Henry said, looking at Kian's hands around my waist.

"I don't." I replied, and Kian's hands tightened slightly on my waist. Henry made a confused face.

"Now get lost." Kian growled at Henry.

"I'm sorry, he's just oddly territorial." I shrugged.

"I guess I'll see you later, um, will you call me ?" Henry said, ignoring Kian

"Maybe." I said, as he walked away.

"Why can't that guy just back off?" Kian sighed, loosening his grip on me.
I shrugged, and turned around to face him

"You're so gorgeous." Kian said quietly, staring at me.

"You're so handsome." I smiled at him.

"I don't deserve you." Kian replied, kissing me. His tongue ran against my bottom lip, begging for entrance, but I denied. He groaned in annoyance, and I pulled away.

"I'm hungry." I said as I walked around, trying to find the table I was assigned to.

After the wedding, my family decided to just stay the night at a hotel close to the wedding venue.

My brother and his girlfriend shared a room. my mom stayed alone in a hotel room because dad was on a 'business trip', code for the fact he was fucking the secretary. And Kian and I ended up in a bedroom together.

"They made the wrong chose letting us stay in the same room." Kian said, as I brushed my teeth.

I laughed putting the tooth brush down.

"I've been waiting all day for this." Kian said, messing with the zipper on the back of my dress.

"Is sex on your mind 24/7?" I asked Kian, undoing the buttons on the top part of the suit he was wearing.

"Only when I'm with you, babe." He said, then leaned in to kiss me.

I continued to unbutton Kian's shirt, while he over powered me, his tongue exploring my mouth. I finally released the last button, and ripped his shirt off, throwing in across the room. He groaned as my hand accidentally brushed past his crotch.

"Shit, sorry." I mumbled, immediately drawing my hand back.

"You're such a tease." Kian said, pulling the zipper on my dress down.

I pressed my lips back onto his, only breaking the kiss for deep breaths. Kian pushed me back onto the bed, the cold of the mattress pulsed through my body. He climbed onto the bed, hovering over me. Before he continued kissing me, he looked down at me.

"God, you're breath taking." He breathed out, than began to attack my neck. Most likely there would be more marks in the morning, but I tried to push that out of my mind. Our lips connected again, as ran my fingers through his hair. The kiss began to deepen as our lips moved perfectly in sync.
I began to undo his belt.


"That was amazing." Kian sighed, collapsing on to the bed.
"Tell me about it." I agreed, curling up beside him. I said, as I felt myself slowly fall asleep.

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