Chapter 16

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"Okay Sam, lets get you some more pain meds." A nurse said walking into the room, and waking me up from my deep sleep

"oh I'm sorry, your visitor is going to have to leave." She said glancing at kian who was still asleep next to me.

"Oh yeah, one second." I said, as she left the room again.

I began elbowing Kian in the chest, his eyes immediately shot open.

"Ow," Kian said, putting his hand on his heart "that hurt."

"You know what hurt, a car colliding into mine." I said, blatantly.

"It wasn't even going at full speed though." Kian replied, and sat up in the bed. I glared at him.

"Hey, you gotta go." I said, poking him.

"Why? what time is it?" He asked, checking his watch. "it's noon?! I have to get back to my room." He continued, getting out of the bed.

"Alright." I said, taking a sip from my clear water glass.

"You should come to my place when you get out." Kian smiled at me, putting his coat on.

"Will do." I nodded, and he turned and left the room.

Almost immediately after kian left, the nurse returned.

"Okay I have some paper work for you." She said nicely.


I sat in the quiet hospital waiting room, shifting in the uncomfortable seats.

"Hey Beth." Kian said, opening the room's door.

"How's Sam?" I asked, picking at my nails.

"She's good, it's gonna be a couple of hours before we can see her again. She has to do a bunch of paper work." He replied.

"I guess I'll just chill here for the rest of the day." I said, glancing at a small frail child who walked into the waiting room.

"why don't you just come back to my dorm with me? I told sam she could come there when she gets out." He offered.

"I don't know, what would we even do?" I asked skeptically.

" I have to catch up on some work, but you can watch tv or something." He said

"Yeah okay, let's go." I said standing up, on the hard tile floor.


Kian and I drove to his college and walked to his dorm room. He began knocking on the door, outside his room.

"Connor let me in, I forgot my keys." He shouted into the room.

In about a minute, the door swung open and a boy stood in front of us.

"This is my dearest unsocial roommate, Connor Franta." Kian gestured to the boy with dark blond hair. Connor just walked back into the room.

"I never thought you would be a college boy, I Thought you would be some lame asshole." I said, looking around his side of the room.

"Well I kind of am..." he said, sitting down at his desk in the corner of his room.

"True." I said, glancing at his roommate out of the corner of my eye. The boy noticed me looking at him, and slanted his eyes.

"What?" He said to me.

"Nothing." I said, moving my eyes to see Kian, who now had large blacked rimmed glasses on and was staring at his paper.

"Can you two stop flirting please, I'm trying to work." Kian mumbled, opening his MacBook.

I sat quietly on Kian's bed, and folded my arms across my chest.

"So is there anything fun to do here?" I asked.

"There's plenty to do, it's a college campus." Connor sighed at me.

"Okay I'll just go find something to do myself." I shot back, and stood up.

"No I'll come with you." Connor said, putting down his iPhone.

"Well that's a first." Kian laughed.

"Let's go" Connor said to me, opening the door.

I strolled out into the crisp autumn air, taking a deep breath. Connor followed behind me, as I paced down the side walk.

"I think there is a party just starting at the frat house down the street." He said, glancing the other way.

"But it's 2pm." I said.

He turned back to face him, his gorgeous green eyes connecting with mine.

"It's college, every hour is party hour." He said shrugging. "Let's go."


"Oh wow," I said, glancing at the rather large frat house, people flocking the lawn.

"Yeah." Connor replied, stepping over a couple making out in the lush grass.

I tracked behind him, entering the musky house. A red cup was immediately shoved into my hand. My eyes followed the hand that passed me the cup. An older man, was smiling and winked at me. I backed up slightly, bumping into Connor.

"Hey do you wanna sit down?" He said, nodding to a faded leather love seat.

"Uh, yeah okay." I said, pouring my drink out into a plant pot.

We both sat on the couch, our hips touching together.

"So um, how Is college life?" I said awkwardly.

"It's lonely, my family lives pretty far away. You know everyone has someone, even if it's not their family. It's like how Kian has Sam." Connor sighed.

"Well they say they aren't dating." I pointed out.

"But they're obviously more than friends with benefits." Connor said and I nodded.

"Well maybe..." I began to speak but hesitated.

"Maybe what?" He asked, looking up at me and biting his lip.

Without any warning he pressed his lips against mine. I leaned into the kiss, his tongue running against my bottom lip. My hands found their way to his hair, getting tangled in it. It was amazing, like something I've never experienced before.

I suddenly remembered something, and pulled away.

"Oh my god." I said tightly closing my eyes.

"I know right." He said, leaning back in to kiss me again. I moved my head back, avoiding the kiss.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice in a worried tone.

"Connor I..I have a boyfriend." I said quietly.

"Then why would you let me kiss you?" He replied angrily, and moved to the other side of the couch.

"I don't know, but I felt something..." I muttered.

"You did?" Connor asked. I nodded, looking down at the ground.
"Well do you feel that way with your boyfriend?"

"No, but I just met you, I've known Ben for years. none of this makes sense." I said, and began anxiously twirling strands of my hair.

"What does it mean?" Connor questioned.

" I just need some time to think about it. Lets just go back to kian." I said and Connor agreed.

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