Chapter 17

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Sam pov.

I arrived at Kian's dorm room and knocked on the door.

Almost immediately the door was opened, and kian smiled at me.

"Well look who is all out of her hospital bed and not on drugs." He laughed.

"Yep, and just for you." I said sarcastically, walking into his room.

"Im so honored." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me.

"Hey do you know where Beth Is? She wasn't at the hospital and isn't answering her phone." I turned to face Kian, his hands still resting on my waist.

"Yeah she came over and-" He began to talk but I interrupted.

"She came over? " I questioned.

"Her and I didn't do anything... bad. We're kind of exclusive remember." He said, flashing his bright smile at me.

"But you're just so charming, how could she keep her hands off you?" I chuckled and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. He tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away.

"Finish your story, where is Beth?" I said.

"She came over, and I had to finish my
School work. so her and my roommate, Connor, went to find something fun to do." Kian replied.

"Hmm. sounds suspicious, do you know what they might be doing?"

"Oh well there is a frat party just down the street." He added

"A frat party? God those suck." I said.

"Yeah, they do."

"So who is this Connor kid?" I asked again.

"Can we just kiss again?" Kian flirted.

I answered my meeting his lips again. I let him intensify the kiss this time. Our lips moving perfectly together, tongues colliding. He pushed me back onto the bed, making me gasp. He laughed, and climbed onto the bed, hovering over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled playfully at him. I began to pull at the hem of his shirt, and he helped take it completely off. I leaned forward to kiss him again, lightly tracing his abs.

A loud knock on the door echoed through the room, causing me to sit up completely it fear, accidentally knocking kian off the bed. His body landed with a loud thump on the hard floor.He sighed loudly in annoyance.

"does anyone ever remember their keys at this damn dorm?" He said, getting up to open the door. I couldn't quite see who was standing in the doorway.

"Why are you back so early?" Kian asked, a hint of aggravation in his voice.

"Did we interrupt something?" A boy's voice said.

"Were you cheating on Sam?!" A familiar feminine voice said.

"yep, you caught me, I'm cheating on Sam. Please leave me alone now so I can have sex." Kian said, shutting the door on them and locking it.

"let me in!" Beth shouted from outside, pounding the door. Kian ignored it, walking back over to me.

"so where were we?" Kian smirked at me.

"You know she is not going to stop that." I said, as Beth continued to pound on the door.

"I know." He said, sitting on the bed next to me. I laughed and continued our previous kiss. Our lips smashing together.

"I swear to god I will tell Sam!" I heard Beth scream from outside the door.
I lifted my head up and kian groaned at the loss of my lips.

"I have to answer that." I said glancing at the door. "she may legitimately kill you."

"Okay." Kian hesitantly agreed, as I stood up.

I opened the door and smiled at Beth and Connor.

"Sam?" Beth said confused. "but I thought... wait?"

"Yes that's right, it was me who was about to frackle with Kian Lawley." I announced.

"Oh, I'm sorry, should we leave?" Beth said.

"No it's cool, the mood is kinda dead already. I think I'm gonna go home anyways." I replied.

"No don't go," Kian said from inside the room. I walked back over to him, letting Beth and Connor in.

"My family probably misses me." I said to Kian.

"But, we.... I..I" he glanced at Beth and Connor then back to me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well I guess I'm not gonna fucking need this shit anymore." Kian said, pulling a condom out of his pocket and throwing it across the room.

"Well maybe it's for the greater good, I did just get stitches." I pointed to my forehead.

"The greater good." Kian huffed under his breath.

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