Chapter 40

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"I'm pregnant..." Tiffany sighed.

"Whose baby is it?" I asked anxiously, leaning against the wall.

"It's Kian's..." She said awkwardly staring at the wall.

"What?!" I yelped, my eyes widening.

"I'm just kidding, it's Bradley's." She chuckled slightly, then her face turned pale again. It took me a second to regulate my heart beat again.

"How did it happen? " I questioned.

"I don't know... Well I think I might know a little." She replied hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow.

"One time, we didn't have protection, but I figured it was just one time. I thought nothing could happen." She explained.

"Are you crazy!? You didn't use protection." I said in disbelief.

"Well, we were at your house, what was I supposed to do, ask your mom for a condom?!" She argued, bringing her legs up to her chest.

"You could have asked me!" I responded.

"Why would you have them?" She asked innocently. I just looked at her for a few moments until she understood what I was getting at.

"Are you sexually active?" She questioned curiously.

"I'm eighteen, and I have a boyfriend. When you consider the odds, it was kinda obvious." I shrugged, and we were both silent for a moment.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." Tiffany mumbled, putting her head in her hands.

"So are you gonna put the kid up for adoption?" I questioned.

"I can't... I know what that's like... And I just can't do that to this baby." She sighed.

"You're keeping it?"

"I guess so." She replied, getting up.

The rest of the meal was painfully uncomfortable. We mostly all sat there wordlessly, Tiffany and I exchanging occasional glances.

Once we were home, I invited her up to my room, which my brother was ecstatic about. he thought it was his little sister and his girlfriend bonding, but it was so much more.

"How long have you known?" I asked her, pacing around my room .

"A few weeks." She replied, sitting on my bed.

"What about college?" I questioned, my eyes drifting to her stomach. She wasn't showing at all, she must only be something like 3 months.

"I'll keep going until I can't.." Tiffany shrugged, resting her hands in her lap.

"Have you even been to a doctor?" I continued to bombard her with questions.

"Not exactly....yet." She responded quietly, picking at a loose string on my blanket.

"Are you sure you're even really pregnant? It could just be a mock pregnancy." I said, hoping that it was fake.

"I took 5 tests, they all came back positive."

"Jesus..." I breathed out, flopping down on my blue couch.

"Looks like your gonna be an aunt..." Tiffany said.


After Tiffany left, I sat alone on my bed for a while. I decided to take my mind off the whole baby thing, I would finally look up Kian's YouTube channel. I had no idea what his YouTube channel name would be, so I just searched for his name. Just like at the restaurant earlier, when I searched his name, hundreds of results came up. I scrolled down until I found a channel called "superkian13." I clicked on it and was directed to the home page of the channel. His subscribers count was pretty accurate to what he told me, give or take a few. My mouse hovered over a video called " Canned Food Challenge with Connor Franta!" I guess Connor was in on the whole YouTube thing too. I selected it, and the video then popped up on the screen.

"Hello everybody, it's Kian!" Came blasting into my headphones, I immediately turned down the volume. I forgot how loud he could be.

The video basically consisted of the two boys taking the labels off canned food jars and replacing them with a piece of paper with a number written on it. They would then pull another number out of a hat, and that number would match one of the cans' numbers. And you would have to eat the can that matched the number. Yeah, not exactly high quality stuff, though the video was more entertaining than I had expected it to be.

After the video had ended, I scrolled down to the comments section. Apparently a lot of people felt the need to express their opinion on the video, because there were loads of comments. The first one read "Like if you love Kian *blushy face emoji*" I felt a odd wave of jealousy wash over me as I realized the comment had 600 thumbs up. I swallowed hard, even though most of these girls weren't a threat, the competition for Kian just got a little bit more heated. Most girls only have to fight off a few other girls who are interested in their boyfriends. Not only do I have to worry about all the sluts he's slept with, now I had 600+ more chicks to deal with. I suddenly got really anxious, but decided to keep reading comments.

Most of the other comments were alike, saying how much they love him, or complementing him on the video, and some were about Connor. Then, I came across one comment that caught my eye. It read: "Wow amazing video Kiki. I'm so surprised you re single, you're such a catch!" and it had a bunch of thumbs up.

I mean sure, there are plenty of good reasons why I shouldn't worry. Maybe he said he was single to protect my privacy, or his privacy. Maybe he said it a while ago and never announced that we were seeing each other. But the comment was only posted about an hour ago, which means the fans still were convinced he was single. That means that it really is a competition over Kian, between a million other girls, and me.

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