Chapter 59

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Sundays are the worst. I mean does anyone actually do anything on Sundays. It's not like I have anything else to do other than to plot my revenge on Kian, but if it was Friday the atmosphere would be better.

"Did you know my baby already has fingernails?" Tiffany asked me, stroking her stomach and staring her laptop.

"Ew, finger nails, really?" I mumbled, staring at the notepad I had resting in my lap.

"Do you think it could like, scratch me from the inside?" She questioned nervously and stopped rubbing her stomach.

"I mean, probably not." I replied, scribbling down something on my notebook, but then hesitantly crossing it out.

Coming up with revenges plots for Kian was harder than I thought. I didn't want to do anything too mean, but he shouldn't have fucked with my feelings. So far every thing I've wrote down, I've
Crossed out. I glanced over at Tiffany who was sitting in a chair, still browsing through her laptop over my desk.

"Hey, what is a good way to get revenge?" I asked, sitting up slightly on my bed.

"It depends...on who?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Kian..." I trailed off.

"As in boyfriend Kian?" She chuckled, turning to face me.

"Well, as in ex-boyfriend Kian." I added in.

"Oh, well I always say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." She explained, holding a small smile on her face.

"What are you suggesting here?" I asked, though I clearly knew what she was referring to.

"I'm saying that you hook up with that Jc boy." She said.

"Oh god, I could never! He is one of Kian's close friends." I exclaimed, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Perfect, that'll make it hurt even worse." She offered a grin at me. I sat there for a moment considering her idea. I mean, Kian was dating another girl, so why should I worry about what he says.

"Okay, so if I was to uhm partake in sexual intercourse with Jc, how exactly would I convince him to do it with me?" I asked and Tiffany let out a small giggle.

"Are you kidding me? Sam, you're hot, and he's a 22 year old straight guy, I think you'll find a way to make it work." She explained.

"You know what you're right! I'm gonna call him right now!" I agreed with her pulling out my phone.

"So should I like leave the room?" Tiffany asked.

"No, don't get up its fine. Wait, what do I tell him to get him over here. "

"Just ask him to hang out." She shrugged.

"Alright." I said nervously, and pulled out my phone. Jc answered after about two rings.

"Hey Sam." Jc answered, sounding kind of unusual.

"Hi, so uh what are you doing right now." I tried my best to try and sound sexy.

"Oh I'm filming a video with Kian." He answered me in a annoyed tone. My breath hitched at the mention of his name.

"What's he saying?" Tiffany asked, stuffing a handful of chips into her mouth. I gave her a look and put it on speaker phone.

"So...Kian is there... like right now?" I asked, feeling my stomach flutter.

"Yeah, hold on I'll put it on speaker." Jc said.

"No no wait!" I shouted but it was too late.

"Sam?" I heard Kian's voice say. I sat there, mouth hung open and not responding.

"Wha- Why are you calling?" Jc asked, his voice full of assumption.

"Uhm well I just..Wanted to check up on you..." I stumbled over my self.

"Are you okay?" Kian asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I gotta go." I hurriedly responded, hanging up the phone.

I looked up at Tiffany who had a puzzled look on her face. My face must have looked exactly the same because I was completely clueless.

Suddenly my phone started buzzing again. I felt my heart leap in anxiety as I prepared to look to see who it was. I sighed in relief as I realized that it was only Beth.

"Beth?" I answered the phone.

"Hey babe!" She exclaimed, it was nice to hear her voice. I haven't seen her all weekend and everything has been so stressful lately.

"What's up?" I asked, still feeling shaken from my phone call with Jc.

"Is it alright if I come over? I just went to the store right around your place." She informed me.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll see you-" I was interrupted by the sound of a loud car horn coming from the phone.

"Get out of the way you damn asshole!" I heard Beth shout loudly.

"Uh are you still there?" I asked.

"Oh yeah yep! I'll be there soon." She answered.

I hung up and looked back to Tiffany. She was now peacefully asleep, curled up in the comfortable looking chair. How could she possibly have fallen asleep that soon? I laughed slightly to myself, as she began to softly snore. My eyes couldn't help but drift down to her protruding stomach. I began to wonder how much longer until she had the baby. Her due date was approaching rather quickly, she was due in only a few weeks. It made me nervous thinking about just how much a baby would change everything for her. Would she be able to handle it? I know I wouldn't. I felt sympathy for my brother all of a sudden, he never even knew that he was going to be a father. I wonder how he would have reacted?

My mind began to wonder off to what would have happened if I had gotten pregnant back when I was with Kian. How would he have reacted? Having a baby would completely tear my life apart, which made me have deep respect for Tiffany. She must know what she is committing to by now, especially the fact that she doesn't have a husband. I know she is 23 but she is by no means an adult at all mentally.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of the doorbell. I immediately rushed down the stairs to the front door, eager to see my friend. I couldn't Wait to tell her about everything that happened this weekend. I pulled the door open, and felt my heart stop in its pace.

"Kian?" I asked, staring at the brown haired boy who stood in front of me.

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