Chapter 50

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"So what are you gonna do tonight?" I asked, talking to Kian over the phone.

"I'm probably gonna go to this huge party down on block A. You should come!" He replied.

"As much of a 'party animal' you know I am, Beth and I are going to help Peter move." I told him, staring out of my window at the light orange sunset.

"Peter, as in your ex, peter." Kian asked, with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yes, Peter, as in my gay ex." I reminded him.

"Right right." He mumbled in reply.

"Hey, who are you talking to?" Tiffany asked, walking into the room with a bowl of spaghetti in her hands.

"Just Kian." I responded, staring hungrily at the pasta.

"What's he up to?" She questioned, plopping down on her bed.

"Going to some party." I shrugged.

"You mean the A Block party?! Ask if he'll take me!" Tiffany excitedly spoke up.

"You're five months pregnant." I brought up blatantly, staring at her full stomach.

"I miss partying." She sighed loudly, running her hand over her stomach.

"You still there?" I heard kian ask, making me remember the phone was still in my hand.

"Yeah sorry, but I gotta get going. I told Beth I was coming to pick her up like 15 minutes ago, she's probably pissed by now." I chuckled staring at the clock.

"Alright babe, I love you." He said taking me by shock. Kian was never really the person to verbally express his feelings, so whenever he did it came off as very surprising.

"I-I love you too." I replied, not coming off as sexily as I had hoped.

"Bye." He told me one last time before I hung up.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and turned to look at Tiffany, who was eating the spaghetti and staring at her phone.

"Do you want anything before a go ?" I asked, causing her to glance up at me.

"Yeah, I want to come with you!" She begged, pushing her shaggy bangs out of her face.

"All we are gonna be doing is lifting heavy boxes. " I explained.

"I don't care, I am just tired of lying around all day." She groaned.

"I promise I'll take you to the mall tomorrow, but heavy lifting doesn't seem like the best thing right now." I said.

"Fine." She nodded in agreement.


"How many damn lamps do you have?" Beth giggled, struggling with a box labeled "let there be light!"

"I like different options." Peter answered, helping her out.

"Is that the last box?" I asked, dusting off my hands.

"I believe so." Peter replied, lifting his sun glasses up to his forehead.

"Why are you wearing those, it's dark out?" Beth chuckled, giving his sunglasses a glare.

"It's aesthetic." Peter rolled his eyes and collapsed on the grass.

"Alright ladies, calm down." I laughed, sitting down next to him.

"Hey so how is that college boy of yours?" Peter asked.

"You mean Kian, it's been uh kind of one of the best things for me." I said, giving a bashful smile.

"I bet-" My phone ringtone cut Beth off.

"Hold on, it's him." I told her, answering the phone.

"Sammmmm." I heard Kian's voice echo out on the line.

"Hey, uh, what's up?" I asked hearing mumbling in the back ground of the phone call.

"Okay so don't freak out.... but I'm kinda at the police station." He answered, making my stomach quiver nervously .

"Why?" I asked, standing up.

"For a DWI..." He mumbled.

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