Chapter 7

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I struggled against the arms, trying to fight myself free. My yelling was muffled by the hand covering my mouth.

"Shhh." A familiar voice hushed out.

"kian what the hell?" I angrily said as he let go of me. "I thought you were going to kill me! that's such a rapist-y thing to do."

"Can I crash at your place tonight? My roommate is trying to score with a girl tonight, and he said I can't be there." he said, sitting on my bed.

"Kian, wha-. You know what, yeah sure, I won't let you ruin my night." I said, grabbing my hair brush off a chair.

"Ruin your night?" Kian asked with a smirk.

"Yes, that's right, an old...friend is over for dinner." I said, pulling the brush through my long knotted hair.

"I thought we could spend the night doing something else." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but this is a code red." I said, causing kian to raise an eyebrow.
"An ex who suddenly got really hot." I explained, fixing my make up in the mirror.

"An ex? A hot ex?" Kian asked, skeptically.

"This is no strings attached, our thing here, you can't be jealous of my hot ex." I rolled my eyes.

"Well is he hotter than me?" He asked. I didn't reply purposefully.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Terrible." Kian muttered.

"Oh, stop that. don't go all P.M.S Kian on me." I laughed, and walked over to him.

"I'm not." He said. "it's just, those pants would look better on the floor."

"Alright, well I got a hot ex to stare at. Make yourself at home, but only in here, don't even think about leaving this room. Okay?" I said.

"Whatever." He replied, pulling out his phone.

"Kian, this is a big thing for me. Please don't screw it up." I said, and then walked back out to the kitchen, where everyone was waiting for me.

I sat down next to Peter, and looked at him smiling.

"So how was you're summer, Peter?"

Kian P.O.V

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I got bored of Sam's room. I never realized how unentertaining it was, I suppose that is because I was always occupied in here. I pressed my ear against the wall near the kitchen, to try and overhear the conversation.

"Peter, you're so amazing." Sam said. who is Peter, is he the ex, the hot ex?

"I only spent a month of summer helping build the homeless houses, and then visited Greece. I'm sure whatever you did this summer was much more interesting." Peter replied.

Of course Sam's ex would be some perfect angel.

"Oh I didn't do much, just hung out with a few friends and went to the library." Sam replied, causing me to chuckle quietly.

You forgot, you also had crazy sex with me and got drunk a lot. I thought to myself.

Sam P.O.V

"So are you dating anyone?" Peter asked me. I hesitated on my answer.

No, I'm not dating anyone, just sleeping with someone.

"No, not really." I said. "how about you?"

"Not yet." Peter replied, flirting. not yet, what does that even mean?

I just laughed politely and took a sip of my drink.

A few moment went by, I zoned out as my parents had a conversation about taxes.

I finished poking at my plate with a fork, and asked to be excused from the table.

I walked down to my room, and opened the door to see kian lying on his back on my bed. He sat up when the door creaked open, and glanced at me.

"That took long enough." He complained.

"It was a dinner, of course It was going to take a while." I said, siting next to him on the bed.

"Well now it's just the two of us." Kian smiled, leaning in to me.

"Except for the fact that Peter hasn't left yet." I said, lightly pushing him back. "We have too many close calls, with getting caught having sex."
Kian shrugged.

"We could always have a threesome." I sarcastically suggested.

"With Peter, I'd much rather kill me." Kian groaned, and I laughed.

Suddenly someone began knocking on the door.

"Sam, it's Peter."

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