Chapter 26

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"Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked following my gaze.

"It's Kian and Connor, they're here." I sighed, slumping on the bar stool.

"Just don't look at them, they probably won't notice us." Beth said, taking a sip of her drink.

"That is terrible logic." Henry stated, watching the bartender make his beverage.

"God, why is he so good looking?" I asked, staring at him as he laughed at something Connor said.

"Come on, I have to go to the bathroom." Beth said taking my hand.

"I'll just wait here." Henry nodded.


"So do you think Connor has moved on
to another girl?" Beth asked me, reapplying her makeup in the cloudy bathroom mirror.

"He couldn't find someone better than you." I said, sitting on the table where the sinks were.

"What if I see him? What would I even say?" She continued to question.

"Don't worry about it, we aren't gonna see them." I assured her.

"Okay, let's get out of here. I wanna dance, it'll take my mind off Connor." Beth huffed.

"Yeah, okay." I agreed, hopping off the table.

Beth and I walked back out into the club. I tracked behind her as we tried to get out to the dance floor.

I awkwardly bumped into people on the way there, mumbling "sorry" and continuing to push past.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Some short blonde guy asked Beth, stepping in front of her. She looked as me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be here." I nodded, and she took the guy's hand.

Once Beth left, Another man approached me.

"Hey, girl." He slurred, giving me a drunken smile.

"Hi." I replied, offering smiling back.

"Do you want to hook up?" He asked, pushing back his short reddish hair.

"Uh, no thanks." I answered, nervously laughing.

"Come on, it'll be great." He stumbled forward to me.

"No really, I'm fine." I took a step back.

"Come on." He growled, grabbing my arm.

"She said no." Someone said from behind me.

"Whatever." The drunk guy grunted, walking the other direction.

"Thanks." I said, turning to the person behind me.

"Anytime Babe." Kian smiled down at me.

"Oh- um Kian hi." I said quietly.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I just uh came here with some friends." I glanced around the club, looking for Beth.

"Friends?" Kian asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pulled away from him slightly.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Are you okay?" He questioned.

"Look, I have to go." I said, turning around.

"Wait..." Kian said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to him.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this right now." I said, putting my hand up to his chest.

"Do what?" He asked, a worried look on his face.

"I really have to go, Kian." I said, leaning away.

"Are you drunk again?" He asked.

"No, I'm not." I stated.

"What's wrong, honestly?"

"I um I think we need to stop seeing each other." I blurted out.

"What? Why?" Kian questioned.

"I found someone else." I lied. I didn't really feel like explaining how this relationship wasn't going anywhere.

"Someone else?" His grip loosened to my wrist.

"Yes, someone e-" I began to explain but I was cut off by him slamming his lips onto mine. I quickly pulled away and stared wildly at him, caught off guard.

"Kian, what are you doing?" I asked, shocked.

"I'm gonna show you why we shouldn't stop seeing each other." He smiled, pressing his lips back against mine.

I gave in to the kiss, letting his tongue slip into my mouth. His hands trailed over my body, as I placed mine on the sides of his face
Beth POV

"Where the hell are you Sam?" I muttered under my breath.

When I came back from dancing with that guy, she wasn't standing where I left her.

I gave up searching and went back to the bar where Henry was still waiting.

"One hell of bathroom break huh?" Henry said sarcastically.

"Sorry, we got a little tied up." I apologized, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Where is Sam?" He asked, looking behind me.

"I don't know, I lost her." I shrugged.
"Maybe she ended up with that Kian guy." Henry suggested.

"No, she wouldn't do that, we have a pact. Maybe she saw another friend she knew." I said.

"It's pretty late, are we gonna wait for her?" Henry asked.

"We should probably get going, she definitely isn't in this club, I looked everywhere. She will probably find her way home" I sighed.

"Won't her parents notice she is gone?" Henry asked.

"i will cover for her."

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