Chapter 4

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"This blue totally matches my eyes right." Beth said, staring at the fountain next to the bench we were sitting on.

"Yeah, totally." I said, focusing on the hot blonde boy who was walking across the mall.

"You're not even listening. you're too busy staring at the boy. you should ask him out!" Beth said excitedly.

"I don't know I just..." I stopped talking when I heard Beth gasp.

"Isn't that that boy you were all over a few months ago?" She asked staring off into the distance. I followed her gaze and saw Kian standing a bunch of other guys.

He must of felt us staring because he turned and glanced at us.

"Um lets go into forever 21 and try on dresses okay." Beth said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the store.

Once in the safety of the dressing rooms, Beth sighed in relief.
"That was close huh?" She said.

"Why?" I asked propping myself up against the wall.

"He is so dangerous." She said dramatically.

"How do you know?"I asked.

"He takes nice girls, and crushes them." She said, making a squishing motion with her hands.

"Can you just find some dresses for us to try on?"

"Oh sassy. I like it. While you are waiting try this on, I took it on the way in." Beth smiled , handing me a hot pink dress, and then hopping up onto her feet and prancing out of the dressing room.

Only a few moments, I heard the door of the dressing room open.

"Hey, back already?" I asked.

"Too soon?" I heard a male voice say. I felt my heart speed up.


"Did you miss me?" He said, walking into my view.

"You can't be in here." I said, looking around nervously.

"Yeah well I can't do a lot of things." He said, pressing his body against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smirked.

"This is the girls dressing room you know?" I laughed quietly.

"I know." he said, his warm breath tickling my neck.

I leaned for a passionate kiss. our lips collided, smashing into each other. He wrapped his hands gently around my waist. My lips attached to his neck and he let out a soft moan. I pulled his shirt off over his head, whist he fumbled with the zipper on my dress, not breaking the kiss once. I rested my forehead on his, and began to undo his belt.

"Are we really gonna do this, here? What if someone gets curious?" I asked.

"We can't stop know." Kian panted, out of breath.

He pressed his lips roughly back against mine, and I continued to mess with his pant. I eventually pulled them off with his help, and threw them across the room.
All of a sudden we heard someone yell outside of the dressing room.

"Sam are you decent? I'm coming in." Beth said.

"Kian, get behind on of the curtains." I begged. He silent nodded and slipped behind one of the curtains.

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