Chapter 25

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"Hey honey, can you get the door." My mom yelled to me from the kitchen.
It was thanksgiving day, the day my home basically became a whore house of guests.

I peeled my eyes off the tv, which was playing the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. The knocking at the door persisted, becoming increasingly loud.

"I'm coming!" I screamed at the door, and got up.

The fact that my mother wanted me to answer the door was just impractical. I stumbled down the large staircase, that lead to the main room.

I walked to the entrance and unlocked the large door, swinging it open.

"Hey Sammy." My cousin Sofia stood in front of me, holding a plate of colorfully frosted cookies.

I moved aside to let her into the house. As she walked in, her husband followed in after her, and so did Henry.

"Well hello Sam, didn't expect to see you here." Henry said slyly, shutting the door behind him.

"I live here." I replied, crossing my arms on my chest.

"It's a nice home." He offered a smile to me.

"Samantha!" My mom called to me from the kitchen.

"Well, that's my queue to get out of here." I said, turning on one foot towards the large carpeted staircase once again.

"Where are you going?" Henry asked, following behind me.

"I guess you'll find out." I said, trekking to the top of the stairs.

I walked back into my room, and collapsed on my bed.

"Your room is huge!" Henry said, looking around at all of my posters.

I pressed play on the Macy's day parade, which resumed the place I left off.

"Did you seriously pause the Macy's day parade?" Henry laughed, sitting on the other side of my bed.

"What if I missed something important?" I replied, as my bedroom door swung open again and a glimmer of blond hair came into my vision.

"Hey- who is this?" Beth said, standing in my door way and staring at Henry.

"He's my cousin's husband's brother." I explained as she walked into the room.

"Oh, well that actually makes sense." Beth nodded, taking a seat on my soft carpeted floor

"I'm Henry." He smiled at her.

"Well hello Henry." She flirted.

"What Happened to the no guys pact?" I reminded her.

"Youre the one who hooked with some random dude. " Beth laughed.

"No guys? What about that guy you were with at the wedding?" Henry asked skeptically.

"Yeah, we aren't really a thing anymore." I replied as my phone began to buzz

It was a text from kian~
So are we gonna hook up tonight?

"Classy" I mumbled under my breath.

"It was him, wasn't it." Beth said, snatching my phone

"What should I say?" I asked.

"God, he's such an idiot." She sighed "You should just delete his number."

"I don't know..." I hesitated.

"Don't worry, I just did it for you." She smiled to herself, her thumbs moving fast on my phone screen.

"Beth!" I scolded her, grabbing my phone back.

"I'm gonna miss him a little bit, I have to admit. He was unnaturally charming." Beth admitted.

"Why did you delete his number? We could have still just been friends!" I argued.

"Oh please, you two have so much sexual chemistry. Its dangerous to even look at each other without animal instinct taking over." Beth pointed out.

"You know what's gonna happen if we don't hook up, he's gonna find a new girl." I shuddered at the image of him and another girl.

"Why would you care? Unless... Do you have real feelings for him?" Beth questioned.

"No... I'm" I mumbled.

"You like him!" Beth laughed.

"No." I shook my head.

"Come on sam, this isn't elementary school. Just admit you like him!" Beth said.

"I don't like him, I just liked his body. but that's over now, okay?" I shot back.

A minute of silence over took the room, with both Henry and Beth staring at me.

"It sounds like you like him." Henry agreed.

"Guys, just drop it. Obviously I'd feel something for him, I mean, I slept with him. But it's nothing more than just a little crush." I persisted.

"Okay." Beth said quietly.

"So today is marks the first day of my Kian free life." I said confidentially.

"Yeah! Let's go get some drinks to celebrate!" Beth exclaimed.

"It's thanksgiving day." Henry blatantly pointed out.

" It's okay, by 6 :00pm my family will be so drunk that they won't even notice we left." I reassured them.


After the painfully long dinner with all my relatives, they were all finally drunk enough for us to leave.
Beth and I decided to go to the closest bar, and we let Henry tag along.

"Damn, this place is huge." I said, staring at the large building as we walked towards the entrance.

"I heard it's one of the best bars in the city" Beth said, opening the door.

Inside of the bar, it was the usual set up for a club. Bright and colorful strobe lights, wasted people stumbling around the dance floor, and a large counter where the drinks are made.

I followed behind Beth as she walked towards the drinks, careful not to get lost in the packed club.
"It's really loud in here huh." Henry said loudly into my ear from behind me

"So, you don't go to clubs often?" I asked, it was slightly obvious.

He didn't reply, as we reached the counter, and all sat down in front of the Bartender.

"Are you ordering a drink?" Beth asked me.

"No, I think I'm good for tonight. Besides, we both know that being drunk isn't exactly the best thing for me." I told her, smoothing out my pale blue dress.

"But we came to celebrate you breaking it off with Kian." Beth complained.

"You guys need someone to drive you home." I Pointed out.

"Alright, suit yourself." Beth smiled, the colorful lights illuminated her face.

While Beth ordered her drink, I glanced around the club.

I noticed a few familiar faces from my school in the crowd. My eyes carefully scanned the bar, when I noticed something.

Connor and Kian were standing a few feet away from me.

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