Chapter 11

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"So, why are we here?" Kian said, after about 3 minutes of sitting in silence.

"Well, I'd like to inform you that the mother of your child and I-" Beth began to say, but Kian cut her off.

"You're pregnant!?" Kian asked, his voice shaking as he glanced at me.

"No, that just a cute game Beth and I play. It's called who is the biggest bitch in the room." I fake laughed.

"That's right." Beth smiled.

"I'm confused." Kian said, looking at me.

"Isn't he a keeper?" Beth said sarcastically.

"Who are you?" Kian asked Beth.

"I'm Beth." She said.

"Oh." Kian said, followed by another minute of awkward silence.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go." I said trying to stand up, but Kian grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the booth.

"Abusive huh?" Beth said, writing something down on a note pad.

"What? I just-"

" I know what you did." She said, cutting Kian off mid sentence.

"Can I go now? " I said, glancing at the clock.

"If she gets to go, I do to" Kian said. Beth ignored us and continued asking questions.

"So do you ever plan on settling down?" Beth asked.

"I guess, when I find the right girl." Kian said. I saw his glance at me out of the corner of my eye.
Beth nodded writing something down.

"What are you even writing?" Kian said, leaning over the table, trying to see the note pad.

"Nothing..." She replied, pressing the notepad against her chest.

"Okay Beth, I think it's time to go." I said, getting up.

"I'm not done with you." She said, eyeing at Kian whilst standing next to me.

"Oh I think you are." I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the exit.

"See you later. " I shouted to Kian as we left.

"Bye." He replied.

"So I have to stop at my house first, but I can drop you off after." I told Beth, pulling up in front of my house.

"It's fine, I'll just stay the night at your house. My parents are fighting again." Beth sighed, picking at her nails like she always does when she is anxious.

"I'm not going to tell you it gets better, because it never did for me. Take it from an expert." I said, putting the car in park.

I unlocked my front door and walked in with Beth behind me.

"Hey Brad." I said, walking past him, to my room.

"Hi back." He replied, not looking up from his book.

In my room Beth lied down on her stomach on my bed, and I sat on my couch. Beth pulled out her note pAd from lunch, and began flipping through a few pages.

"Oh god, not that again." I laughed.

"So what is Kian's sign?" Beth asked.

"Virgo I think." I said, mindlessly flipping through a new magazine from one of my many stacks of them.

"Virgo's and Capricorns have a high sex compatibility. No wonder things are so steamy." She said suggestively.

"All that star sign drama is pure bull shit." I groaned. Beth was always very into spiritual things, while I tended to stay away from that.

"Come on, the sexual chemistry between you two is off the charts." She replied, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I bet it is." I replied sarcastically.

"The stars don't lie." She said under her breath.

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