Chapter 43

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It was Friday night, and I didn't really have any plans. I was just chilling an the couch in my living room and watching a rerun episode of hoarders. It was an episode about a lady who had a lot of cats and couldn't give them up.

"I'm going out to the club." Bradley said, walking out into the living room. He looked in the mirror and straightened out his bow tie.

"Really?" I questioned slowly, shifting my position on the couch.

"Yes really. Mom and dad aren't gonna be home till tomorrow morning, so I figured, why not?" He shrugged, perfecting his hair swoop.

"Alright, but if your not home by the time the get here, I'm not gonna cover for you."

"Fair enough." he agreed, finally nodding at his appearance in the mirror.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I responded, curling up into the couch.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" He questioned, giving me a pitiful look.

"You know I don't do well at parties." I told him. "I'm probably just gonna take it slow tonight."

"Shoot yourself."

I ended up watching tv for about an hour until I got bored. I decided to call Beth and see what she was up to, but then I remembered she had singing lessons tonight. So, I ended up calling kian and seeing what he was up too.

"Hey Sam." He said, answering the phone.

"What are you up to tonight?" I asked him suggestively.

"Well, my friend is over and we are gonna film a video." Kian explained.

"Friend? I didn't know you had friends." I chuckled jokingly, to which kian replied with a long sigh.

"He just flew in from Texas last night. You can still come over though, we could all hang out together."

"Sounds fun." I agreed.


I arrived at Kian's dorm and knocked on the door. Seconds after, the door unlocked and slid open. I stood in shock, staring at Kian.

"Oh my god...your hair." I muttered.
He had bleached it, and I stood wordlessly, taking it in.

"Do you like it?" He questioned, watching my reaction.

"It's hot." I chuckled, reaching my up messing with it.

He stepped aside, and let me into the dorm. There was a camera set up and it was facing Kian's bed. There was also a guy sitting there, staring down at his phone. He looked a bit older that kian, maybe in his early twenties. He looked up as I walked into the room and smiled at me.

"Dude, you didn't tell me she was so hot." The guy said, I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. I laughed anyways, and sat down onto Connor's bed.

"Sam, this is Jc." Kian introduced us, and jc offered a sly smiled. I returned it with a friendly grin

"Hey, where is Connor?" I asked Kian, cuddling up with some of Connor's various pillows.

"Uh, I think he's a party or something like that." He responded, messing around with the focus on the camera.

Once he was finished, he took a seat next to the Jc on the bed. They began to do an introduction to the video, as I silently watched from across the room. It was interesting to see how Jc and Kian's personalities rubbed against each other. Almost like they were the same person, but completely different at the same time.


After they finished filming the video I was already half asleep. Not because the videos were boring, but because Connors bed was so damn soft.

"So are you in sam?" Kian asked, knocking me back into reality.

"In for what?"

"The prank." He replied, peaking my interest. I sat up and raised an eyebrow.

"The prank?"

"Yeah, the lower class men organize a prank on the upper class men every year. Tonight is the night we usually do it." He explained.

"I'm in!" I agreed, not needing anymore information. I loved pranks every since I was just a young kid.


"I don't get what this has to do with the prank..." I told Kian. We had met up with all the other kids who were going to be a part of the prank. After an extremely complicated explanation, we all split up. When I asked what I should do, kian led me out here, into the middle of the forest.

"You'll see, just do what I told you. I'll see you soon." He said, giving me a unsure look. I nodded and watched him sprinted off into the distance.

A part of the prank my ass

They obviously out me out here so that I would be out of the way. I rolled my eyes and sighed, I might as well do what they said though.

I turned around the face the huge tree behind me... if they wanted me to climb the tree, then goddammmit I would be the best tree climber ever.

I began to easily boost myself up the tree, there were a lot of branches to grab onto and pull myself up. Once I considered myself at a perfect spot in the tree, I settled down on a thick branch. The night air was cool and windy, making me shiver and regret not bringing a coat. I was only wearing a pastel yellow crop top, and a pair of light blue jeans.

It was surprisingly silent out in the woods, apart from the chittering crickets and small animals. It wasn't like a scary silence though, it was a soothing and comfortable on.

However, the silence was soon broken by the loud and constant barks of a pair of dogs.

"What the hell?" I questioned to my self, peering out into the distance. The yowls were aggressive sounding, and were getting closer. This can't be right, they were supposed to use the dogs to get the college security off campus for the prank. The dogs weren't supposed to be coming this way, they were supposed to be headed north. For a moment the barking had quieted down, and had almost stopped completely. I scooted to the end of the tree branch I was on to get a better look. Suddenly, the branch gave way, cracking and breaking loose, falling to the ground and bringing me with it.

I hit the dirt at the bottom of the tree, luckily I had landed on my butt. I sat still, hoping the noise had not attracted the dogs. When suddenly, the barking started up again and I saw two large figures galloping towards me.

"For the love of god." I mumbled, jumping up to my feet.

"Run Sam!"

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