Chapter 62

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"The what?" I questioned, feeling my grip on the steering wheel tighten.

"Elizabeth..." I heard Beth growl in a warning tone.

"Well do you want to know the truth or not?" Elizabeth asked, obviously annoyed with my cluelessness.

"I need to know... but I need to now from him." I replied, keeping my voice steady.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Beth asked, looking at Kian's dorm off in the distance. When I had left I thought I couldn't do this alone, I thought I would absolutely need the support of Beth. But now I realized this was something I needed to do with just Kian, If I wanted to find out the sincere truth.

"No, I'm okay...Will you find a parking spot?" I asked her, and she nodding.

I got out of the drivers side of the door and stepped onto the sidewalk of the campus. My legs felt shaky, and I could feel a panic attack coming on. I had to push through it. It was too late too wuss out. If I was gonna find out what was happening I knew it was now or never.

I looked over and even Elizabeth had a sort of guilty look on her face, which really unnerved me.

"I'll uh see you around." She shrugged, and began to speed off in the direction of where her car was parked. I watched as she basically jogged over to her car, and wondered why exactly she was trying to get away from me so fast.

"I'll be waiting in the car." Beth told me. She was now sitting in the drivers side of the car.

"Yeah..." I responded. She drove off to find a parking spot, leaving me standing alone on the side walk.

I began to slowly make my way towards Kian dorm. I couldn't even feel my legs, but some how they knew the way to go.
I could feel my heart pounding harder against my chest with every step I took.

Before I knew it I was standing in front of the door. My eyes scanned the gold numbers that sat there labeling the door. "Dorm F803"

I knocked loudly on the wood, louder than I had expected. I heard shuffling inside of the room, as it slowly got closer to the other side of the door. The door slowly slid open, and I saw Kian standing right in front of me.

"Sam...." He said quietly. I brushed past him, walking into the room without an invite. Luckily Connor wasn't home. Kian turned around to face me, and his eyes drifted down
Towards my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes widening slightly.

I raised an eyebrow and looked down to see what he was talking about. I nearly gasped when I saw that my palms were covered in blood, and it was dripping on to the floor. I was suddenly aware of the familiar warm sensation trickling down my fingers. I hadn't noticed but the whole walk to the dorm I had been digging my nails into my palm because of how tight I was clenching my hands.

"I'm fine." I replied quietly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"So... do you want to sit down?" He asked me, his voice seemed shaken.

"I don't imagine I'll be staying very long." I replied, my tone sharp as a dagger.

"I can explain-"

"No more bullshit! I want answers! And I want them now!" I yelled, feeling my face heat up. His face fell and he glance down at the floor.

"Okay, fine... I'll tell you everything." he responded, making my pulse quicken. I wasn't sure if I was mentally prepared for what I was about to hear.

"So, the first night we hooked up, in case you couldn't tell, you weren't really my type. I had drank a lot that night... well we both had. And I didn't really plan on hooking up with you, because at the time I was still with Elizabeth..." He began.

I took in a deep breath, I felt like I knew where this was going, and i didn't like it at all.

"So after we hooked up, I basically spread the news around in my friend group. You weren't my type, but you still were one of the hottest girls in this town and all my guy friends agreed. I know it wasn't right, but I wasn't thinking about whether it was right or your feelings. All I cared about was the fact that I slept with Sam Green." He said, giving me a nervous look.

"What? So I was your trophy or something?" I asked, feeling anger flame from within me.

"Listen, I never thought that we would end up together. Or that I would end up feeling this was about you..." He said, giving me a begging look with his dark brown eyes. When I didn't respond he kept going.

"Elizabeth eventually found out about the fact that we hooked up and she was pissed. And at the time I thought she was the one for me, and we were meant to be together. I would have done anything to make her stay with me... So that's what I did. She asked me to call you again and pretend I was really interested in you and wanted to hook up again. Basically she wanted me to make you fall in love with me, and then break your heart." He sighed.

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. was everything we had fake?

"Later the night after I agreed I would do that to you, there was a party with all of my friends. There was a lot of drinking and we ended up playing a drunken game of truth or dare. Apparently earlier that night Elizabeth had told everyone about what she was going to make me do to you. So when it came my turn, they came up with an idea... They basically dared me to take a picture of you naked, the next time we hooked up." He explained.

"You took a picture of me?!" I said, resisting the urge to slap him hard.

"No, I didn't. I couldn't make myself do it, so I ended up just taking a picture from online of some random girl and saying it was you. They believed me."

I couldn't stand to hear anymore. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Everything we had was a lie, everything. I was falling for him, meanwhile he was trying to impress my enemy.

I shook my head and stormed towards the door. Kian stopped my way though.

"Sam, I didn't keep going out with you because of her. I knew there was something interesting about you, something about you attracted me. Sure, it may have been built on a stupid devotion to my old girlfriend, but the relationship between us... that was real. I meant everything I said. When Elizabeth found out I had actual feelings for you, she couldn't stand it. She said if I didn't break up with you that she would tell you everything. And I didn't want you to know. I didn't want to break you." Kian said, nervously running his hands through his hair.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I wanted to speak but I knew my voice would come out shaky and weak.

"I can't be with you anymore, Kian. Whatever, we have, you ruined it long before we even had it." I told him, and quickly ran out of the dorm, not looking back.

I could here his foot steps behind me, but I just kept running. I reached the street and stopped on the other side, turning to face him.

"Don't come closer to me." I warned him, causing him to stop a ways in front of me.

"Sam, I can't be without you!" He shouted, his face looked red.

"Well your going to have to learn." I told him, my voice hoarse.

"I love you." He said, in a heart breaking tone.

"Well-" I was cut off by the sound of a car horn, which nearly gave me a heart attack. I looked back up and nearly choked.


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